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Stormer May 27, 2016 1:56 AM

Regina Retail
Cyro had the idea for a retail thread for Regina. Retail may dominate development in the next couple of years as office, hotel and residential take a pause. I'll start this thread off with a picture of Harvard's tasteful window coverings at the Shoppes on Hamilton. These are much better than the usual paper. swank Shoe Lounge and Greenspot are now open and the Capitol has built a patio across the street.

BrannyMuffin May 27, 2016 2:56 AM

Good timing on this thread, I was just coming back to enquire!

Anyone heard anything about Second Cup losing their spot in the Cornwall Centre? In the surface, it sucks, but it's interesting for a couple of reasons...the owners of the north location seem to be looking for another location downtown so hopefully hey find something soon. It will be interesting to see where they end up. Aside from that, there was apparently a bidding was over the location and it sounds like Tim Horton's won. While I have little use for Tim's coffee, the interesting part is that it frees up their current location above the old Smitty's location. I have no idea if they were kicked out of that spot or were simply more interested in the Second Cup location (higher traffic, more visible) but between Smitty's, Tim's, and the Havik building that the mall purchased it frees up a big chunk of space. When the mall bought that building there were rumours of H&M moving in there but I have no idea where that started and I haven't heard anything since. I did find it interesting that the mall never did anything with those spaces despite the fact that they kicked Smitty's out before their lease was up.

BrutallyDishonest2 May 27, 2016 3:03 AM

The long standing rumor has been H&M or Forever 21 taking the Havik/Mall space. And it's quite likely.

I assume we will also hear about the relocation of the Chatters soon as well. However, it's simply a matter of finding additional space since the mall almost certainly has the right to relocate in the lease.

Tim's taking the Second Cup space makes sense it's approximately a million times better located.

Draftsman May 27, 2016 4:08 AM

I could see Tim Horton's keeping the 2nd floor location even if they do open a second location on the main floor. They get a lot of business from office workers at the Alvin Hamilton, Royal Bank, and BMO office towers as it is very convenient for them to come across the two pedways. It would not be convenient if they had to go to the main floor.

yveseluj May 27, 2016 1:14 PM

Anyone know what's going into the location in the Cornwall which was previously a Calendar store kind of the by The Bay?

CoryB May 27, 2016 3:16 PM

I do not know Regina geography well but will try to share insights on the general trends in Canada on items posted here.


Originally Posted by BrannyMuffin (Post 7454789)
Anyone heard anything about Second Cup losing their spot in the Cornwall Centre? In the surface, it sucks, but it's interesting for a couple of reasons...the owners of the north location seem to be looking for another location downtown so hopefully hey find something soon. It will be interesting to see where they end up. Aside from that, there was apparently a bidding was over the location and it sounds like Tim Horton's won.

We have seen similar scenarios happen in Winnipeg although I am not sure if a bidding war was involved. The history in Winnipeg shows that Tims is willing to open locations within a short distance of each other especially if the first location is very popular. Based on that alone I would say watch for Tims to keep both locations mentioned in this thread.


Originally Posted by BrutallyDishonest2 (Post 7454795)
The long standing rumor has been H&M or Forever 21 taking the Havik/Mall space. And it's quite likely.

Forever 21 has actually been slowing down their expansion plans as their fiscal performance is not keeping place with expectations. H&M though seems to be continuing expansion without issues.

BrannyMuffin May 27, 2016 5:14 PM


Originally Posted by CoryB (Post 7455122)
I do not know Regina geography well but will try to share insights on the general trends in Canada on items posted here.

We have seen similar scenarios happen in Winnipeg although I am not sure if a bidding war was involved. The history in Winnipeg shows that Tims is willing to open locations within a short distance of each other especially if the first location is very popular. Based on that alone I would say watch for Tims to keep both locations mentioned in this thread.

Forever 21 has actually been slowing down their expansion plans as their fiscal performance is not keeping place with expectations. H&M though seems to be continuing expansion without issues.

This isn't two locations a block or two from each other, it's two in the same mall. Come to think of it, there's another a few blocks east. While it's possible, I really would hope that's not the case. Because of the location of the original Tim's in the mall, it seems likely that the mall has other plans. They kicked Smitty's out before their lease was up and bought the building adjecent to those spots. The previous owners of that building were also tenants and they moved to a new location while the mall told the second floor tenant they had other plans for the building and they were asked to move. They haven't done anything to to that area of the mall and don't appear to be trying to lease the spots. It seems safe to say they have something in mind. The first floor in that area is completely free now and the second floor only has Tim's and Chatters. And now that I think about it I vaguely remember someone telling me a month or so ago that Chatters was looking for a new location. I assume their lease is up soon. It was just an offhand remark from a coworker who buys her hair products there so it didn't really register. I only remember because I said that for the mall their current setup is nice with the store in front and salon in the back.

CoryB May 27, 2016 7:22 PM

^^ For a long, long time Polo Park mall in Winnipeg had an A&W at both ends of the mall so it does happen and there is actually a third location directly across the street from the mall parking lot.

yveseluj Jul 7, 2016 3:08 AM

Renovated Dynamite store in the Cornwall is going to be open very soon, potentially as early as tomorrow by the looks of it. This leaves their temporary location on the second level vacant, along with at least four other store fronts (old calendar store on the main level, Second Cup, Havik, and Smitty's).

one_brick_at_a_time Jul 7, 2016 3:32 AM


Originally Posted by yveseluj (Post 7496010)
Renovated Dynamite store in the Cornwall is going to be open very soon, potentially as early as tomorrow by the looks of it. This leaves their temporary location on the second level vacant, along with at least four other store fronts (old calendar store on the main level, Second Cup, Havik, and Smitty's).

I am not in Regina so I don't know, but didn't Dymamite just open in the Cornwall Centre? Why would they renovate a brand new store (unless the retail chain went through a major store format change right after they opened the Regina store)?

I am hoping H&M is taking the vacant Havik, Smitty's and upper floor. I really do hope as that would be an amazing addition to the mall and gateway across from LuluLemon. I am also guessing Goodlife will be looking for a location downtown to compete with the YMCA and GOLD's Gym on Scarth. Goodlife would actually be a great tenant for the first couple levels of the yet to be built Hill Tower IV when they get to it.... with some restaurant space on the 1st level. I wonder when Harvard will announce that project.

TechnicalRecession Jul 7, 2016 4:01 AM


Originally Posted by BrutallyDishonest2 (Post 7454795)
The long standing rumor has been H&M or Forever 21 taking the Havik/Mall space. And it's quite likely.

I assume we will also hear about the relocation of the Chatters soon as well. However, it's simply a matter of finding additional space since the mall almost certainly has the right to relocate in the lease.

Tim's taking the Second Cup space makes sense it's approximately a million times better located.

I was in the mall yesterday and there were a couple of guys doing survey work just inside the main entrance. I almost wondered if the second cup could be altered into an entrance for the Cornwall and a new store like H & M move into Havik, Smitty's and part of the existing entrance. I highly doubt it but the surveyors got me wondering.

Dan0myte Jul 7, 2016 8:15 PM


Originally Posted by one_brick_at_a_time (Post 7496031)
I am also guessing Goodlife will be looking for a location downtown to compete with the YMCA and GOLD's Gym on Scarth. Goodlife would actually be a great tenant for the first couple levels of the yet to be built Hill Tower IV when they get to it.... with some restaurant space on the 1st level. I wonder when Harvard will announce that project.

That would be a great addition to downtown! :tup: I much prefer Goodlife to Golds. A better vibe there with less "bro" mentality and less people hyped up on preworkout throwing barbells around. I drove by the South Golds the other day and saw no less than 10 lifted, big wheeled pickup trucks in the parking lot. :haha:

h0twired Jul 7, 2016 8:27 PM

Wrong thread.

Festivus Jul 7, 2016 9:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dan0myte (Post 7496805)
That would be a great addition to downtown! :tup: I much prefer Goodlife to Golds. A better vibe there with less "bro" mentality and less people hyped up on preworkout throwing barbells around. I drove by the South Golds the other day and saw no less than 10 lifted, big wheeled pickup trucks in the parking lot. :haha:

I moved to a different end of town so I don't even use my Anytime Fitness membership any more. I'd really like to join Goodlife since it's more convenient, but I'd have to figure out how to get out of my current contract, and from what I understand gyms are notorious for not letting you out early.

CoryB Jul 11, 2016 5:06 PM

^^ Thankfully, due to the collapse of the gym industry in the 80s, "lifetime" memberships were banned by law with the longest term being one year. You should be free of it at some point but the cancellation clauses are difficult to use if you want out sooner.

mitchellk12 Aug 1, 2016 2:23 PM

Regina Guys,

hows that Save on foods? im curious to hear your thoughts. seeing as us in saskatoon are getting 3 in the next 18 months. is it something to get super excited about ? to me its just another grocery store

BrutallyDishonest2 Aug 1, 2016 3:20 PM


Originally Posted by mitchellk12 (Post 7518418)
Regina Guys,

hows that Save on foods? im curious to hear your thoughts. seeing as us in saskatoon are getting 3 in the next 18 months. is it something to get super excited about ? to me its just another grocery store

It's just another grocery store.

If you like delivery or more pre-made options it might be more interesting to you.

StealthGirl Aug 2, 2016 12:55 AM

Ben Moss has announced it will be shutting down across Canada. Over 100 years old and disappearing. That will leave a pretty good location open in Southland Mall. No dates for closure have been announced yet.


Originally Posted by mitchellk12 (Post 7518418)
Regina Guys,

hows that Save on foods? im curious to hear your thoughts. seeing as us in saskatoon are getting 3 in the next 18 months. is it something to get super excited about ? to me its just another grocery store

Delivery is only $5 or you can shop online and pickup. This is really popular with some Moms I know. I've only been in a few times, but seems to have lots of staff and be very clean.

TechnicalRecession Aug 2, 2016 1:27 AM


Originally Posted by mitchellk12 (Post 7518418)
Regina Guys,

hows that Save on foods? im curious to hear your thoughts. seeing as us in saskatoon are getting 3 in the next 18 months. is it something to get super excited about ? to me its just another grocery store

Prices are also high at save on foods. Higher than other grocery chains from my experience. I like the look and feel of the place though, both in and outside, but don't shop there due to the high prices.

mitchellk12 Aug 2, 2016 1:50 PM

also curious on how the Golden Mile mall re-development is going.

i know the EF should be all done soon?( last one in regina ) isnt the SS opening next year sometime? or am i off ? i could call the mgr and ask but just more curious on how that whole mall is going also

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