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sirkingwilliam Dec 3, 2017 2:09 PM

SAN ANTONIO│ Durango Apartments │ 178 FEET | 15 FLOORS │ Proposed

The first three floors are designed and seeking approval while the top section is just for massing purposes and still needs to be submitted for approval.

jaga185 Dec 3, 2017 2:30 PM

Woot! Retail <3

Urbannizer Dec 4, 2017 2:26 AM


Originally Posted by sirkingwilliam (Post 8006489)

The first three floors are designed and seeking approval while the top section is just for massing purposes and still needs to be submitted for approval.

Does that mean it will be built in phases?

Restless 1 Dec 4, 2017 3:17 AM


Originally Posted by Urbannizer (Post 8007149)
Does that mean it will be built in phases?

Probably means, given it's location, that they want to make sure the ground level fits with what the city wants to do in that area.

I doubt it will be built in stages, but obviously the approval process is going that way.

JACKinBeantown Dec 4, 2017 3:48 AM


mklunder13 Dec 4, 2017 4:02 AM

Interesting design so far. I know it's just a massing but it resembles the Standard Hotel in the Meatpacking District in NYC

Sigaven Dec 4, 2017 3:52 PM

As much as I am growing to loathe podium parking garages, this one looks pretty cool with those V-shaped columns. Reminds me of the Herzog+de Meuron one in Miami. Even better if the manage to achieve the vines growing down the sides, but I have a feeling that probably won't happen. If we continue to see parking podiums as the preferred parking solution over buried parking, I hope we can see more creative and interesting designs like this.

jaga185 Dec 4, 2017 4:49 PM

I also hope the massing stays the same.

I enjoy the it bends in and then out, that it's not just a box.

AwesomeSAView Dec 4, 2017 6:13 PM


Originally Posted by jaga185 (Post 8007591)
I also hope the massing stays the same.

I enjoy the it bends in and then out, that it's not just a box.

Exactly! Love that too!:cheers:
By the way there is an article about this project at this morning.
Developers are from Wimberley apparently.

Anyone want to post the article?

Article says the whole project is going up for discussion and approval by the Historic Society.:tup:

Keep-SA-Lame Dec 4, 2017 6:58 PM

It's perfect. Let's build ten more.

Spoiler Dec 4, 2017 9:35 PM

According to the HDRC document, this rendering shows the plan for the upper stories minus details like windows. The HDRC wants it to be pointier.

sirkingwilliam Dec 5, 2017 5:53 AM

Rents are set to be nearly 3 dollars a square foot. The Cellars started it, the Floodgate continued it and now Durango Apartments will basically conform that high rent residential highrises can and will succeed in the urban marketplace. These were the ignitions/catalysts needed for high rise residential development in our urban core.

mklunder13 Dec 5, 2017 8:02 PM

Side note, how is FloodGate coming along?

Rynetwo Dec 12, 2017 1:21 PM

According to the developer the HDRC wants this building to be taller.


"I’m a little confused on what they want me to do," Proctor said. "I came into this wanting to keep the height down, and it seems like the staff wants to make it taller. I was surprised. We tried to make it look thin, but if I have to taper the design, I'll have to go up higher, which changes the character of the building. I think we did some neat things on the design side, and now I’ve just got to figure out what to do next."

jaga185 Dec 12, 2017 2:54 PM

The floodgate hasn't been brought to HDRC with the new designs yet, but remember there is a thread for that one for questions related to it. :)

I hope he makes it taller, but I'm happy with what it is. It's going to be tall for that corner anyway. Here's hoping!

Restless 1 Dec 14, 2017 5:35 PM

An article from the Rivard Report on this:

The Historic and Design Review Commission last week readily approved the first three floors of a luxury apartment tower near Southtown, but it didn’t like the remaining nine due to perceived interference with views of downtown San Antonio’s skyline. Commissioners suggested that the tower be designed taller and more slender.

Generally, towers appear taller than they are wide, but that’s not the direction developers and architects took for the 75-unit Durango Apartments project at 421 S. Presa St. They wanted to keep it short, Laney Development Manager Tim Proctor told commissioners last Wednesday, so as to respect the pattern of neighboring buildings’ heights.

If it looks anything like the massing images, then the city is correct on this. Can't really say without seeing actual design proposals.

jaga185 Dec 14, 2017 5:46 PM

They could make it taller, narrow it out, and move it to the Presa side of the street and keep the same amount of the apts.

Fryguy Dec 14, 2017 7:24 PM

I just hope, when the time comes, that they do not have issue with the JMJ Tower.

JACKinBeantown Dec 14, 2017 8:09 PM


Originally Posted by Restless 1 (Post 8018795)
An article from the Rivard Report on this:

The Historic and Design Review Commission last week readily approved the first three floors of a luxury apartment tower near Southtown, but it didn’t like the remaining nine due to perceived interference with views of downtown San Antonio’s skyline. Commissioners suggested that the tower be designed taller and more slender.

Generally, towers appear taller than they are wide, but that’s not the direction developers and architects took for the 75-unit Durango Apartments project at 421 S. Presa St. They wanted to keep it short, Laney Development Manager Tim Proctor told commissioners last Wednesday, so as to respect the pattern of neighboring buildings’ heights.

If it looks anything like the massing images, then the city is correct on this. Can't really say without seeing actual design proposals.

The HRDC gets a bit of grief on this forum, but you have to give them some respect this time.

jaga185 Dec 14, 2017 8:52 PM


Originally Posted by JACKinBeantown (Post 8019006)
The HRDC gets a bit of grief on this forum, but you have to give them some respect this time.

Very true, they've been doing some good things lately.

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