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liat91 Apr 13, 2007 9:15 AM

Demographics of Europe
Now this thread covers a huge amount of information
research so any input would be appreciated. I would
like to figure out the demographics of major European
countries. Some are obvious, such as Great Britain being
91% white etc.....
Now how about;
1.France: I know their officially policy is not to keep records on racial classifications of their population, but their must be some other formula
to figure out the demographics of France.
10.Sweden and etc...
And for the super brains out there.... can you figure out what the racial
demographics are for Europe as a whole.
Classification being:
1. European/Caucasian/White or overwhelming so
2. Sub-Saharan African
3. East and South Asian
4. Middle Eastern (ecluding Isreal, Turkey which I would consider Caucasian.

Well to some this might seem redundant or what's the point. But I really don't think a comprehensive look into this niche has really been explored. Thank you for any involvement..

Swede Apr 13, 2007 9:30 AM

Sweden, like France, does not keep tabs on people's ethnicity. Country of origin is tho, as is 2nd generation immigrants (recently re-defined so both parents have to be born abroad). is home of the official statistics (Statistiska Centralbyrån).

FREKI Apr 13, 2007 3:29 PM

Don't expect to find such info in Denmark either - that whole racial thing isn't used here... like Sweden we use country of origin/non-Danish ancestry...

Minato Ku Apr 13, 2007 4:49 PM

I think that more than 10% of population of France are not white but we haven't figure :)

In France we cannot use french / non-french ancestry because the majority of french people are foreign origin.
But we use : native in france/native in foreign countries.

Qaabus Apr 13, 2007 5:12 PM

For the Netherlands:

19,3% of the population or 3 147 615 people were born in a foreign country or have at least one parent born in a foreign country.

1 427 565 people were born in a foreign western country or had at least one parent born in a foreign western country. (Europe, North-America, Oceania, Indonesia or Japan.)

1 720 050 people were born in a foreign non-western or have at least one parent born in a foreign non-western country.
Morocco 323 239
Nederlandse Antillen + Aruba 129 683
Suriname 331 890
Turkey 364 333
Other 570 905

FREKI Apr 14, 2007 4:16 PM

Immigrants in Denmark:

Western Countries: ( immigrants: 116.071 descendants: 15.461 ) in all: 131.532

Non-western countries: ( immigrants: 227.296 descendants: 93.267 ) in all: 320.563

Immigrants in all: 452.095 ( out of 5.4mil ) = 8,4%

Non-Danish citizenship of population: 267.604 = 4.9%

By country ( 2005 ):

Turkey 54.859 12,1 %
Iraq 26.351 5,8 %
Germany 25.446 5,6 %
Lebanon 22.232 4,9 %
Bosnia-Hercegovina 20.875 4,6 %
Pakistan 19.301 4,3 %
Yugoslavia 17.528 3,9 %
Somalia 16.952 3,7 %
Norway 15.671 3,5 %
Iran 14.289 3,2 %
Sweden 14.285 3,2 %
Poland 13.509 3,0 %
Vietnam 12.654 2,8 %
UK 12.000 2,7 %
Afghanistan 10.876 2,4 %
Sri Lanka 10.291 2,3 %
Marocco 8.974 2,0 %
Iceland 7.617 1,7 %
China 7.562 1,7 %
Thailand 6.980 1,5 %
Other 113.843 25,2 %

look Apr 14, 2007 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by liat91 (Post 2764422)
4. Middle Eastern (ecluding Isreal, Turkey which I would consider Caucasian.

How about Georgians, Armenians and Azeris?

Nexus6 Apr 15, 2007 1:16 AM

Nexus6 Apr 15, 2007 1:50 AM

DiggerD21 Apr 15, 2007 2:13 AM


Originally Posted by liat91 (Post 2764422)
Classification being:
1. European/Caucasian/White or overwhelming so
2. Sub-Saharan African
3. East and South Asian
4. Middle Eastern (ecluding Isreal, Turkey which I would consider Caucasian.

There are no official statistics in Germany with this (or a similar) classification. The stats here are about nationality and country of origin, but not "race".

Grumpy Apr 15, 2007 6:05 PM

Liège has a significant Muslim population in Belgium :shrug:
This city has a large population from Italians but Muslims ???

SHiRO Apr 15, 2007 11:03 PM

15% muslims in Austria? I don't buy it...
Also, there are 1 million muslims in the Netherlands which is 6% not 3%.

GENIUS LOCI Apr 19, 2007 8:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nexus6 (Post 2768463)

Bit outdated... Italy data of foreign pop at the end of 2005 (only registered, not illegal immigrants) say there are more than 3 mio immigrants on a total population of almost 59 mio: that means percentage is over 5%

However, even if there are not official data yet, in 2006 immigrants (always 'registered') increased of about 700k units, maybe more (it isn't still clear if part of 'em, about 570k, will be computed for year 2006 or 2007, being the result of a sort of regularization of part of illegal immigrants: but they still are checking every single case to accept it)

Then.. even Italy doesn't keep racial classification of the population

SHiRO Apr 19, 2007 10:32 PM

Keep in mind that these maps are about foreign born population.

look Apr 23, 2007 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Nexus6 (Post 2768530)

Poland 2%? :LOL:
It less than 0.1% according to Wikipedia

JManc Apr 24, 2007 9:32 PM

majority of french people are of foreign origin? somehow i don't buy that.

Minato Ku Apr 24, 2007 10:04 PM

Yes Italian, Spanish, British....
More than 60% of french said to have a foreign origin (I talk about old ancestry since the end of the 19th century at now ;) )
It is like USA where about 80% of the population has not pilgrin or indian ancestry.

Nantais Apr 24, 2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Minato Ku (Post 2791769)
Yes Italian, Spanish, British....
More than 60% of french said to have a foreign origin (I talk about old ancestry since the end of the 19th century at now ;) )
It is like USA where about 80% of the population has not pilgrin or indian ancestry.

Well I don't know where you have been reading that, but these figures seem very improbable.
The only figure I've often heard about is that 25 % of French people have at least one grandparent from immigrant origin (meaning that the other three can be from French origin - and meaning that the other 75 % of French people have their 4 grandparents of French origin).

Mercutio Apr 25, 2007 4:16 PM

These are the latest (mid 2004) official figures for England only (NB not for the UK):

Population of England (not UK) by ethnic group in mid 2004 (000s):

- Total = 50,093.1
- White: British = 42,708.9
- White: Irish = 601.4
- White: Other White = 1,523.7
- Mixed: White and Black Caribbean = 257.3
- Mixed: White and Black African = 95.2
- Mixed: White and Asian = 220.1
- Mixed: Other Mixed = 180.2
- Asian or Asian British: Indian = 1167.7
- Asian or Asian British: Pakistani = 803
- Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi = 314.9
- Asian or Asian British: Other Asian = 294
- Black or Black British: Black Caribbean = 585.2
- Black or Black British: Black African = 624
- Black or Black British: Other Black = 106.7
- Chinese or Other Ethnic Group: Chinese = 312.4
- Chinese or Other Ethnic Group: Other = 298.6

Fastest growing groups, annual percentage gain 2003-4:

1) Chinese or Other Ethnic Group: Chinese = 8.5%
2) Chinese or Other Ethnic Group: Other = 7.1%
3) Black or Black British: Black African = 6.8%
4) Mixed: White and Black African = 6.3%
5) Mixed: White and Asian = 5.5%
6) White: Other White = 5.5%
7) Asian or Asian British: Other Asian = 5.35%
8) Mixed: Other Mixed = 5.3%

White/non-White and British Percentages in mid 2004:

- The white British population = 85.3%
- The total white population = 89.5%
- The non white British population = 14.7%
- The non white population = 10.5%

Note that "white" on the UK census includes Turks who may be considered non-white in, say, Germany (at least according to Checker ;) ). It also includes all migrants from the former USSR (some of whom are only dubiously white). The Chinese or Other: Other group lumps together Arabs, Iranians, Filipinos, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Japanese etc.

JManc Apr 25, 2007 6:10 PM

wow, i had no idea tha UK was that white. yeah, i wouldnt think turks were anything but white.

however, in the US, indians, paksianis, iranians arabs and armenians are also considerd white.

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