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newflyer Mar 16, 2007 11:03 AM

Business in Winnipeg
Since we have been realiegned I thought it would be great to add this thread. It a place where we can post and discuss the business in our city.

Here is an clip from the Chamber Wire :


Chamber Magazine Now Available

The latest edition of The Chamber Wire magazine is now available to all Chamber members. This special issue focuses on the workforce shortage that currently exists in Manitoba

newflyer Mar 17, 2007 6:30 AM

There are rumours that FP Trust (Free Press) is an active takeover target. This can be nothing but great news. Weither its Thompson or Canwest the level of content will be greatly enhanced if a takeover were to happen. :tup:

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 5:30 PM

From the chamber website..

Chamber Urges Finance Minister to be Competitive

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Dave Angus is calling on the Doer government to ensure Manitoba is more competitive when it comes to taxation in their upcoming budget. The Chamber made the following three recommendations to Manitoba Finance Minister Greg Selinger in its pre-budget submission:

1. The province should outline a long-term provincial tax strategy to provide the business community with confidence and certainty that tax reduction is a priority.

2. The province should set a target of having Manitoba’s tax levels in the top three most competitive when compared with other provinces.

3. The province should look at the provincial tax threshold levels on an annual basis to ensure we are competitive with other provinces.

Only The Lonely.. Apr 6, 2007 6:19 PM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2696570)
There are rumours that FP Trust (Free Press) is an active takeover target. This can be nothing but great news. Weither its Thompson or Canwest the level of content will be greatly enhanced if a takeover were to happen. :tup:


newflyer Apr 6, 2007 8:35 PM

It is very strange to think how far behind Winnipeg's printed media is compared to other cities across the nation. I mean there is a very good arguement that the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. I know its not very good, but the Free Press is much worse in my eyes.

I'd take the Regina Leader Post way before the Winnipeg Free Press. The quanity and quality of the content is not even close. Of course Regina is about a quater of the size... :koko:

Its looking like a take over target.. and Canwest has always been interested in owning the hometown paper. It would definatly improve the city's printed media coverage by at least 10 to 20 times.

Imagine having a real paper.. one which actually reports 365 days a year. With.. you know real sections .. on local news, national news, world news, business news (local and national/international and quotes), sports (local and national/international) .. instead of a weak condenced summary of each as it has now. It makes me wonder whether Peggers know how much they are missing.

bc2mb Apr 6, 2007 10:04 PM

trust me, canwest has been trying to buy the WFP for years... but the price is too high in their view.

still... things are getting really cozy between the two companies... there's global news video on the WFP website and CanWest MediaWorks also does their media buying now.

i'd say within the next 2 years there will be a deal.

bc2mb Apr 6, 2007 10:05 PM

also agree that even the Regina LP and Saskatoon SP are superior papers.

Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun are the best ones in my opinion.

LilZebra Apr 6, 2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2696570)
There are rumours that FP Trust (Free Press) is an active takeover target. This can be nothing but great news. Weither its Thompson or Canwest the level of content will be greatly enhanced if a takeover were to happen. :tup:


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2748323)
It is very strange to think how far behind Winnipeg's printed media is compared to other cities across the nation. I mean there is a very good arguement that the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. I know its not very good, but the Free Press is much worse in my eyes.

I'd take the Regina Leader Post way before the Winnipeg Free Press. The quanity and quality of the content is not even close. Of course Regina is about a quater of the size... :koko:

Its looking like a take over target.. and Canwest has always been interested in owning the hometown paper. It would definatly improve the city's printed media coverage by at least 10 to 20 times.

Imagine having a real paper.. one which actually reports 365 days a year. With.. you know real sections .. on local news, national news, world news, business news (local and national/international and quotes), sports (local and national/international) .. instead of a weak condenced summary of each as it has now. It makes me wonder whether Peggers know how much they are missing.

I don't know why you think that if Thompson Newspapers bought up the Free Press again, that doing so would magically transform the newspaper and double the number of content pages.

They owned it between 1980 (the day the Trib closed forever) and 2002 (during the True North arena sh1t -- they bought up the Eaton's building and eaton place that's why they were so rah-rah in favour of the Arena).

I would much rather prefer Canwest buy it up, since Canwest is more of a Canadian company than Thompson is.

But I do agree with you that they would make the paper a tad more contenty. I'd too would like to see a good Business section and an expanded Local News section. Leave the National and International stuff to the Globe and the Post.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by bc2mb (Post 2748578)
trust me, canwest has been trying to buy the WFP for years... but the price is too high in their view.

still... things are getting really cozy between the two companies... there's global news video on the WFP website and CanWest MediaWorks also does their media buying now.

i'd say within the next 2 years there will be a deal.

The FP has had a declining balance sheet for the last number of years and are open to offers.

The current ownership group has bled the equity of the company and now need to look for altenatives.

I'd agree than when the paper was for sale a couple years ago the price it went for wasn't prudent, but I believe today will reflect a much more realistic value. I also look for it to be taken over within the next year if not sooner.

trueviking Apr 6, 2007 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2748323)
I mean there is a very good arguement that the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city.

yeah, i dont think so....


Winnipeg Free Press
Monday to Friday 117,966
Saturday 162,314

Winnipeg Sun
Monday to Friday 40,031
Saturday 38,992

since the free press is the most successful newspaper in its market in the country, i would suggest that most winnipeggers dont agree with your assessment.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by jimj_wpg (Post 2748727)
I don't know why you think that if Thompson Newspapers bought up the Free Press again, that doing so would magically transform the newspaper and double the number of content pages.

They owned it between 1980 (the day the Trib closed forever) and 2002 (during the True North arena sh1t -- they bought up the Eaton's building and eaton place that's why they were so rah-rah in favour of the Arena).

I would much rather prefer Canwest buy it up, since Canwest is more of a Canadian company than Thompson is.

I am not taking favorites.. just that things will improve either way.

.. and I also agree the Free Press has been a mindless cheer leader, who refused to challenge the status quo. Which is the best arguement to why the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. It challenges the those in power.

With that said I think it was very justifiable to support the True North Project as it was proven to be a massive success. If it did't go through it would still be an empty department store. It also lead MEC and A&B to invest in the area.. as the plans were on the table when they made there investment.

Now that A&B has closed I am hoping another retailer will soon take over that location. It recieved a good amount of investment and is ready to go.. just needs some paint on the exterior and a new sign.

I am not sure why you'd suggest Thompson media isn't Canadian ... as Canadian as you can get in my books.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2748738)
yeah, i dont think so....


Winnipeg Free Press
Monday to Friday 117,966
Saturday 162,314

Winnipeg Sun
Monday to Friday 40,031
Saturday 38,992

since the free press is the most successful newspaper in its market in the country, i would suggest that most winnipeggers dont agree with your assessment.

I never said it was the most read, just the best paper if you value content. The Suns numbers don't agree with those by the way .. I guess they can be fudged... but the financials don't lie.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:39 PM

Actually the Sun numbers may include online readership...

Lee_Haber8 Apr 6, 2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by bc2mb (Post 2748581)
also agree that even the Regina LP and Saskatoon SP are superior papers.

Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun are the best ones in my opinion.

Can't agree with you more - I love getting a hold of a Gazette when I can.

theruler462 Apr 7, 2007 1:46 AM

Seems to me the Freep lost some credibility a couple years back when they stopped publishing the stock quotes every day as opposed to only on Sundays. I just came back from Minneapolis and I found many similarites between both newspapers. The Star-Tribune has a much wider variety in terms of sections and content but the main section is still built the same. One article surrounded by advertising on all sides. You can't be serious though about the Sun being a better newspaper. Printing a couple AP or CP articles and calling it "world" or "business" doesn't cut it.

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 2:18 AM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2748746)
.. and I also agree the Free Press has been a mindless cheer leader, who refused to challenge the status quo. Which is the best arguement to why the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. It challenges the those in power.

the sun is not even a newspaper....its a mindless rag that bows to the lowest common has a centrefold for goodness sake.

their editor actually responds with one line zingers to every letter to the editor if it isnt in agreement with his narrow minded outlook....its so bush league it isnt even funny.

regularily the front page is adorned by a full page photo of tom cruise or some random girl in a bikini....

....the herald/metro/lance etc. papers have more credibility

theruler462 Apr 7, 2007 2:28 AM


LilZebra Apr 7, 2007 2:29 AM

If the Free Press could become more like the Toronto Star in outlook and in its content:ad ratio, then it'd be a nicer paper.

I wrote about this subject in my blog last year:

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 2:39 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2749044)
the sun is not even a newspaper....its a mindless rag that bows to the lowest common has a centrefold for goodness sake.

their editor actually responds with one line zingers to every letter to the editor if it isnt in agreement with his narrow minded outlook....its so bush league it isnt even funny.

regularily the front page is adorned by a full page photo of tom cruise or some random girl in a bikini....

....the herald/metro/lance etc. papers have more credibility

I'm not saying I'm a fan of the Sun... but honestly what editorials get people talking more? The Free Press is made up of mindless views. The sun publishes articles from the chamber and the taxpayers federation.. something the Free Press would never do, less it isolates itself from its union masters. Historically it has always be a left of centre paper and it hasn't moved to far from those roots.

What paper has a better sports page? ... the Free Press used to win this one hands down .. what happened?

What paper has better local news content?? .. not the Free Press.

What paper published 365 days a year... not the Free Press.. and you call that a real paper??? Not in my books. Get back to me when they take the news serious enough to serve it up fresh. This alone makes it the worlds biggest joke of a paper. No integrety to the job at hand.

Neither paper has a business section .. which is fine for a "mindless rag" .. but the Free Press is suppose to be a real city paper. Its an imbarassment to the city.

The Free Press can't be considered anything but the cheapest daily in Canada. Its horrible .. mindless editorials.. and minimum content to save costs... its more of a flyer than a paper.

Trust me .. when I'm in Winnipeg I pick up the Sun for local news and sports and then a National Post for everything else.

Its just too bad that Winnipeg doesn't have a complete quality newspaper... hense when the Free Press is taken over by a larger publishing company it will be a very good day for Winnipegers... hopefully it will be renamed The Winnipeg Tribune, as it was the last quality paper to carry Winnipeg's name.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 2:46 AM


Originally Posted by theruler462 (Post 2749055)

The Free Press won't publish 2 of the next 3 days ... Its called no dedication to the profession. Can you imagine a TV station not broadcasting on holidays? :koko:

Then add this mis-step to the micro-mini Sunday and Minday version of this already limited content paper. No thanks. :rolleyes: .. it reminds me of the Calgary Metro .. without the content.

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