View Full Version : Restoration Projects

Oct 31, 2012, 5:49 AM
Has anybody been to the Dingle Tower since the restoration work? The interior was in pretty rough shape a few years ago.

I've seen a couple of newer photos of City Hall and the restoration work looks great.

Hopefully the city can eventually get to the point where its important buildings are regularly maintained.

Oct 31, 2012, 11:41 PM
I am really excited to hear of all the resorations taking place back home , including the the redevelopments with restored facades..... A friend of mine told me the other day out here he was heading down there for his first time and couldn't wait to see the old architecture and all , I warned him that alot of the city is going through this process but assured him that he will still be delighted.

Myself ,I can't wait to head home in the summer and see it with my own eyes, so many buildings that boardered on delapitated 10 years ago look amazing from what I have heard and seen in pictures..... sort of a renaissance for my lovely home town !:cheers:

Jan 22, 2013, 5:18 AM
This weekend has been talked about since "The Vic" was initially proposed some 4 years ago.

New Home - Charles & Chreighton Streets (https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Charles+and+Creighton,+Halifax,+NS&hl=en&ll=44.655405,-63.590139&spn=0.002576,0.006539&hnear=Creighton+St+%26+Charles+St,+Halifax,+Halifax+Regional+Municipality,+Nova+Scotia&gl=ca&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=44.655713,-63.590492&panoid=kV8OWOOzCDHBsdRWeq7KwQ&cbp=12,184.21,,0,3.47)
Morrishouse.ca (http://morrishouse.ca/)

Morris House could settle at permanent street address
January 21, 2013 - 7:09pm BY THE CHRONICLE HERALD

Halifax’s historic Morris House could be on the move this weekend. It is thought to be the fourth-oldest building in the city.

The building, one of the earliest commercial buildings in the country, will be moved to its permanent site on the corner of Creighton and Charles streets Friday or Saturday, weather permitting, a news release from the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia states.

The structure, built by one of the city’s founding fathers, Charles Morris, was saved from demolition in 2009 when a new 10-storey commercial and residential development moved into the area.



Read More: thechronicleherald.ca (http://thechronicleherald.ca/metro/494209-morris-house-could-settle-at-permanent-street-address?utm_source=website&utm_medium=mobi&utm_campaign=full-site)


And from the project's website THE MOVE (http://morrishouse.ca/the-move/) page.

"The 4. 5 kilometer, two day journey will begin (weather permitting) in the early morning hours of Friday, January 25th (storm day Saturday, January 26th). S. Rushton, house movers from New Glasgow, will transport the house along Water Street, up Sackville St. and onto Brunswick where it will rest for a day on the corner of Cogswell and Brunswick.

Sunday, January 27th Gottingen Street will close down for traffic after midnight and it will continue, with its escort of police and heavy equipment, to Charles Street. From there it will roll along another block to its new home just opposite Joseph Howe School. Details on street closures will be issued by the City and up dated on this web site in the coming days."