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sirkingwilliam Nov 12, 2016 1:28 PM

SAN ANTONIO │ Credit Human HQ | 188 FEET | 12 FLOORS & 6 FLOORS │ U/C


Pearl developer Silver Ventures plans to build a 10-story office tower with retail shops on the ground floor at the complex’s entrance, contributing to the urban renaissance that city planners are trying to foster in the lower Broadway corridor.

The 3.1-acre development, which would take up nearly the entire block at the northwest corner of Broadway and Pearl Parkway in Tobin Hill, is still in early planning stages, Silver Ventures spokeswoman Elizabeth Fauerso said. The developers have decided not to add multifamily housing because several new apartment buildings have recently been built nearby and there’s high demand for office space.

“To invest in the Broadway corridor as a commercial corridor, in addition to being a residential corridor, is important to the long-term viability of this neighborhood,” Fauerso said. Building office space will create “a great neighborhood that survives and thrives through different market trends.”

At 10 stories, the development will tower over the midrise apartment buildings on lower Broadway. Plans submitted to the city indicate that its highest occupied floor will be 150 feet up and that its highest architectural feature will be at 195 feet.

It will be among the tallest buildings at the Pearl, where the Cellars at Pearl apartment tower under construction along the River Walk will have about 10 stories when complete. Developers hope it will encourage the construction of more tall buildings on lower Broadway, Fauerso said, restoring the corridor to the “vibrant central artery” that it was in its heyday when the Pearl Brewery was running.

“We hope that the density pushes out, extends north and south,” she said. “It should feel like a really easy thing to stroll from the Pearl to the (DoSeum) children’s museum. In 10 years, I hope that we’re in that situation.”

The city Zoning Commission will vote Tuesday on Silver Venture’s request to rezone the 3.1 acres to allow for the project. It will go before the Historic and Design Review Commission on Dec. 2.

Silver Ventures hasn’t yet decided whether it will develop the project on its own or take on a partner, Fauerso said. The office space will be class A, and a parking garage will be incorporated into the development.

The retail aspect of the project is “up in the air,” Fauerso said. “Nothing’s off the table.”

The project has the support of Cody Doege, president of the Tobin Hill Community Association, who said he’s glad the neighborhood will get more office space. He wants lower Broadway to become more urban, and he doesn’t think the tower would affect the neighborhood’s less dense residential areas.

“Silver Ventures has been a great neighbor,” he said. “We have always embraced what they brought to the table.”

Rose Hill, president of the neighborhood association for nearby Government Hill, is also supportive. She noted that the development would bring jobs to the area.

“Government Hill is booming” thanks to the Pearl, said Hill, a longtime resident of the area. “There’s new development, new restaurants going up. ... It’s brought a lot of different cultures to the area and a lot of diversity.”

The lower Broadway corridor has become one of San Antonio’s premier growth areas since Silver Ventures rehabilitated the vacant Pearl Brewery into a mixed-use complex about a decade ago. It has spawned midrise apartment complexes such as 1800 Broadway and the Rivera Luxury Apartments, which opened in September on the other side of Interstate 35 from the Pearl. The opening of the DoSeum last year and the ongoing expansion of the Witte Museum have also raised Broadway’s profile.

Broadway is being primed for more growth. GrayStreet Partners, a local developer that is doing big things downtown, has amassed nearly 4 acres of property on both sides of the corridor between Casa Blanca Street and the 1800 Broadway apartment building. It recently demolished a building at Broadway and Newell for an as-yet-unplanned retail project.

The Pearl itself is growing fast. The complex recently celebrated the opening of its first music venue, Jazz TX, as well as a new wine bar. Condé Nast Traveler just named the luxurious Hotel Emma the No. 1 hotel in Texas and No. 3 in the United States in its 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards. A food hall is expected to open next spring, and the Cellars at Pearl apartment tower is taking shape.

The city is working on infrastructure improvements around the Pearl to prepare for more residential growth. Last summer, the City Council approved a request by Silver Ventures to close Schiller Street and part of Easy Quincy Street near the River Walk to make room for more growth. Silver Ventures owns almost 3 acres of land on the undeveloped western bank of the San Antonio River.

Fauerso said Friday that Silver Ventures will concentrate on the office tower before turning to other projects, but she noted that the riverside properties would be well-suited for multifamily.

The site of the proposed office tower is now occupied by the Stay Golden Social House bar, a parking lot and two vacant buildings. It’s too early in the planning process to say whether Stay Golden will be forced to move, Fauerso said. Sam’s Burger Joint at Grayson Street and Avenue B won’t be affected, she said.

JACKinBeantown Nov 14, 2016 6:14 PM

Great news! I'd prefer a little more ground level retail than just "at the complex's entrance" but at least it's there.

jaga185 Nov 14, 2016 7:20 PM

I'm worried about Stay Golden. That's a cool little bar. I hope they work with them to relocate somewhere close and dont close down for good.

sirkingwilliam Dec 17, 2016 8:38 AM

AwesomeSAView Dec 17, 2016 4:50 PM

Very nice renderings!
A welcome addition to the "Broadway/Pearl" corridor.:cheers:

KevinFromTexas Dec 18, 2016 5:33 AM

That looks nice and fits perfectly with that area.

JACKinBeantown Dec 18, 2016 2:19 PM


Keep-SA-Lame Dec 19, 2016 4:36 PM


Onward Dec 19, 2016 7:13 PM

Much better than expected. Fits in real nicely.

jaga185 Dec 19, 2016 7:29 PM

This looks like something that is already there. I love it!

Keep-SA-Lame Dec 20, 2016 5:14 PM

Looking over the HDRC packet, it's worth noting that this is also a mixed use project (it has ~18,000 sq ft of retail facing Broadway and Pearl Parkway).

jaga185 Mar 7, 2017 3:37 PM

Final approval goes next week!

Sigaven Mar 10, 2017 5:25 PM

didn't see the renderings for this project till just now! looks great!!!

sirkingwilliam Mar 12, 2017 6:40 AM


JACKinBeantown Mar 12, 2017 3:22 PM


The Model Apr 4, 2017 2:17 PM

[IMG] near Pearl by Raul Medina III, on Flickr[/IMG]
I'm starting to get the before photos, so then I have a cool before and after pictures when this project is done.

KevinFromTexas Jul 6, 2017 11:30 PM

FAA permit for this says 188 feet, but I'm thinking this number is probably either for the main roof slab or the main roof parapet and that the 195 foot number is for the mechanical penthouse roof. Either that or they could have been measuring from a different side of the building where the ground elevation was different. In any case, I'm inclined to go with the 195 foot number since it's quoted from the developers.

Structure Type: Building
Structure Name: Pearl Office Development

Structure Height:

jaga185 Jul 6, 2017 11:51 PM

I passed by casually, not thinking anything was happening. They started tearing down buildings and clearing the site! Sorry I couldn't snap a pic.

Fireoutofclay Sep 13, 2017 5:41 PM

City, county offer $8.8M in incentives to Credit Human to move to Pearl, sources say

By Richard Webner and Patrick Danner
Updated 9:06 pm, Saturday, September 9, 2017


The city and county are offering $8.8 million in tax and other incentives to Credit Human, a local credit union, to move its headquarters from the Northwest Side to an office tower at the Pearl, according to three people with direct knowledge of the plans.

The Model Mar 2, 2018 5:27 AM

[IMG] by Raul Medina III, on Flickr[/IMG]

This view will be changing dramatically soon!

AwesomeSAView Mar 2, 2018 5:54 PM

There's a lot of excavation activity going on in the development area!
A new crane will soon arise.......:cheers:

Fryguy Mar 2, 2018 10:35 PM

Is that number - 195 ft tall, correct? That seems completely off for only 10 floors.

Keep-SA-Lame Mar 4, 2018 3:04 PM


Originally Posted by Fryguy (Post 8105966)
Is that number - 195 ft tall, correct? That seems completely off for only 10 floors.

From the original article:

"At 10 stories, the development will tower over the midrise apartment buildings on lower Broadway. Plans submitted to the city indicate that its highest occupied floor will be 150 feet up and that its highest architectural feature will be at 195 feet."

Fryguy Mar 4, 2018 9:47 PM


Originally Posted by Keep-SA-Lame (Post 8107130)
From the original article:

"At 10 stories, the development will tower over the midrise apartment buildings on lower Broadway. Plans submitted to the city indicate that its highest occupied floor will be 150 feet up and that its highest architectural feature will be at 195 feet."

Not complaining at all. I just have never heard of such a structure with only 10 floors and over 150 in height. Crazy. I think, comparability, this has BofA New York beat. :sly:

KevinFromTexas Mar 6, 2018 9:10 PM

Office buildings have been trending toward having higher ceiling heights. Developers are taking advantage of more natural light to reduce energy costs. A 15-story office building that was completed last year in Austin ended up being 219 feet to the top of the mechanical penthouse.

PDG91 Mar 14, 2018 6:05 PM

Just a nice little update on the construction site. Still a whole lot of excavating going on but work is getting done!

KevinFromTexas Mar 29, 2018 2:11 PM

FAA permit for the cranes. These first two are probably the initial height of the cranes once they put them up. The 252 and 220 foot heights are probably the height of the cranes once they reach their peak height as the building is topped out.

192 feet

160 feet

252 feet

220 feet

AwesomeSAView Apr 20, 2018 7:46 PM

Cranes on Broadway!
Think there is a crane going up for this development as I drove by there today:cheers:

babysal Apr 25, 2018 3:25 PM

Credit Human Headquarters Project
Anyone aware of a construction cam? Looks like there's major work going on at the site and they seem to be prepping for multiple cranes.

JACKinBeantown Apr 25, 2018 5:57 PM

This is my second favorite SA project. It looks classic and classy, and it has retail.

UltraDanPrime Apr 25, 2018 9:33 PM

Another home run! SA just keeps em comin!

AwesomeSAView May 5, 2018 12:23 AM

Base of crane up as of Friday 05/04/2018:cheers:

Another crane going up this coming week??:yes:

txex06 May 11, 2018 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by AwesomeSAView (Post 8177414)
Base of crane up as of Friday 05/04/2018:cheers:

Another crane going up this coming week??:yes:

Looks like two cranes are going up.

SAguy May 11, 2018 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by txex06 (Post 8184390)
Looks like two cranes are going up.

Any pix? I haven't lived in SA for almost 10 years so this and other sites is my way in keeping up with all the developments in SA.

JACKinBeantown May 12, 2018 5:08 PM

You can see the cranes in the northeast Frost Tower web cam.

JoninATX May 12, 2018 7:32 PM

Seeing all those cranes remind me of Austin.

Spoiler May 12, 2018 7:34 PM


Originally Posted by JoninATX (Post 8185988)
Seeing all those cranes remind me of Austin.


jaga185 May 12, 2018 7:57 PM

From today

Runner May 12, 2018 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by JoninATX (Post 8185988)
Seeing all those cranes remind me of Austin.


RobertS4 May 12, 2018 10:57 PM

How many cranes are up in downtown/ or near downtown?

jaga185 May 13, 2018 1:37 AM


Originally Posted by RobertS4 (Post 8186123)
How many cranes are up in downtown/ or near downtown?


This tower
Pearl South
Thompson Hotel/Condos

AwesomeSAView May 14, 2018 5:12 PM


Originally Posted by jaga185 (Post 8186234)

This tower
Pearl South
Thompson Hotel/Condos


KevinFromTexas May 18, 2018 10:06 AM|Text|&Search=

Here's the site plan with elevations.

The heights for the taller building are:

188 feet to the pyramidal roof

181 feet to the mechanical roof

168 feet to the main roof

152 feet to the 12th (highest occupied floor)


The 2nd shorter tower is connected to the taller one by a 5-story podium

The heights for the shorter tower are:

117 feet to the mechanical roof

104 feet to the main roof

88 feet to the 8th (highest occupied floor).


I had to use a sheet of paper to measure the pyramidal roof since it didn't have a height listed for it. There is a detailed section of that part of the roof on page 20 that I used to measure it. The mechanical roof height is 181 feet as shown in the elevations, and I measured up from there. I marked it off and measured my spacing against the heights they provided for some of the detail below the roof to the right on page 20, and I came up with 7 feet. My marks came up just past that the line above the 6 foot section below the roof. Above that 6 foot section, is a 4 foot section. I marked that 4 foot section off and divided it into quarters. The top line I had measured equaled one foot according to that. So, the pyramidal roof rises 7 feet above the mechanical roof. So, the height of the building should be 188 feet. That number, if you remember, is the same as the FAA permit that I found last July.

AwesomeSAView May 19, 2018 12:58 AM

10 or 12 stories
I thought this was a 10 story building. Is it a 12 story building now?:cheers:

Fryguy May 19, 2018 1:31 AM


Originally Posted by KevinFromTexas (Post 8192138)|Text|&Search=

Here's the site plan with elevations.

The heights for the taller building are:

188 feet to the pyramidal roof

181 feet to the mechanical roof

168 feet to the main roof

152 feet to the 12th (highest occupied floor)


The 2nd shorter tower is connected to the taller one by a 5-story podium

The heights for the shorter tower are:

117 feet to the mechanical roof

104 feet to the main roof

88 feet to the 8th (highest occupied floor).


I had to use a sheet of paper to measure the pyramidal roof since it didn't have a height listed for it. There is a detailed section of that part of the roof on page 20 that I used to measure it. The mechanical roof height is 181 feet as shown in the elevations, and I measured up from there. I marked it off and measured my spacing against the heights they provided for some of the detail below the roof to the right on page 20, and I came up with 7 feet. My marks came up just past that the line above the 6 foot section below the roof. Above that 6 foot section, is a 4 foot section. I marked that 4 foot section off and divided it into quarters. The top line I had measured equaled one foot according to that. So, the pyramidal roof rises 7 feet above the mechanical roof. So, the height of the building should be 188 feet. That number, if you remember, is the same as the FAA permit that I found last July.

Can you do one of the Canopy?

KevinFromTexas May 19, 2018 3:41 AM


Originally Posted by Fryguy (Post 8193040)
Can you do one of the Canopy?

I haven't found one yet. I'm also looking for one for the JMJ Towers. Unfortunately, too, the HDRC files only go back to 2015, after that they're not online anymore, and you have to do an open records request to view the physical copies. Oh, how I wish I could do that. A smorgasbord of San Antonio building heights for the older buildings. It would help clear up some of the mystery about the heights for the Marriott Rivercenter and Weston Centre.

Fryguy May 19, 2018 7:41 AM


Originally Posted by KevinFromTexas (Post 8193199)
I haven't found one yet. I'm also looking for one for the JMJ Towers. Unfortunately, too, the HDRC files only go back to 2015, after that they're not online anymore, and you have to do an open records request to view the physical copies. Oh, how I wish I could do that. A smorgasbord of San Antonio building heights for the older buildings. It would help clear up some of the mystery about the heights for the Marriott Rivercenter and Weston Centre.

The JMJ Towers has yet been under any kind of review. I think that is a notion many here believe to be true, but it hasn't gone through any type of review. There hasn't even been an official design yet, sadly.

Tornado May 26, 2018 11:43 AM

Second tower crane is being put up near the Sams Burger Joint side.

AwesomeSAView May 26, 2018 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tornado (Post 8200438)
Second tower crane is being put up near the Sams Burger Joint side.

As of 5:00 p.m. today, two cranes up for this project:cheers:

Restless 1 May 26, 2018 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by AwesomeSAView (Post 8200847)
As of 5:00 p.m. today, two cranes up for this project:cheers:

Ate at Sam's earlier today, and saw that. Things are moving along. :tup:

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