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HurricaneHugo Jun 11, 2009 12:44 PM

So quick question...

How would Prop 13 affect building new infrastructure, new stadium, expanding the convention center, or a new airport?

mello Jun 11, 2009 1:01 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 4300068)
So quick question...

How would Prop 13 affect building new infrastructure, new stadium, expanding the convention center, or a new airport?

I'm not sure about that Hugo, but I too am interested to see what the direction of San Diego County is. What is the plan to bring decent paying jobs to this neighborhood, are we relegated to being a nice sunny place to live if you already have money?

I read articles about Denver, Charlotte, and Minneapolis and they have plans for how to grow industries and lure capital ventures in their respective metro areas. Their mayors and county officials talk about where they are looking to expand and how they are making themselves competitive.

Then we have the idiots posting on who have absolutely no clue of what it is to be a big city. They want San Diego to be like San Luis Obispo with an NFL and MLB team. :haha:

Seriously we have biotech and some research stuff in UTC, Torrey Pines, area but other then that what jobs pay good money in this metro? How can anyone make over 70k a year after all of those "Loan Officer" jobs dried up without a degree in Biochemical Engineering or some crazy sh*t like that :shrug:

keg92101 Jun 11, 2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by sandiegodweller (Post 4298127)
The brand new Hilton has rooms for $99 per night right now. Wait until the new Marriott on 5th Avenue and Hotel Indigo open in a few months. It will be a blood bath. I guarantee that they didn't build those hotels with $99 rooms in mind.

Where are you finding that? I just looked on their website and the lowest is at $199.

You know, you sure offer criticism on anything and everything in this thread, or development in general. Is there not one good thing going on right now that is financially feasible, in your humble opinion? Or should everything just stop and wait for recovery?

kpexpress Jun 12, 2009 12:04 AM

staplesla Jun 12, 2009 1:05 AM


Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 4301267)

Any clue as to when the Trolley/Silver Line is to start? It was supposed to start in 2008.

cata77 Jun 12, 2009 2:14 AM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 4301361)
Any clue as to when the Trolley/Silver Line is to start? It was supposed to start in 2008.

no clue, but it got my attention

bmfarley Jun 12, 2009 2:17 AM


Originally Posted by cata77 (Post 4301493)
no clue, but it got my attention

Volunteers are responsible for rehabing the cars. I believe they only have two cars. Maybe three. When done, it will operate in the clockwise direction only and only during off peak times... lunch and weekends.

SDCAL Jun 12, 2009 2:28 AM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 4301144)
Where are you finding that? I just looked on their website and the lowest is at $199.

You know, you sure offer criticism on anything and everything in this thread, or development in general. Is there not one good thing going on right now that is financially feasible, in your humble opinion? Or should everything just stop and wait for recovery?

this person is just anti-development; if you look back, even before the economy went sour it was all doomsday and negative opinions then too. They don't feel building should stop because of a bad economy, they think it should just stop. And never start again.

sandiegodweller Jun 12, 2009 2:20 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 4301513)
this person is just anti-development; if you look back, even before the economy went sour it was all doomsday and negative opinions then too. They don't feel building should stop because of a bad economy, they think it should just stop. And never start again.

Guess what, the economy was never good. The US doesn't produce anything to sell. We are the worlds biggest money brokers; we borrow money and re-lend it. Do you two read the news? The whole "house of cards" was built upon false incomes, false demand, easy entitlements, cheap money, etc.

Anti-development? I am in the business. That is how I know about a lot of these white elephant projects. Looking back over the past two years, I have been pretty accurate with my observations/predictions.

Is there a new Wal-Mart market on J Street yet? No

Did CosmoSquare go BK? Yes. Did it get built? No

Is Pointe of View a huge abortion? Yes

I am all for responsible and smart development. I am not in favor of speculative overbuilding for the sake of building (with phantom demand).

voice of reason Jun 13, 2009 2:38 AM

Most people on this forum are like children who think that they are playing with toy models of buildings. They say, 'this one would look way cool over there, put a light rail over here, lets move the airport-not a problem'.

They have no concept of taxes, budgets, consumer demand or feasability. The city should be designed to their whims and if you point out reality, then you are just a curmudgeon in their eyes.

dl3000 Jun 13, 2009 7:22 AM


Originally Posted by voice of reason (Post 4303477)
Most people on this forum are like children who think that they are playing with toy models of buildings. They say, 'this one would look way cool over there, put a light rail over here, lets move the airport-not a problem'.

They have no concept of taxes, budgets, consumer demand or feasability. The city should be designed to their whims and if you point out reality, then you are just a curmudgeon in their eyes.

Ah but many do know I am sure. The problem is that you can't please everyone, especially without much money.

CoastersBolts Jun 13, 2009 7:59 PM

Speaking of hotels going under like The W. I have a friend who works at the Ivy, which as we all know was the big up and coming botique which offered such things as stripper poles in certain rooms among other things. Let us not forget the trendy, "scenester", upscale club Envy. Well, the Ivy is suffering big time in the recession and business is not faring too well by any means. My friend has had to take a big pay cut already and is worried he may lose his job as several people have been laid off. The layoffs apparently are not finished yet, either.

Through the issues at The W and now the Ivy, it's quite apparent the economy is now purging the hotel industry, especially here in San Diego.

Filambata Jun 13, 2009 10:54 PM

Amen to that!! :tup:


Originally Posted by voice of reason (Post 4303477)
Most people on this forum are like children who think that they are playing with toy models of buildings. They say, 'this one would look way cool over there, put a light rail over here, lets move the airport-not a problem'.

They have no concept of taxes, budgets, consumer demand or feasability. The city should be designed to their whims and if you point out reality, then you are just a curmudgeon in their eyes.

kpexpress Jun 14, 2009 1:54 AM


Originally Posted by Filambata (Post 4304575)
Amen to that!! :tup:

I see nothing wrong with discussing the conceptual possibilities of the city.

dl3000 Jun 14, 2009 7:15 AM


Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 4304810)
I see nothing wrong with discussing the conceptual possibilities of the city.

Yeah its not like we have any political power anyway.

mongoXZ Jun 14, 2009 7:32 AM

Looks like the vision impaired whiners have infiltrated this thread.

SDCAL Jun 14, 2009 8:21 AM


Originally Posted by mongoXZ (Post 4305235)
Looks like the vision impaired whiners have infiltrated this thread.


sometimes the envelope needs to be pushed and the impossible needs to be considered. It won't always come to fruition, in fact most times it won't, but San Diego is lacking vision, creativity and is in the mindset of ultra-conservative mediocrity

Living here about 9 years I had hope, as the great geographical location has tremendous potential, but now I have given up because of attitudes like the ones above.

I am actually researching moving, I've had enough of the backwards morons who make decisions here

sandiegodweller Jun 15, 2009 1:36 AM

Maybe you could move to Dubai. They seem to have big dreams and unlimted economic resources.

Marina_Guy Jun 15, 2009 2:53 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 4305265)

sometimes the envelope needs to be pushed and the impossible needs to be considered. It won't always come to fruition, in fact most times it won't, but San Diego is lacking vision, creativity and is in the mindset of ultra-conservative mediocrity

Living here about 9 years I had hope, as the great geographical location has tremendous potential, but now I have given up because of attitudes like the ones above.

I am actually researching moving, I've had enough of the backwards morons who make decisions here

Thoughts on what cities you are considering?? We have been considering a move too for the same reasons you state. San Diego has so much potential.

tdavis Jun 16, 2009 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Marina_Guy (Post 4307047)
Thoughts on what cities you are considering?? We have been considering a move too for the same reasons you state. San Diego has so much potential.

How weird that this is being discussed. My wife and I are going to Austin, TX this weekend to look at housing and possibly move. We've gotten tired of the lack of progress here and the economic problems with the state. My office is moving their headquarters from the Sorrento Valley area to Round Rock, TX (suburb of Austin) in 3 months.

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