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UltraDanPrime Mar 20, 2019 10:35 PM

30 years is VERY exaggerated, but to be fair, Jack doesn't live here & see what is going on here day to day.

JACKinBeantown Mar 21, 2019 3:30 AM


Originally Posted by UltraDanPrime (Post 8512978)
30 years is VERY exaggerated, but to be fair, Jack doesn't live here & see what is going on here day to day.

UltraDanPrime Mar 21, 2019 5:23 PM

Wasn't meant to put you down Jack, by any means, just saying there is so much more going on here than what is on these forums. & sometimes you just have to see it to fully gage it.

JACKinBeantown Mar 22, 2019 12:38 AM

^^ Like button.

Spoiler Sep 9, 2019 10:46 PM

View from Nueva

Runner Sep 12, 2019 3:35 AM


Originally Posted by Spoiler (Post 8682348)

What's going to happen to the old court house?

Spoiler Sep 12, 2019 3:42 PM


Originally Posted by Runner (Post 8684832)
What's going to happen to the old court house?

nobody knows!

Fryguy Sep 13, 2019 5:32 PM

The old court house needs to be torn down. It is absolutely disgusting. The bathrooms, the asbestos, the mold, it's not salvageable. I have had to be in that building a few days for work, and it's GROSS. I feel bad for the permanent staff on site. :uhh:

Montirob Sep 13, 2019 8:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fryguy (Post 8686302)
The old court house needs to be torn down. It is absolutely disgusting. The bathrooms, the asbestos, the mold, it's not salvageable. I have had to be in that building a few days for work, and it's GROSS. I feel bad for the permanent staff on site. :uhh:

And I disagree. The building is a fine example of mid-century design and is one of the only remaining iconic pieces from Hemisfair.

Has it been maintained? No, but that isn't a reason for tearing it down. The Pearl's buildings were in worse shape, but they were restored and repurposed. The theatre's structure is sound, the design is good, and the historical significance is high.

Fryguy Sep 13, 2019 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Montirob (Post 8686529)
And I disagree. The building is a fine example of mid-century design and is one of the only remaining iconic pieces from Hemisfair.

Has it been maintained? No, but that isn't a reason for tearing it down. The Pearl's buildings were in worse shape, but they were restored and repurposed. The theatre's structure is sound, the design is good, and the historical significance is high.

I don't know what you are talking about with regard to the Pearl. Majority of the existing buildings at the Pearl were demolished; much of the add-ons, such as the inside of the Emma Hotel, are fake old. None of it was ever real. The Pearl Stable, however, was real. So, that's something. lol

Spoiler Sep 14, 2019 1:37 AM


Originally Posted by Fryguy (Post 8686302)
The old court house needs to be torn down. It is absolutely disgusting. The bathrooms, the asbestos, the mold, it's not salvageable. I have had to be in that building a few days for work, and it's GROSS. I feel bad for the permanent staff on site. :uhh:

Seems a bit hyperbolic to describe a currently occupied federal courthouse as not salvageable. People on this forum used to say the same thing about the Hedrick building, with more justification.

I walked by the courthouse today. The '68 apartment building right next to it looks nice and has tenants now. The rest of Hemisfair park still looks like a bombed-out abandoned city with weird sculptures everywhere.

Fryguy Sep 14, 2019 8:14 AM


Originally Posted by Spoiler (Post 8686746)
Seems a bit hyperbolic to describe a currently occupied federal courthouse as not salvageable. People on this forum used to say the same thing about the Hedrick building, with more justification.

I walked by the courthouse today. The '68 apartment building right next to it looks nice and has tenants now. The rest of Hemisfair park still looks like a bombed-out abandoned city with weird sculptures everywhere.

It's not. I worked there. I have friends that work there. It's horrible. And it stinks to high Heaven.

Not all buildings, especially government buildings, are worthy just because they are occupied. This new courthouse is years, maybe decades, overdue.

Montirob Sep 14, 2019 4:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fryguy (Post 8686917)
It's not. I worked there. I have friends that work there. It's horrible. And it stinks to high Heaven.

Not all buildings, especially government buildings, are worthy just because they are occupied. This new courthouse is years, maybe decades, overdue.

The Brewhouse (Emma) at the Pearl wasn't torn down. Yes, the interior was completely gutted, but that happens with most historical repurposing.

The problem with the courthouse is two-fold: 1. It was never designed as a courthouse, and 2. It has never been maintained. Repurposing (or restoring it back to its original function) would fix both problems.

Spoiler mentioned the Hedrick building as an example of a structure in worse shape. Look also at what they did with the Savoy Building on Houston Street. Yes, old doesn't necessarily mean historic, but I think it would be a shame to tear down the old "courthouse" just because it wasn't maintained.

My biggest fear is what would replace the building - wood framed apartments? While many of these new apartment buildings we see sprout up around downtown currently look nice on the outside, their design, quality, and method of construction is not meant to last.

jaga185 Sep 14, 2019 8:51 PM


Originally Posted by Montirob (Post 8687068)
My biggest fear is what would replace the building - wood framed apartments? While many of these new apartment buildings we see sprout up around downtown currently look nice on the outside, their design, quality, and method of construction is not meant to last.

Yes, wooden apartments are not built to last longer than about a decade or so. I live in Regufio Place and the apartment is not that great. If we tore down the courthouse. I would want them to propose something grand. It doesn't have to be tall. But I feel an 8 story apartment building with retail facing Cesar, with wonderful architecture would do wonders for this spot. If we kept it, we would need to build something towards the street, a plaza of sorts, that brings people in. I feel an amphitheater would be great, but again, it needs to connect to the street.

Every frontage of Cesar should have apts with retail that are well done to create an interesting streetscape. This should feel like the entry point for downtown. With Alamo and Cesar being a major intersection we build towards.

Keep-SA-Lame Sep 15, 2019 1:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fryguy (Post 8686660)
I don't know what you are talking about with regard to the Pearl. Majority of the existing buildings at the Pearl were demolished; much of the add-ons, such as the inside of the Emma Hotel, are fake old. None of it was ever real. The Pearl Stable, however, was real. So, that's something. lol

There's several original brewery buildings at the Pearl that were repurposed besides the Stables. The building Cured is some old administrative offices from around 1900, part of hotel Emma is the original 1890s brew house that has appeared on cans of Pearl beer for years, the 1930s era old garage/motor pool building at Avenue A/Grayson is offices now. The Full Goods building is technically a repurposed building as well, though it's basically unrecognizable from the plain 1970s metal frame warehouse it used to be. I guess you could also count the old Liberty Bar building as well that they're in the process of moving and fixing (not really willing to give them full credit here, that building was such a landmark on its old corner, plus they've now had it up on blocks for years, probably robbing its ground floor of its unique slant) Next time you're at Schilo's check out the panoramic photo of the old brewery on the wall and you'll recognize a lot.

Edit: Also the little old house the Granary is in.

The Model Apr 29, 2020 2:49 AM
Federal Courthouse Construction
by Raul Medina III, on Flickr

Keep-SA-Lame Apr 29, 2020 1:29 PM

Didn't realize this was so far along, I never go down Santa Rosa. It'll look really nice from the creek. Thank god we got this going before Trump's "all new federal buildings must be neoclassical" edict kicked in :barf:

jaga185 Apr 30, 2020 2:33 AM

I kind of would have been here for that. But I'm happy we are getting this regardless.


Originally Posted by Keep-SA-Lame (Post 8907256)
Didn't realize this was so far along, I never go down Santa Rosa. It'll look really nice from the creek. Thank god we got this going before Trump's "all new federal buildings must be neoclassical" edict kicked in :barf:

kingkirbythe.... Jan 30, 2022 3:13 PM

Take a look inside the modern federal courthouse now open in downtown San Antonio

The last of 300 employees began relocating Saturday into the new federal courthouse on West Nueva Street.

The move takes them from a windowless, repurposed rotunda and other aging buildings at Hemisfair to a modern, custom building in scale with the massive judicial district it serves. In recent weeks, nine federal judges and the probation and pretrial employees have set up shop in the new facility.

JACKinBeantown Jan 30, 2022 4:04 PM

The building itself looks nice. The sign out front, the first thing you see, looks like 1968 Bulgaria.

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