View Full Version : London Ontario For Simcity!

Oct 30, 2011, 1:59 AM
Yes it's true. You can download the Forest City for Simcity 4.

Link here:

There's also a version that's twice as big as it should be (it makes the river/terrain more realistic in the game)

You can also download One London Place: http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14544-one-london-place-fixed/

Oct 30, 2011, 4:49 PM
This looks neat, I once tried to make an accurate London map in Sim City 3000 but got the street layout all wrong. In Sim City 4 I made a city called "Londinium", which ended up looking a lot more like Chatham terrain and street-wise. Population peaked at around 110,000 and no matter how hard I tried it just stayed put. Stagnant for about 20 in-game years now :(

Oct 30, 2011, 6:55 PM
That's cool! I never really got into Sim City too much. Our family used to have the original (which I never played) and Sim City 3000, which I found to be very frustrating when I played. The zoned areas never seemed to develop, I could never figure out how to build expressways, and I found the whole thing to be too inaccurate for my liking (aliens, really? I guess I'm just no fun!:haha:). I'd always been into creating maps of cities by hand, and I still do, just because I personally find it more enjoyable. That's not to say that Sim City isn't a great game, so perhaps I'll try it again someday.

Oct 30, 2011, 9:25 PM
Played a Sim City 4 game for 3 years. Population? A cool 19 million. Then, bang, crash. I was more than a little pissed off to have my game hang upon loading. Same thing for CIV 5 once I got passed a certain size.

I won't play these erstwhile dearly beloved games any more. too damned buggy. and I hate "steam"

Oct 31, 2011, 12:30 AM
I once attempted to create London in SimCity 2000, but it failed miserably. Most of the land never developed, and the land that did develop ended up becoming abandoned buildings!

Nov 1, 2011, 12:42 AM
I once attempted to create London in SimCity 2000, but it failed miserably. Most of the land never developed, and the land that did develop ended up becoming abandoned buildings!

A faithful replica!

Played a Sim City 4 game for 3 years. Population? A cool 19 million.

May I ask, how the hell did you get a city up to 19 million people? I thought the maximum population was theoretically about 1,000,000. I think my largest was about 390,000.

Then, bang, crash. I was more than a little pissed off to have my game hang upon loading. Same thing for CIV 5 once I got passed a certain size.

I won't play these erstwhile dearly beloved games any more. too damned buggy. and I hate "steam"

The bugginess was what killed SC4 for me. A really fantastic game marred by poor programming. It eventually annoyed me so much I ended up going back to Sim City 3000, which is personally my favourite in the series. By the way, Steam actually isn't so bad compared to some other systems in use (Battle.net 2.0, I'm looking square at you).

Mar 16, 2015, 1:52 AM
Huge bump, but the Forest City is now available for Cities: Skylines:


Game hasn't even been out for a week yet and it's already there. Crazy!

I'm also doing a playthrough of the game if interested: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Yl0lRNSH1gVh1WCJXp2UTlg9-MwucVs

Mar 20, 2015, 2:58 AM
Huge bump, but the Forest City is now available for Cities: Skylines

What is this game, and how have I not heard about it?? Looks like Sim City came back from the dead. Shame it had to happen when free time has become scarce for me.

Mar 20, 2015, 3:20 AM
It's so much better. Bit of a learning curve, but it's what Simcity should have been, but wasn't

Mar 23, 2015, 5:41 PM
I need to buy time before I buy this game. Where can I get some time, alas?