View Full Version : A new Dog Park in Gage Park

Mar 28, 2008, 1:17 PM
I've been thinking for quite sometime now that a Dog Park much like the one on the SPCA property on Dartnal is in order for Gage Park.

After some inquires to City staff it seems like one of the things that is keeping this idea from being reality is the lack of a volunteer committee to raise funds for its construction and maintain it once it's built.

Since nobody seems to be interested in organizing such a committee, I thought I would give it a shot. I am now soliciting for volunteers to join this committee of 10 volunteers. So far I've recieved interest from 5 or 6 people, so we're half-way there already.

If anybody here would like to be part of this committee, please email me at gagedogpark@gmail.com

I will be putting together a mailing list of interested people and will be holding a meeting somewhere, sometime in the next month.

This thread can also serve as a place to discuss this idea and I will post updates as they happen.
