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BigRedSpecial Jun 5, 2013 2:35 PM

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!?!

PoscStudent Jun 5, 2013 2:44 PM

Video Link

Townie709 Jun 5, 2013 6:05 PM

:previous: hahaha

This is going to be built regardless. Little johnny can endure standing in the shade for 1 hour during the winter months. The vast majority of people in the city (pro-development and otherwise) are in support of this project.

One thing that ever so slightly annoys me is that CBC keeps saying they will be the tallest towers in NL. Lies. Unless there's something we're not seeing in the LUAR, the John Cabot Building and Confederation Building will both be taller. Largest floor count does not necessarily equal tallest building CBC. Get your feces together! :haha:

Marty_Mcfly Jun 5, 2013 8:59 PM

The thought process of some people in this city makes me weep for humanity.

Architype Jun 5, 2013 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Townie709 (Post 6154069)
:previous: hahaha

This is going to be built regardless. Little johnny can endure standing in the shade for 1 hour during the winter months. The vast majority of people in the city (pro-development and otherwise) are in support of this project.

Because they are 200 - 300 ft away the shade effect will be minimal, perhaps only for a brief hour in the winter, and not noticeable at all when the sun is not shining.


Originally Posted by Townie709 (Post 6154069)
One thing that ever so slightly annoys me is that CBC keeps saying they will be the tallest towers in NL. Lies. Unless there's something we're not seeing in the LUAR, the John Cabot Building and Confederation Building will both be taller. Largest floor count does not necessarily equal tallest building CBC. Get your feces together! :haha:

It might be the highest occupiable floor, which is another "official" sub category. BTW, a concrete 16 story residential building is usually only about ~48 metres, they don't usually need to have 11.5 ft floor to floor heights as have been stated for this one.

jeddy1989 Jun 6, 2013 4:16 PM

St. John’s Considers Taller Buildings to Avoid Sprawl


The day may be coming when the Confederation Building is no longer the tallest building in the province.

KMK Properties has proposed two 16-storey condo and assisted-living developments on Tiffany Lane in St. John’s. The maximum height currently allowed in the area is 10 storeys, so City Council would have to amend the municipal plan to allow the taller buildings.

“Wherever you go these days, people talk about urban sprawl, the cost of infrastructure and servicing, that sort of stuff,” said Coun. Tom Hann, who chairs the city’s planning committee. “I think the way to go is density, and the only way to get density is to go up.”

looks like council has lost its fear of heights outside DT, I like the way they're talking!

SignalHillHiker Jun 6, 2013 4:24 PM

Oh, me too! :) AAAHHH!

This is one of those situations where, oddly, it may prove beneficial that St. John's and Mount Pearl are separate municipalities, and that Pippy Park occupies what would otherwise be the centre of St. John's.

We all know Mount Pearl is running out of room to grow. It's completely surrounded. It HAS to build up. Will St. John's really allow a freeloading suburb to get even MORE benefits at its expense with increased density? I don't think so. I think they'll want our East End to be the beneficiary of that.

And Pippy Park keeps us sandwiched into a very small strip of land in which to increase density.

It could be awesome. :D

Townie709 Jun 6, 2013 6:04 PM

Sounds like council is finally beginning to get a grip with the issues at hand. They seem to have finally realized that we cannot keep spreading out and it's time to build up. I like the way they're talking! :cheers:

The east end is a great place to build up and densifiy. I hope we see alot more of this kind of development in the future. One place I would love to see more tall residential buildings is down by Quidi Vidi. I've always imagined a beautiful 20+ story apartment building on the site of the prison. Such a perfect location... One can dream! At least we're seeing a start with those (two?) 10 story buildings planned for pleasentville.

In response to Jeddy's comment, I don't think there was ever much opposition to building up outside the downtown area. There will always be angry residents wherever you try to build, but had these towers been proposed downtown, there would have been riots in the streets haha.

This is a great proposal though and I'll be happy to see it built.

P.S: The article from VOCM says they will be the taller than confederation building. If you take off the roof/lighthouse, maybe. But looking at the numbers, it's not taller!

AllBlack Jun 6, 2013 6:18 PM


Originally Posted by jeddy1989 (Post 6155309)
St. John’s Considers Taller Buildings to Avoid Sprawl

While at the same time approving Glencrest, a spawling suburb the size of Gander.

niccanning Jun 6, 2013 7:28 PM

Came across this "main street matters campaign" and thought it was cool:

Unfortunately no towns in NL were nominated.

EDIT: wrong thread

AnUrbanLife Jun 7, 2013 1:21 PM


Originally Posted by jeddy1989 (Post 6155309)
St. John’s Considers Taller Buildings to Avoid Sprawl

looks like council has lost its fear of heights outside DT, I like the way they're talking!

Tom Hann has been saying all the right things, kudos to him. :tup:

Copes Jun 7, 2013 2:39 PM


Originally Posted by AnUrbanLife (Post 6156602)
Tom Hann has been saying all the right things, kudos to him. :tup:

I would vote for him for mayor based on his comments in that short article alone.

Well maybe not, but god damn, to hear someone say it so concisely and to the point and actually know what they're saying...

mrjanejacobs Jun 7, 2013 3:20 PM

It's true. Tom Hann totally says very on-point things regarding urban planning. With that said, he has done very little concrete and seems to be more talk than do.

SignalHillHiker Jun 7, 2013 4:04 PM


Originally Posted by mrjanejacobs (Post 6156760)
It's true. Tom Hann totally says very on-point things regarding urban planning. With that said, he has done very little concrete and seems to be more talk than do.

He's voted the right way just about every time.

Not sure what else a Councillor could even be expected to accomplish?

PoscStudent Jun 7, 2013 6:06 PM


Originally Posted by SignalHillHiker (Post 6156824)
He's voted the right way just about every time.

Not sure what else a Councillor could even be expected to accomplish?


mrjanejacobs Jun 8, 2013 2:58 PM


Originally Posted by SignalHillHiker (Post 6156824)
He's voted the right way just about every time.

Not sure what else a Councillor could even be expected to accomplish?

Maybe you should get higher standards. The more vocal you are on an issue, the more you will accomplish.

He says what we 'oughta' be doing often, but doesn't usually follow up with any action.

If a councillor really thought we should have a regional transportation board, then they could, should and would actively lobby the provincial government, local media and surrounding municipalities. He could put forward motions and by-law changes, etc. He hasn't done that though.

With that said, I have faith in his intuition, but having such low expectations of a municipal councillor is to take a pretty defeatist approach... I would like to see Mr.Hann be more proactive in actually executing what we 'oughta' be doing. Because apparently he has a handle on the issues.

statbass Jul 19, 2013 10:01 PM

I was looking through the council agenda for July 22 and it contained Commissioner Wayne Thistle's report regarding the 16 storey amendment for Tiffany Village condos. Here is his final conclusion:


Summary and Conclusion:

As indicated earlier in this Report, the role of the Commissioner,
pursuant to the Act, in respect of this application is to hold a public
bearing, prepare a report on that hearing, set out in detail his or her
recommendations respecting objections and representations considered
by him or her at the public bearing together with reasons. l have given
careful consideration to those representations and, on balance find the
evidence produced through the LUAR along with the technical and hard
data contained in that report are sufficient to warrant my
recommendation that Council should proceed with the proposed text
amendments to the St. John's Municipal Plan, Amendment Number 112,
2013 and the St. John's Development regulations, Amendment Number
562, 2013. The effect of these amendments would be to increase the
maximum building height from 10 storeys to 16 storeys,
through site specific amendments for 50 Tiffany Lane only.
Yay... chalk up another win for the good guys! :D

Here's a link to the entire report in the agenda (pp. 27-45):

jeddy1989 Jul 23, 2013 1:40 PM

B'YS! It's a GO!!!

Approval for Sixteen-Storey Seniors' Complex


The tallest buildings in the province will soon be dwarfed by a new seniors' complex. St. John's City Council has approved the construction of two sixteen-storey buildings in Tiffany Village. The buildings will be part of a condominium complex, with both independent and assisted-living facilities. There had been concerns from nearby residents about the potential increase in traffic volume, and about the shadows that the buildings would cast. The height restrictions generally call for no more than ten storeys, but council decided to give the thumbs up to the seniors' complex.

Marty_Mcfly Jul 23, 2013 8:03 PM

"the tallest buildings in the province will soon be dwarfed....."

Ugh. VOCM, why do you do this?

BigRedSpecial Jul 23, 2013 8:06 PM

"Dwarfed"... Yay sensationalism!

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