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LouisVanDerWright Mar 3, 2015 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by sentinel (Post 6934528)
Surprise, surprise - Chicagomachinepandering at it's worst:

Lol, what a pushover. Actually I shouldn't be laughing because if this chump gets elected we can probably expect him to bend over every time any special interest group gets offended. That's a great way to govern a diverse city... :rolleyes:

Honestly though, does this guy have a single position? The only ones I have seen involve him, the Karma Sutra, and Karen Lewis. His anti Obama Library stance was the first real stand of his and he's already backtracked like a little wimp on it...


Originally Posted by bnk (Post 6934617)
I couldn't copy this

Heres the link though.

Basically Senator Mark Kirk says Chicago will go bankrupt if Rahm loses.

In other words Mark Kirk states the obvious. Chuy is already demonstrating he has no spine whatsoever, how is he going to fix a problem that involves kicking so many special interests in the balls (including property owners who WILL get a tax increase no matter what)?

MayorOfChicago Mar 5, 2015 11:14 PM

So apparantly Garcia today announced he would take down all the red light cameras "on day one". Sounds good, but he tends to say a lot of "nice" things, with no real ratinal behind them. Such as.....what's he going to do about the FINANCES of the city.

I swear if this guys gets elected for all the fun things he proposes, we're all going to be screwed. I'm getting worried as I just bought a $600,000 condo in Lakeview and I don't want the city to go straight to shit if this guy gets in and the already disaster of state/city finances just becomes even more of a circus with a guy like Garcia in charge.

bnk Mar 6, 2015 4:06 AM

Ok All you normally Democratic Chicago citizens that voted for Raumer better get your shit back together and work and Push for Rahm this next go

Drag your friends to the polling this is not a joke anymore this is your property values your livelihood this is not funny.

Get off you asses and vote twice if you need to, early and often

And make sure your wives if you have any will vote correctly

Witness it if you have to

Nothing worse than a canceled vote if your significant other wont be on the same page as way is direly need at this point

Get my drift you chicago liberal Raumer voters ?!!!

Hell even donate a meger sum to him if you need too

If you bought a 600 k condo I'm sure a couple of hundred would be a great investment to prevent pissed off teacher unions putting the city and than by default the entire state into a basket case of the largest bankruptcy the county has ever seen in the last century

Via Chicago Mar 6, 2015 5:22 AM


Originally Posted by bnk (Post 6939803)

And make sure your wives if you have any will vote correctly

Witness it if you have to. Nothing worse than a canceled vote if your significant other wont be on the same page as way is direly need at this point

Such a charmer. I'm sure the women of Chicago are relieved you're here to tell them how to vote "correctly". God forbid anyone's significant other should be entitled to an independent thought or decision making process, right? How progressive of you...oh, right, you voted for Rauner. Carry on then.

bnk Mar 6, 2015 12:31 PM

I actually voted Quinn FYI
. I do know some posters here that are Democrats that said they voted for Raumer.

SamInTheLoop Mar 6, 2015 7:47 PM

^ Wait, you voted for Quinn, but you're now railing (in effect) against Garcia? WTF?

That was quite a rant, btw.

PS: I've given strict instructions to my 4 wives on how they are to cast their 12 collective ballots before and during election day.....

SamInTheLoop Mar 6, 2015 7:50 PM

Crain's Hinz reporting that SEIU meeting with Preckwinkle to decide if one or both of them should be endorsing Garcia.....

Obviously an awful lot could happen between now and April 7. I think it will be pretty close, closer than most could have though possible until very recently........if the election were today (and how the hell are you supposed to predict turnout, but if turnout is pretty decent) I think Rahm might win with 53-54% or so.....

Vlajos Mar 6, 2015 7:58 PM


Originally Posted by bnk (Post 6940040)
I actually voted Quinn FYI
. I do know some posters here that are Democrats that said they voted for Raumer.

Rauner was first and only Republican I have voted for in my life.

Vlajos Mar 6, 2015 8:02 PM


Originally Posted by MayorOfChicago (Post 6939455)
So apparantly Garcia today announced he would take down all the red light cameras "on day one". Sounds good, but he tends to say a lot of "nice" things, with no real ratinal behind them. Such as.....what's he going to do about the FINANCES of the city.

I swear if this guys gets elected for all the fun things he proposes, we're all going to be screwed. I'm getting worried as I just bought a $600,000 condo in Lakeview and I don't want the city to go straight to shit if this guy gets in and the already disaster of state/city finances just becomes even more of a circus with a guy like Garcia in charge.

Yeah, besides the fact that the money needed to fund the pensions doesn't exist, Chuy keeps up with the happy talk. This is very discouraging that people are falling for this.

Where does the money come from Chuy?

bnk Mar 9, 2015 5:10 PM

I couldn't find the Obama library thread but this article works here too.

March 09, 2015

What's behind the news that the Obama library pick is delayed?

Greg Hinz on Politics

Bloomberg By now, you've heard the AP report that the Barack Obama Foundation's library decision is being delayed by the Chicago mayoral runoff. But what's really behind this development?

So, what should one make of today's news that the Barack Obama Foundation will delay its decision on where to locate the facility until after Chicago's April 7 mayoral runoff election?

The three or four folks who really know aren't talking. But I hear some fascinating buzz out there today, ...some of it aimed right at mayoral challenger Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, who's trying to oust incumbent Rahm Emanuel.

First, the Associated Press story reporting the delay is accurate. ...

But the reason the AP cited—that President Barack Obama didn't want to avoid politicizing the decision—strikes me as a bunch of hooey.

Yes, it's true that, when the late-March timetable was selected, pretty much everyone in politics expected Emanuel to win a second term by now. But the president managed to deliver on making Pullman a national monument just a few days before the first round of the mayoral vote, so it's a little hard to suggest with a straight face that the president isn't trying to help his former chief of staff.

Another theory out there is that the foundation has decided that the prize will come not to Chicago but to New York City, where Columbia University is bidding, and wants to avoid embarrassing Emanuel now. That theoretically is possible, but unlikely, ...

A third theory comes from a source very close the process who backs Emanuel, but has no particular reason to help him.

That source suggests this: In the same way that the foundation wanted certainty when it let it be known that two sites in Washington and Jackson Parks would have to be owned by the city, it now is concerned about Garcia's support for those sites.

Though Garcia recently did appear to drop his opposition to using park land for the library, he hasn't detailed whether he would use the city's full powers and legal staff to defend a, say, Washington Park pick against a lawsuit by Friends of the Parks or other green groups. Putting out informal word that Obama doesn't trust Garcia might well motivate some African-American voters to cast their ballots for Emanuel, one could argue.


sukwoo Mar 9, 2015 7:48 PM

^ Just as I predicted.

the urban politician Mar 10, 2015 5:51 PM

Does anybody buy this talk that if Chuy is elected, Chicago will be the "next Detroit"? That seems a bit of an exaggeration.

Via Chicago Mar 10, 2015 8:55 PM


Originally Posted by the urban politician (Post 6945278)
Does anybody buy this talk that if Chuy is elected, Chicago will be the "next Detroit"? That seems a bit of an exaggeration.

Hyperbolic rhetoric in Chicago politics? Nah...

LouisVanDerWright Mar 11, 2015 3:45 AM


Originally Posted by the urban politician (Post 6945278)
Does anybody buy this talk that if Chuy is elected, Chicago will be the "next Detroit"? That seems a bit of an exaggeration.

I agree that it is an exaggeration, but the consequences aren't. We don't know what will happen because it's likely Illinois will go down with the ship as well. Then we are in magical economic fairy tale land where people can only guess what will happen. Remember the attitude of shear economic panic when the house was falling down on everyone's heads in 2008? Similar level of economic blindness here.

We shouldn't exaggerate the control of any politician on the issue because, honestly, I'm not even sure that Rahm and Rauner can head off this disaster. However I'm nearly certain Chuy will just slam on the gas and drive us off the cliff faster. At least Rahm is trying to fix the brakes. People severely underestimate the fiscal issues we face. We have a $500 million additional shortfall this year from the Firefighter's pensions ALONE. And any reform that is passed on any pension is likely to be struck down or at least mired in litigation for years. Even 100%+ increases in taxes won't cover the gap, this issue should not be understated.

Vlajos Mar 11, 2015 1:37 PM


Originally Posted by LouisVanDerWright (Post 6946123)
I agree that it is an exaggeration, but the consequences aren't. We don't know what will happen because it's likely Illinois will go down with the ship as well. Then we are in magical economic fairy tale land where people can only guess what will happen. Remember the attitude of shear economic panic when the house was falling down on everyone's heads in 2008? Similar level of economic blindness here.

We shouldn't exaggerate the control of any politician on the issue because, honestly, I'm not even sure that Rahm and Rauner can head off this disaster. However I'm nearly certain Chuy will just slam on the gas and drive us off the cliff faster. At least Rahm is trying to fix the brakes. People severely underestimate the fiscal issues we face. We have a $500 million additional shortfall this year from the Firefighter's pensions ALONE. And any reform that is passed on any pension is likely to be struck down or at least mired in litigation for years. Even 100%+ increases in taxes won't cover the gap, this issue should not be understated.

CPS is facing a $650 million deficit due to pensions as well.

Centropolis Mar 11, 2015 2:30 PM

judging by the craters in the highways between st. louis and chicago, IDOT must be launding drone strikes against illinois pavement. you could probably save some money by ending the drone strikes and put that money into the CTA or something.

Via Chicago Mar 11, 2015 10:14 PM


After a high-stakes courtship by both candidates aimed at luring the pivotal black vote, millionaire businessman Willie Wilson has decided to endorse Jesus “Chuy” Garcia over Mayor Rahm Emanuel in the April 7 runoff.

Wilson said he made the decision, based on the feedback he got from literally hundreds, if not thousands of his supporters through emails, phone calls and his extensive network of black churches.

He’s also held “three-to-five” private meetings with both Emanuel and Garcia to press his demands for both candidates to reopen at least some of the record 50 schools that Emanuel closed, eliminate red-light cameras and establish “fairness” in the awarding of city jobs and contracts.

Wilson has scheduled a news conference to announce his decision. But, on Wednesday, he informed both campaigns of his decision to go with Garcia, then explained the reasons why in an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times.

“Those red-light cameras on the backs of the poor. Eliminating 50 of them was not enough. They want `em all gone. Not enough fairness in terms of contracts and jobs. And the school situation is a dagger. The school situation is a major, major, major, major,” Wilson said.

“Kids walking through gang territory 2 and 3 miles to get to new schools. Eighty-eight percent of them were in the African-American community. They felt that was wrong. They felt he totally ignored the community when they’re the ones who put him in office.”

F1 Tommy Mar 12, 2015 1:29 PM

I don't think to many city employees will vote for Rahm because he is trying to make them work harder and lower costs. Rahm will win with the white vote and some black votes if he wins.

Comparing Detroit to Chicago will not be that far off if Rahm does not win. The city unions will get their way if Garcia wins until either Garcia changes and does what needs to be done or Chicago files.

Vlajos Mar 13, 2015 3:29 AM


Originally Posted by F1 Tommy (Post 6947886)
I don't think to many city employees will vote for Rahm because he is trying to make them work harder and lower costs. Rahm will win with the white vote and some black votes if he wins.

Comparing Detroit to Chicago will not be that far off if Rahm does not win. The city unions will get their way if Garcia wins until either Garcia changes and does what needs to be done or Chicago files.

I agree. People with money will leave the city when taxes are increased to outrageous rates in order to pay for outdated and non market pensions of public employees.

Then you have the vicious cycle that Detroit has.

Steely Dan Mar 13, 2015 1:35 PM

i'm not quite sure what to make of this.

this poll seems highly dubious considering every other recent poll has had the race in a dead heat.


Tribune poll shows Emanuel with double-digit lead on Garcia Mayor

Rahm Emanuel has opened up a double-digit lead on challenger Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, gaining support from a majority of voters for the first time in his bid for a second term, a new Chicago Tribune poll has found.

The survey had Emanuel at 51 percent to 37 percent for Garcia with less than four weeks before the April 7 runoff election. Both candidates have gained around 5 percentage points since the first round of voting last month. Another 11 percent of voters remained undecided in the poll, which was conducted March 6 through Wednesday.

For Emanuel, the survey's results illustrate a steady rebound in his approval ratings, which have been on the uptick since the mayor started airing a nonstop stream of TV ads after launching his re-election campaign in November. This week, the mayor and his allies began running commercials attacking Garcia as an old-school politician unwilling to offer specific solutions for Chicago.
full article (paywall):

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