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SDCAL Jan 30, 2016 6:47 PM

84 year old televangelist who purchased land in Mission Valley's hotel circle wants to build a religion theme-park and break ground this year

colemonkee Jan 30, 2016 7:46 PM

So driving down from LA on I-5 to the Farmers Insurance Open yesterday, I noticed two new building nearing completion in La Holla as what appears to be part of the UC San Diego hospital complex just east of I-5. They look very, very cool. Glassy, modern, one with a facade pattern not too dissimilar from Gerhy's IAC building in NY, but with a more silvery look as opposed to light blue. Anyone have any details on them, including who the architect(s) is/are?

SDCAL Jan 30, 2016 8:41 PM


Originally Posted by colemonkee (Post 7319035)
So driving down from LA on I-5 to the Farmers Insurance Open yesterday, I noticed two new building nearing completion in La Holla as what appears to be part of the UC San Diego hospital complex just east of I-5. They look very, very cool. Glassy, modern, one with a facade pattern not too dissimilar from Gerhy's IAC building in NY, but with a more silvery look as opposed to light blue. Anyone have any details on them, including who the architect(s) is/are?

Totally agree with you. I work up near La Jolla and drive by those on the 5 during the week. I'm especially impressed with the shorter one - glass and concrete that hugs the hilly terrain really well. I don't have many details other than that the taller one is a hospital and the shorter one I believe is also a medical/research building. The concrete use reminds me of the Salk Institute which is also in another part of La Jolla.

aaaconcreting Jan 31, 2016 12:56 AM

This may be useful information about the Centrum site in Kearney:

dtell04 Jan 31, 2016 1:35 AM

Can you guys believe someone would be willing to protest this? I live a few blocks away. It's a shitty little building that will be improved and add foot traffic to the area. People protesting neighborhood improvement because beer. Uggghhh.

dl3000 Feb 1, 2016 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by SanDiego (Post 7318870)
It was a restriction on landing in San Diego because the weight of the plane was too much to stop on the runway. Back in the early 2000s BA would drop off luggage and passengers in Phoenix to lighten the load.

I wonder if the runway has improvements (I know it's been worked on several times after that) or the aircraft has improved?

That may be the case but my understanding is that most weight issues at SAN are associated with reverse flight operations.

I'm no pilot or plane expert but what I've read is that if conditions don't allow for visual flight, planes have to do instrument landing, but the normal westbound approach is too steep (and runway 27 is too short) on the Banker's Hill side to allow for it. So the planes are forced to land from the Point Loma side and take off facing Banker's Hill. That eastbound takeoff is balls to the wall full throttle since it's so steep, hence they need to shed weight to take off fast and steep enough.

nezbn22 Feb 1, 2016 6:23 PM

Like usual, the list isn't always accurate or comprehensive, but Civic SD has posted its Downtown Project Status Log for 2015 year-end:

chris08876 Feb 2, 2016 1:51 AM

"Robert Green in Company" (Developer) has some high quality renderings of 5th Avenue Landing on their site.



The Robert Green Company, in partnership with Fifth Avenue Landing LLC, has submitted a proposal to the Port of San Diego for Fifth Avenue Landing, a world-class convention center hotel along the San Diego Bayfront. The project consists of an 831 room convention center hotel, and a 565-bed shared lodging hotel. Fifth Avenue Landing, located between the Convention Center and the San Diego Bay, also includes an expanded marina, new public open space, and viewing plazas for all San Diegans and visitors to enjoy.

Fifth Avenue Landing will feature:

831 room hotel tower.
Hotel tower terrace with public access viewing areas.
Bridge from hotel tower to the Convention Center viewing platforms.
565-bed low-cost accommodation hotel.
310-320-space parking garage.
65,810 SF of Plazas with ground/promenade access.
Public boating dock slip.
Marina with 20-25 slip expansion pile supported pier or floating docks with recreational Island.
6-8 promenade open air cafes/retail storefronts.
Over 64,000 square feet of function and function support space.

Derek Feb 2, 2016 2:00 AM

Probably the nicest proposal San Diego has received in the past 5 years.

Bertrice Feb 2, 2016 2:30 AM

As for Kettner Lofts is concerned Caliber Collision has already relocated to W.Palm ave. so the building is probably close to demo

dales5050 Feb 2, 2016 1:07 PM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 7321356)
"Robert Green in Company" (Developer) has some high quality renderings of 5th Avenue Landing on their site.

That looks like an amazing hotel and that boardwalk is fantastic.

That said, how is this proposal not a 'wall' that blocks off the access to the bay?

Isn't that one of the main points of contention for the convention center?

Also, does anyone think there is a way to combine the hotel from this plan with the convention center expansion? It feels like both could be done.

mello Feb 2, 2016 7:34 PM

Dale remember the whole "walling off" thing is the Corey Briggs fallacy with no logic because he represents JMI who wants the CC annex built behind Petco. Briggs actually applauded this project we are discussing. It enhances access to the bay and provides the affordable "hostel" style lodging the Coastal Commission has been craving. The only problem I see here is how long will the public pedestrian walkway be closed during construction as it runs underneath the tower, I'm guessing at least 1 year and the Coastal Commisssoin will frown upon that big time unless the path can somehow be temporarily re routed around the giant construction site...

Yackemflaber69 Feb 3, 2016 7:54 AM

I like it

dales5050 Feb 3, 2016 2:09 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 7322199)
Dale remember the whole "walling off" thing is the Corey Briggs fallacy with no logic because he represents JMI who wants the CC annex built behind Petco. Briggs actually applauded this project we are discussing. It enhances access to the bay and provides the affordable "hostel" style lodging the Coastal Commission has been craving. The only problem I see here is how long will the public pedestrian walkway be closed during construction as it runs underneath the tower, I'm guessing at least 1 year and the Coastal Commisssoin will frown upon that big time unless the path can somehow be temporarily re routed around the giant construction site...

Man is Briggs not one of the worst things to happy to San Diego or is it just me?

I just don't see how this project adds any more access to the Bay than an expanded CC couldn't. The affordable 'hostel' lodging does nothing for the residents of San Diego and that's a common sticking point.

It would be one thing if there was an all or nothing stance but the double standards and subjective reasoning just makes you want to throw up your arms.

eburress Feb 3, 2016 2:40 PM

Man, that's awesome! My confidence level is low, but I will keep my fingers crossed.

nezbn22 Feb 3, 2016 6:38 PM


Originally Posted by dales5050 (Post 7322927)
Man is Briggs not one of the worst things to happy to San Diego or is it just me?

I just don't see how this project adds any more access to the Bay than an expanded CC couldn't. The affordable 'hostel' lodging does nothing for the residents of San Diego and that's a common sticking point.

It would be one thing if there was an all or nothing stance but the double standards and subjective reasoning just makes you want to throw up your arms.

Briggs' non-opposition to this hotel is one of the most egregious cases of hypocrisy I've seen. He's so adamantly opposed to ANYTHING built on or near the waterfront, and yet this isn't so bad? C'mon buddy. As Mello pointed out, at least we know who's funding his BS (JMI).

That said, the hotel looks pretty sweet. It'll be one of the bigger upsets in development history if it gets past the Coastal Commission, though.

In other news, I've seen some activity over at Bosa's Kettner & Ash site. It might be/probably is nothing, but I'm hoping that tower gets moving soon...

SDCAL Feb 3, 2016 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by nezbn22 (Post 7323328)
Briggs' non-opposition to this hotel is one of the most egregious cases of hypocrisy I've seen. He's so adamantly opposed to ANYTHING built on or near the waterfront, and yet this isn't so bad? C'mon buddy. As Mello pointed out, at least we know who's funding his BS (JMI).

That said, the hotel looks pretty sweet. It'll be one of the bigger upsets in development history if it gets past the Coastal Commission, though.

In other news, I've seen some activity over at Bosa's Kettner & Ash site. It might be/probably is nothing, but I'm hoping that tower gets moving soon...

Walling off the waterfront is a smoke screen, Briggs is in bed with JMI and is pushing the detached convention center expansion - this is part of the ballot intitiative he's floating where JMI is paying for signature gatherers. It's an incestuous scam

The Flying Dutchman Feb 4, 2016 8:06 PM

Color me clueless, but why does Briggs hate the hoteliers on the bayfront so much anyway? It seems he is fine with being buddy-buddy with JMI (a hotelier) but whenever Briggs gets an opportunity to shun the bayfront cartel, he does. Is John Moores really paying him that much?

Nerv Feb 4, 2016 9:27 PM

How things play out for the convention center expansion will now be tied to what the city decides to do (or not) with the downtown stadium site. It that's in play for the Chargers then expect more talk of tying the two together.

FYI, one of the reasons comic con doesn't use Petco as much as they could is its not covered. They've talked about using it more but the cost of getting proper overhead cover for it puts it out of the question. So if the Charger stadium had a roof it might actually work for them.

I think whatever site they pick it will have a better chance as a "stadium project" vs a stand alone stadium. I'm not sure I like a stadium/convention center project but I think I'm open to the idea until I see what exactly it will look like. If it's a expansion with a covered stadium too that would be a hell of a lot of space for conventions.

ucsbgaucho Feb 4, 2016 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nerv (Post 7324954)
How things play out for the convention center expansion will now be tied to what the city decides to do (or not) with the downtown stadium site. It that's in play for the Chargers then expect more talk of tying the two together.

FYI, one of the reasons comic con doesn't use Petco as much as they could is its not covered. They've talked about using it more but the cost of getting proper overhead cover for it puts it out of the question. So if the Charger stadium had a roof it might actually work for them.

I think whatever site they pick it will have a better chance as a "stadium project" vs a stand alone stadium. I'm not sure I like a stadium/convention center project but I think I'm open to the idea until I see what exactly it will look like. If it's a expansion with a covered stadium too that would be a hell of a lot of space for conventions.

I'd personally love to see a covered, but "open air" stadium, sort of what it sounds like the Inglewood stadium will be. The field and stands will be covered but the stadium will be open on the sides to allow natural breezes, etc to go through. If the city wants any chance of hosting big events outside of football, monster trucks and concerts, they need a covered venue. You're not going to get the Final Four without a cover.

Anyone think they could throw in a basketball/hockey arena if this project moves forward downtown?

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