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BTinSF Sep 19, 2009 3:39 AM

SAN FRANCISCO | 1101 Van Ness Avenue (CPMC Van Ness Campus) | 226 FT | 12 FLOORS
In accordance with a California law mandating earthquake resistance of all hospitals by 2013, California Pacific Medical Center has been planning a new LEED Silver-rated hospital that conforms to the law. It has purchased property for the project taking up the block bounded by Van Ness Ave., Geary Blvd., Post St. and Franklin St., currently (and for decades) occupied by the Cathedral Hill (formerly Jack Tar) Hotel.

The Jack Tar Hotel

The new hospital will be 290' tall and have 555 beds. Designed by SmithGroup, it is estimated to cost $1.7 billion.

Across Van Ness Ave. at this site:

will be a new medical office complex connected to the hospital by a tunnel under Van Ness Ave. (in at least some versions of the proposal):

The Cathedral Hill Hotel is scheduled to close for good on October 31 of this year (2009) so that demolition and construction of the new project can begin. The new hospital is planned to open in late 2014 or early 2015.

tommaso Oct 15, 2009 11:14 PM

More new and details on this project...
Any more news and details on this project?

peanut gallery Apr 19, 2011 6:50 PM

The links to renderings that BT posted are now broken, so I thought I'd add some new ones.

This is the smaller office building across the street:

All images sourced from: Rebuild CPMC website.

I believe the final EIR is in development. I know the draft EIR was discussed by the Planning Commission in September and there was public comment in March. They are supposed to be back on the Planning agenda in May and June. I assume those are to finalize and approve the EIR, then it's on the BOS.

CyberEric Apr 19, 2011 9:23 PM

Great! Thank you. This looks nice. What is the cross street with Van Ness?

peanut gallery Apr 19, 2011 9:41 PM

You're welcome! It's the block between Geary and Post.

Complex01 Apr 19, 2011 11:36 PM

Hmm interesting. I like the glass. It looks nice...


1977 Apr 20, 2011 12:21 AM

Thanks for the updated renderings. Looks great!

northbay Apr 20, 2011 5:31 AM

looks gorgeous!

peanut gallery Aug 18, 2011 1:09 AM

Didn't realize this was happening, but the smaller medical office building (see the old rendering above) underwent design changes based on input from the Planning Commission.

From the SF Business Times:


California Pacific Medical Center revamps MOB plans at Cathedral Hill
San Francisco Business Times - by Chris Rauber
Monday, August 15, 2011

California Pacific Medical Center , under fire from several quarters for its plans for a $1.7 billion Cathedral Hill hospital and medical office complex near downtown San Francisco, is altering the design of its nine-story, 496,000-square-foot medical office building there.


CPMC made the design changes in response to concerns at the San Francisco Planning Commission about the original “design and scale,” according to an Aug. 11 memo to Planning Commissioners from Elizabeth Watty of the department’s staff. Commissioners wanted the MOB to be more compatible with historic buildings along Van Ness Avenue, “more contextual” and related architecturally to nearby buildings, and smaller in scale.


Among other changes, Watty’s memo noted, CPMC agreed to:

-Replace the structure’s proposed “glass skin” with a concrete cladding with an infilled building grid and "large glass openings” to more closely match neighboring structures.
-Replace the original asymmetrical design with a symmetrical one.
-Put the entry in the center of the structure, rather than the corner.
-Lower the podium to align with other structures nearby, setting back the upper portion from the Van Ness podium facade “to reinforce this structure at the street.”
-Add a “contemporary cornice” at the top to link with other buildings in the vicinity with “strong cornices along the street.”
-Replace large expanses of glass with GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete), “which has a heavier quality and is more similar to the materials of the historic buildings along Van Ness Avenue.”
-“Break up the bulk” of the proposed MOB by using a variety of materials, such as stone, GFRC and glass, and more variation in depth on the building’s facade.
I've tried several times to post the rendering but it just won't work. So go here to check it out:*900.jpg?v=1

Compared to the original, I'd say this is a big step backward. However, if the hospital gets approved I can live with this new design for the smaller office building.

ElDuderino Aug 18, 2011 8:35 PM

:previous: Here you go*900.jpg?v=1
Uploaded with

colemonkee Aug 18, 2011 10:56 PM

I very much prefer the previous design. Oh well.

CyberEric Aug 18, 2011 11:49 PM

Oh neat, another utterly boring design.

peanut gallery Aug 19, 2011 1:00 AM

Yep, pretty disappointing. Thanks ElDuderino!

patriotizzy Aug 19, 2011 11:03 PM

Horrible. Shame on the Planning Commissioners for their decision. The original designs were beautiful.

CyberEric Aug 22, 2011 5:30 PM


Originally Posted by patriotizzy (Post 5384541)
Horrible. Shame on the Planning Commissioners for their decision. The original designs were beautiful.

Yep, this is the mother of all muck-ups. I now hope the project doesn't go forward at all. This design does nothing for Van Ness, nothing for the city, and there are controversies about the need for a hospital there at all. Thumbs down.

peanut gallery Aug 22, 2011 6:00 PM

While this is a dumb change, keep in mind this is just the office building across the street. Doesn't mean the much larger hospital will undergo a similar design change. If the hospital looks like the renderings we've seen for it so far, I'll be happy even with this thing across the street. Now if it gets the same treatment, I'm right there with you.

Gordo Aug 22, 2011 6:02 PM

Also, folks should keep in mind that the new design isn't just from design input from the Planning Commission, or at least we can't say that for sure. The pic at the very beginning of this thread was a very conceptual rendering, and not some kind of ready-to-go plan that was then changed by Planning.

I think that getting this office building on that corner will be a HUGE plus for the area. That block can get pretty disgusting some days/nights, and the current dilapidated and rundown buildings don't help with that. Adding a nice new building with a ton of doctors and visiting patients will really help during the day, and just cleaning up the surroundings should help at night.

NOPA Aug 25, 2011 6:10 AM

Here's an idea: just tear down all of Van Ness and start over. Oh and the planning commission can go fist themselves.

Sonofsoma Aug 26, 2011 6:45 AM

Cathedral Hill Hospital Project in Jeopardy
The degree to which CMPC has been stymied by City politics is unreal.

Lets be clear about what's going on... and remember this is taking place in the midst of a devastating economic recession.

With the mega exception of the $6+billion new Bay Bridge, the CMPC Catherdral Hill hospital complex is/was to be the biggest construction project in the State of California. (The LAX terminal expansion is #3 at $1.5 billion.. for a sense of scale: see 2010 list here [URL=""])

CMPC has had its $1.7 (now $2.5+) billion dollar state-of-the-art medical center project ready to go for nearly 10 years now in anticipation of the 2015 State of California seismic deadline. We now know for certain that date will not be met and CMPC must seek an extension from the state that will add at least $150 million to the project.

The delays are a direct result of actions taken by thepolitical class that runs local government and views CMPC as the last great cash cow. Its astonishing to think they are publically demanding nearly $2 billion -yes, billion - in 'concessions' before allowing the project to proceed. (see:

Nobody talks about it openly, but the Van Ness Project is in real jepoardy.

One has to wonder: Does the San Francisco politic think CMPC/SutterHealth would assemble a mutli-billion dollar project without also having a viable backup plan? Do they assume CMPC's new medical center must be sited within The City & County of San Francisco for it to serve the community?

Daly City hasn't.

Can you picture a gleaming new medical center with an address of say... One John Daly Blvd. ("top of the hill!") or perhaps a sprawling hillside medical campus with panoramic views of the bay and room to grow - located where "San Francisco's" Drive-In theater used to be?


peanut gallery Dec 16, 2011 11:03 PM

Finally, some good news. From The Examiner:


CPMC on verge of closing deal for $1.9B hospital
By: Dan Schreiber | 11/23/11 5:00 PM
SF Examiner Staff Writer

After nearly seven years of wrangling between San Francisco and the California Pacific Medical Center, a basic agreement for a massive new hospital in The City appears to be only weeks away.

CPMC spokesman Kevin McCormack said he expects a deal to be reached in the next two weeks — and at least by the end of the year — for the remaining “tiny details” to be settled on a $1.9 billion, 555-bed facility on Cathedral Hill. The hospital plan itself would have to go through The City’s Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

McCormack, who declined to reveal more details, said he is cautiously hopeful, mentioning a news story from 2004 that said CPMC “hopes to break ground” on the hospital by 2006.

“But we’re optimistic,” McCormack said. “We’re closer than we’ve ever been.”

Christine Falvey, a spokeswoman for Mayor Ed Lee, echoed the sentiment.

“There is good progress being made and it’s going in a positive direction,” Falvey said.
Sounds like they've pretty much come to an agreement on the shakedown CPMC will have to pay the city.

1977 Dec 17, 2011 1:02 AM

That is great news! Thanks Peanut Gallery. Is that the most up to date rendering? If so, it looks a lot better than the last tweak we saw -- much closer to the original design.

peanut gallery Dec 17, 2011 2:28 AM

Actually, I think that might be the original design. Sure looks like it to me. I'd guess that the Examiner just picked up the older version.

1977 Dec 17, 2011 3:53 AM


Originally Posted by peanut gallery (Post 5519802)
I'd guess that the Examiner just picked up the older version.

I wish the city did as well.

1977 Mar 28, 2012 4:34 AM

This passed a major hurdle tonight. If all goes well, it should break ground this summer. :tup:


California Pacific, Mayor Ed Lee reach agreement on controversial $1.7B Cathedral Hill hospital project
San Francisco Business Times by Chris Rauber, Reporter
Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 6:24pm PDT - Last Modified: Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 7:10pm PDT

Officials at California Pacific Medical Center and the city of San Francisco say they have reached a proposed development agreement that would allow the Sutter Health flagship hospital in San Francisco to build its controversial $1.7 billion hospital at the site of the old Cathedral Hill hotel.
In return, according to the agreement's executive summary, CPMC would guarantee to provide $1.1 billion in community benefits over a number of years.
The proposed agreement came after months of negotiation between California Pacific and San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.
Source and article:


If all goes well, he said, the commission and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors would agree to the proposed plan by May, and CPMC would be able to proceed with the early stages of prep work by mid-summer.
However, Browner indicated it would take a minimum of 30 days after the April 5 meeting for the Planning Commission to move forward.
We’re hoping by July,” Browner said. “This project has been delayed long enough.”

peanut gallery Mar 28, 2012 4:45 AM

About freaking time!

1977 Mar 28, 2012 4:46 AM


Originally Posted by peanut gallery (Post 5644312)
About freaking time!

Right?! Too much damn red tape in this town.

Btw, there is a pretty nice animation of the development here.

peanut gallery Mar 28, 2012 4:38 PM

Here's a little more detail on the deal, from SFGate:


According to the deal with California Pacific Medical Center, the city will allow the group to build and renovate five facilities in return for the following:

-- $86 million in annual charitable care

-- $62 million for affordable housing

-- $20 million to help community health care institutions form managed-care networks

-- $20 million for Muni facilities and service

-- $13 million for pedestrian safety and streetscape improvements

-- There will also be a cap on premium increases for city employees and retirees.
The article has other details as well. BTW, the $1.1B figure mentioned above (I've also seen $2.5B; what's an extra billion among friends?) includes economic impact from construction.

As long as the city was going to put the squeeze on them, I'm glad they included funding for Muni, which I assume is for Van Ness BRT, and streetscape improvements. Hopefully the later is enough to improve more than the block in front of the hospital. Van Ness has the potential to be a really good boulevard.

fflint Mar 29, 2012 2:40 AM

Key details from the Chronicle article:

*555-bed hospital built on Van Ness
*9 story office building on the same block

I'm not sure this is still going to be 295 ft. tall going by this rendering from the Chron:

WildCowboy Mar 29, 2012 2:06 PM

As of this December 2011 fact sheet, it was supposed to be 265 feet.

peanut gallery Mar 30, 2012 6:51 AM

That's plenty recent. I hadn't noticed before, but it does look much shorter than 290'. Maybe a mod can fix the thread title.

minesweeper Apr 6, 2012 7:57 PM

One approval down, a couple more to go
S.F. gives OK for CPMC to start getting permits
Stephanie M. Lee
Friday, April 6, 2012


California Pacific Medical Center's proposed massive expansion in San Francisco won approval Thursday to begin getting permits to build and renovate five medical facilities.

However, members of the Planning Commission signaled in their 5-2 vote that they expect the final plan to address issues ranging from funding to traffic before they give it their full blessing.


A pedestrian tunnel under Van Ness Avenue would connect the facility to a new, nine-story medical office building across the street. The plan exceeds existing city limits. The site of the planned hospital permits a 240-foot-tall building, for instance, but the Planning Commission agreed to consider allowing the hospital to be 265 feet tall, along with other zoning changes.

A final version of the development agreement is expected to be presented to the Planning Commission April 26.

peanut gallery Apr 27, 2012 6:27 AM

Planning approved the EIR today 5-1.

And on Wednesday, SocketSite reported that CPMC has already filed for the demolition permit.

By the way, that SFGate article mentions that the hospital will be 15 stories and 875,000 square feet.

fflint Apr 27, 2012 10:28 PM

Confirmed the tower will be 265 ft. tall:


The Planning Commission approved exemptions to several zoning laws so the structures can be built as planned. The site of the planned hospital permits a 240-foot-tall building, but the commission allowed the hospital to be 265 feet. At the St. Luke's campus, where the current maximum height allowed is 88 feet, the hospital can be rebuilt at 99 feet and an office building can be 100 feet.

Read more:

minesweeper Jun 26, 2012 6:45 PM

Unfortunately, the deal has hit a snag
But, I can't imagine this will remain unresolved for too long; there's simply too much at stake:


CPMC hospital deal hits snag; Mayor Ed Lee tries to renegotiate
John Coté, Jun 25, 2012

Mayor Ed Lee’s staff acknowledged Monday the mayor needs to renegotiate a key provision of his deal with California Pacific Medical Center to overhaul its medical facilities after it was revealed that the complex deal does not guarantee the long-term operation of a new St. Luke’s hospital in the Mission District.

A viable, rebuilt St. Luke’s operating for at least the next 20 years had been touted by Lee as a selling point in the deal. It also is a crucial component for many supervisors who are being asked to approve the $2.5 billion construction project, whose centerpiece is a new 555-bed hospital on Cathedral Hill.

When Lee rolled out the agreement in March touting its job creation, the deal included an escape clause that allowed CPMC to close St. Luke’s if the system’s operating margin fell below 1 percent for two years in a row.

The original projections showed operating margins well above that level, but new cost and revenue projections that CPMC provided within the past two weeks come “close” to the trigger point, said Ken Rich, the main negotiator with the mayor’s economic development office.

SF born and RAISED Mar 5, 2013 3:47 AM

I wonder how the reduction from 555 beds to 274 beds would affect the size and height of the building.

viewguysf Mar 6, 2013 3:22 AM


Originally Posted by SF born and RAISED (Post 6038312)

I wonder how the reduction from 555 beds to 274 beds would affect the size and height of the building.

It has actually been reduced from 555 to 304 beds, according to this revision in the SF Business Times.

WildCowboy Mar 6, 2013 3:03 PM

^^^It's 274 beds initially, and they have the option to add 30 more if St. Luke's is operating at at least 75% capacity a year after it opens.

mthd Mar 6, 2013 8:27 PM

this whole thing is a tragic joke. i pray that CPMC/sutter health has actually calculated demand for hospital beds in the city and these new greatly reduced numbers meet that demand. otherwise this is just two-bit politicians playing political games with the health of everyone in the city.

yes. hospitals are big business. but all they're accomplishing by adding layers and layers of fees and constraints is INCREASING the cost of health care, when they should be doing exactly the opposite.

if CPMC had built the SOM design from 2003ish the hospital would be finished and operational and massive amounts of money would have been saved.

NOPA Mar 8, 2013 1:32 AM

What a fucking joke. This is why I have no hope for development in this city.

peanut gallery Jul 12, 2013 6:01 PM

This was finally and officially approved yesterday. From the SF Business Times:


"It's official," said officials at California Pacific Medical Center. Mayor Ed Lee earlier this afternoon signed a bill that permits CPMC to proceed with its $2 billion new Cathedral Hill hospital and a related rebuild of St. Luke's Hospital.
The hospital hopes to begin demolition of the Cathedral Hill Hotel at Geary Ave. and Van Ness Blvd. by the end of the year.

Grantenfuego Jul 14, 2013 5:42 PM

Is there any ground floor retail planned for either of these? If not I would be sad that we lost so much on Van Ness and Geary.

viewguysf Jul 14, 2013 8:07 PM


Originally Posted by Grantenfuego (Post 6197507)
Is there any ground floor retail planned for either of these? If not I would be sad that we lost so much on Van Ness and Geary.

How could we loose what we never had? This will be a vast improvement over what is there now and will also restore the street line on Van Ness. Remember too that the medical office building will be built across the street, which will remove two blighted buildings at the NE corner of Van Ness and Geary. CPMC's core business has nothing to do with retail (except for medical center gift and sports medicine shops) and everything to do with operating a world class medical center.

Grantenfuego Jul 15, 2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by viewguysf (Post 6197623)
How could we loose what we never had? This will be a vast improvement over what is there now and will also restore the street line on Van Ness. Remember too that the medical office building will be built across the street, which will remove two blighted buildings at the NE corner of Van Ness and Geary. CPMC's core business has nothing to do with retail (except for medical center gift and sports medicine shops) and everything to do with operating a world class medical center.

It will be great to have the street line back on the west side of Van Ness, it's terrible the way it is now. I'm referring to the east side of Van Ness where there used to be a 24 hour doughnut shop, a furniture store, a Peruvian restaurant and Geary where there was a couple bars. I'm sure street level will look nicer when these buildings are finished, but Van Ness is becoming more and more auto-oriented as pedestrians have fewer reasons to go there.

viewguysf Jul 16, 2013 6:39 AM


Originally Posted by Grantenfuego (Post 6198210)
It will be great to have the street line back on the west side of Van Ness, it's terrible the way it is now. I'm referring to the east side of Van Ness where there used to be a 24 hour doughnut shop, a furniture store, a Peruvian restaurant and Geary where there was a couple bars. I'm sure street level will look nicer when these buildings are finished, but Van Ness is becoming more and more auto-oriented as pedestrians have fewer reasons to go there.

Got it. The last couple of times I've walked up or down Van Ness between California and Civic Center, I've found it to be consistently filthy, with fewer enticements for going there. I agree.

minesweeper Nov 8, 2013 5:44 PM

Interior demolition started in September, and the ceremonial groundbreaking was held last week and demolition is expected to take until April 2014.

Then excavation and shoring is expected to take the rest of 2014 and the project will finish in 2019 (!) according to the milestone schedule:

simms3_redux Dec 2, 2013 4:11 PM

Weekend of 11/30:

Reminiscence Dec 17, 2013 1:58 AM

I was able to drive through the area earlier today, though not enough time to take any pictures. Demolition seems to still be progressing at a steady pace and looks pretty similar to what is pictured above. I'm still fairly surprised this whole thing was able to go through, and I'm glad because I certainly won't miss what was there despite its history.

viewguysf Jul 3, 2014 4:21 AM

4 months
Drilling has started at the southwest corner (Geary @ Franklin) of the site.

[IMG] drilling by viewguysf, on Flickr[/IMG]

Here is that area on FEB 21st:

[IMG] Hill Hotel demo SW by viewguysf, on Flickr[/IMG]

The same comparison for the southeast section (Geary @ Van Ness):

[IMG] by viewguysf, on Flickr[/IMG]

[IMG] Hill Hotel demo SE by viewguysf, on Flickr[/IMG]

Here's the mess across Van Ness and going down Geary that will soon be demolished to make way for the medical office building.

[IMG] Medical Office Bldg Site by viewguysf, on Flickr[/IMG]

timbad Jul 12, 2014 8:06 PM

socketsite has a current shot of the site:

simms3_redux Aug 7, 2014 2:54 AM

It looks like they have reached bottom with excavation. Seemed to go pretty quickly, but the site is at varying grades, so probably easier to dig out than the size of the site would suggest.

Malcom is on-site with drill rigs (presumably for caissons) and cement mixers. This should be in full swing before we know it and will likely be a lot of cranes. :notacrook:

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