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Tarsus Nov 23, 2016 6:20 PM

I agree, the NDP has come across like a bunch of inexperienced idiots, but I voted for them because the PC and Wildrose come across the same way.

Strongbow Nov 23, 2016 6:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tarsus (Post 7631464)
I voted for them.'re the first person I've run across to admit this...I salute you, not for your choice, but for your honesty...

Tarsus Nov 23, 2016 6:47 PM

I wish I could have a do-over. :(

Rollerstud98 Nov 24, 2016 1:07 AM


Originally Posted by Tarsus (Post 7631502)
I wish I could have a do-over. :(

A little over 2 more years and you do essentially get a do-over. Beauty of a democracy.:notacrook:

Tobyoby Nov 24, 2016 1:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tarsus (Post 7631464)
I agree, the NDP has come across like a bunch of inexperienced idiots, but I voted for them because the PC and Wildrose come across the same way.

I voted for them too, mostly as a protest vote against the PCs. We're all screwed. In a couple of years we can get rid of the NDP, an experiment that has been a disaster, but Jason Kenney or Brian Jean?

Tobyoby Nov 24, 2016 1:29 AM


Originally Posted by Rollerstud98 (Post 7631956)
A little over 2 more years and you do essentially get a do-over. Beauty of a democracy.:notacrook:

When is the next election?

Rollerstud98 Nov 24, 2016 2:26 AM

May 31 2019 at the latest so long as democracy is followed. Could be called earlier.

PPAR Nov 24, 2016 2:32 AM

I keep hearing what a disaster the NDP is, but honestly to me, they seem to me to have done a decent job. Nothing scandalous, no really offensive policies. Looking like pipes are going to go ahead and environmental policies are local rather than dictated by the Feds (see Saskatchewan). Apart from their inability to increase the global oil price, I don't see much evidence of a fail.

artvandelay Nov 24, 2016 2:56 AM


Originally Posted by PPAR (Post 7632023)
I keep hearing what a disaster the NDP is, but honestly to me, they seem to me to have done a decent job. Nothing scandalous, no really offensive policies. Looking like pipes are going to go ahead and environmental policies are local rather than dictated by the Feds (see Saskatchewan). Apart from their inability to increase the global oil price, I don't see much evidence of a fail.

You obviously haven't been paying attention to their idiotic interference in what was a well functioning electricity generation and transmission market in the province.

Not to mention the royalty review that changed nothing but resulted in an entire year's worth of capital expense evaporating from from the province.

Oh, and jacking corporate tax rates by 20% in the midst of a recession to drive even more investment away from the province.

It's terrible, but not surprising to anyone who actually read the NDP platform document before the election. You can't expect brilliance from people who's financial education might amount to having read Corporate Finance For Dummies, but I would have hoped the NDP would have moderated some positions in the hope of winning a second term.

suburbia Nov 24, 2016 4:05 AM


Originally Posted by PPAR (Post 7632023)
I keep hearing what a disaster the NDP is, but honestly to me, they seem to me to have done a decent job. Nothing scandalous, no really offensive policies. Looking like pipes are going to go ahead and environmental policies are local rather than dictated by the Feds (see Saskatchewan). Apart from their inability to increase the global oil price, I don't see much evidence of a fail.

Especially after the disaster the prior provincial and federal governments were - got nothing done for Alberta.

craner Nov 24, 2016 6:11 AM


Originally Posted by artvandelay (Post 7632036)
You obviously haven't been paying attention to their idiotic interference in what was a well functioning electricity generation and transmission market in the province.

Not to mention the royalty review that changed nothing but resulted in an entire year's worth of capital expense evaporating from from the province.

Oh, and jacking corporate tax rates by 20% in the midst of a recession to drive even more investment away from the province.

It's terrible, but not surprising to anyone who actually read the NDP platform document before the election. You can't expect brilliance from people who's financial education might amount to having read Corporate Finance For Dummies, but I would have hoped the NDP would have moderated some positions in the hope of winning a second term.

And don't forget the carbon tax about to come into effect.

If you like more money coming out of your pocket going to the Provincial Government then the NDP has been a tremendous success.

The next election can't come soon enough.

*Stardust* Nov 24, 2016 7:21 AM

Yikes, didn't realize there was so much anti ndp sentiment here on the calgary boards. I think they are doing a decent job. Rachel Notley is probably the best premier we have had since Peter Lougheed.

MalcolmTucker Nov 24, 2016 3:03 PM


jc_yyc_ca Nov 24, 2016 4:12 PM


Originally Posted by PPAR (Post 7632023)
I keep hearing what a disaster the NDP is, but honestly to me, they seem to me to have done a decent job. Nothing scandalous, no really offensive policies. Looking like pipes are going to go ahead and environmental policies are local rather than dictated by the Feds (see Saskatchewan). Apart from their inability to increase the global oil price, I don't see much evidence of a fail.

They're timing is all wrong. They are sticking heavily to their ideology and paying attention to what's happening out there. Not surprising since most of their members are from the inexperienced Twitter/Facebook crowd. Their mentality is bureaucratic all the way through, wanting to spend money to diversify the economy. Sounds good on paper, but in the end it will only be spent money gone nowhere except to a bunch of bureaucrats in Edmonton.

jc_yyc_ca Nov 24, 2016 4:15 PM


Originally Posted by *Stardust* (Post 7632153)
Yikes, didn't realize there was so much anti ndp sentiment here on the calgary boards. I think they are doing a decent job. Rachel Notley is probably the best premier we have had since Peter Lougheed.

Notley herself hasn't been bad, but like I say the party as a whole is wrong for Alberta right now. They won't last through next election, I know lots of people who voted NDP and can't wait to vote them out. They're on borrowed time.

The Fisher Account Nov 24, 2016 4:56 PM

It'll never be a good time to do the right thing. Wasn't the biggest NDP fan, but props to them for sticking to their guns given the shitty cards they were dealt by factors far outside their control

suburbia Nov 24, 2016 5:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Fisher Account (Post 7632375)
It'll never be a good time to do the right thing. Wasn't the biggest NDP fan, but props to them for sticking to their guns given the shitty cards they were dealt by factors far outside their control


Just Build It Nov 24, 2016 6:02 PM


Originally Posted by The Fisher Account (Post 7632375)
It'll never be a good time to do the right thing. Wasn't the biggest NDP fan, but props to them for sticking to their guns given the shitty cards they were dealt by factors far outside their control

Sticking to their guns is why I won't vote for them next time. They could implement their plans gradually while taking into account the economic situation. They don't need to change the world in 4 years, something so typical of left wing idealists. I would never vote for NDP normally but did in the last election only as a protest vote against the PCs and Wildrose. Next election, I won't be voting for them.

DizzyEdge Nov 24, 2016 6:05 PM


Originally Posted by Just Build It (Post 7632446)
Sticking to their guns is why I won't vote for them next time. They could implement their plans gradually while taking into account the economic situation. They don't need to change the world in 4 years, something so typical of left wing idealists. I would never vote for NDP normally but did in the last election only as a protest vote against the PCs and Wildrose. Next election, I won't be voting for them.

I would say that it's more a case of typical of a party that only expects to be in power for 4 years.

Fishthebow Nov 24, 2016 6:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Fisher Account (Post 7632375)
It'll never be a good time to do the right thing. Wasn't the biggest NDP fan, but props to them for sticking to their guns given the shitty cards they were dealt by factors far outside their control

Longtime lurker here.

Agree, but there is still an economy to manage, and longterm debt to consider. They need to pay more attention to those shitty cards they've been dealt, and not solely on their mandate or they won't get elected again. At least their better than the federal NDP with that ridiculous Leap Manifesto.

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