View Full Version : Rockcliffe Parkway Roundabout

Nov 19, 2007, 9:01 PM
I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while.

Does anyone know why there is a short railway “line” in the middle of the second roundabout going east on the Rockcliffe Parkway (right after the GG’s residence)? There are also some rails on the north side of the parkway, in the middle of the grass.

Hmmm... Mystère et boule de gomme!

Nov 19, 2007, 9:14 PM
I'm guessing it's from the streetcar that used to go to Rockcliffe


(images from ncc watch and archives of Ontario (http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/ENGLISH/exhibits/christmas03/))

edit: maybe the tracks in the roundabout are a design element reflecting Rockcliffe Park's heritage?

Nov 19, 2007, 9:52 PM
The tracks looks pretty new to me, so I don’t think they’ve been dug up. Plus they look like they’ve been deliberately set in the middle of the roundabout circle.

They’re oriented south south east I believe. Then there’s a break for the roadway (where there are no tracks), and then there’s the little bit that continues along the same alignment in the roadside grass for maybe 5 or 10 metres.

Nov 19, 2007, 10:04 PM
I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while.

Does anyone know why there is a short railway “line” in the middle of the second roundabout going east on the Rockcliffe Parkway (right after the GG’s residence)? There are also some rails on the north side of the parkway, in the middle of the grass.

Hmmm... Mystère et boule de gomme!

I only know of the one roundabout in front of the GG residence and the Prime Minister's residences. Where's the second?

Nov 20, 2007, 3:13 AM
I only know of the one roundabout in front of the GG residence and the Prime Minister's residences. Where's the second?

The second is fairly new and is near the area of the Rockliffe Park/lookout.

Nov 20, 2007, 2:17 PM
Going east, as Jamaican-Phoenix just described, it’s just before the turn-off to go to the gazebo (where there’s the Scouts’ ice cream stand) and also the lookout on the river that's on the main parkway.

There are no signs identifying the street off the new roundabout but my map tells me it’s either Princess Ave. or Buena Vista Rd.