View Full Version : Drawings Since my Recent Come-Back (Vlad)

Sep 21, 2003, 9:22 PM
Hi ya'll :)
Here are my new drawings in chronological order:

1) Kempinski Hotel Odessa in Odessa, Ukraine:

http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=19995&drawingID=16507 http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=19995&drawingID=16586

2) Space Research Center w/ RT-70 radar in Yevpatoria, Crimea, Ukraine:


3) Hotel "Kyivska Rus" in Kyiv, Ukraine (I think the height should be a bit less - so I put my estimated height - and I had some problems fitting in the correct number of floors - so the look a bit big now... - I think I ought to redraw it)


4) Apartment Complex "Bashnya" (Tower) almost complete in Dnipropetrovsk (formerly Kodak), Ukraine:

(It looks like smthng is wrong on the left side - Should be brighter than the front side rather than darker ?)


5) Condominium Building under construction in Kyiv, Ukraine


6) PromInvest Bank in Doneck, Ukraine:


7) Oblast (like Province) Administration building in Doneck, Ukraine:


8 ) Hotel Hradetsky (Gradecky) in Chernigiv, Ukraine:


9) PryvatBank Headquaters Building, in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. BTW - it's built RIGHT on the very edge of the Dnipro riverbank on a very soft soil with that angeled side facing the river. And those dark floors on the bottom are basically a margin for a building to slowwly sink (I assume, cos those floors are not really used):


10) Hotel "Sport" in Kyiv, Ukraine (see on the right side that flat wall looks like it's angled, which makes the whole building look angled - but in fact - it is drawn straing on! I donno what to do with it :( )


11) Hotel "Lugansk" in Lugansk, Ukraine. (Old soviet-style building - it actually looks prettier as a drawing than in life :) )


So that's basically it :)

Sep 21, 2003, 9:49 PM
These are really nice :)

My favourites are PromInvest, Hotel "Sport" and Hotel Hradetsky, but the others are nice as well. Only Bashnya Tower looks a bit blurry - have you tried to sharpen it?

Sep 21, 2003, 10:16 PM
I'm glad you're back! I love your drawing style. :)

Sep 21, 2003, 10:28 PM
Thanks Jai-C and Buck.

About the "Bashnia" - I tried - and it looks more cartoonish - I think I'll have to correct it manually.

And the buildings that you mentioned - I think I portrayed the material pretty good (Actually it was mostly luck :) ).

How about PryvatBank (9) ? I thought that was my best.. I mean I think so cos I put more time and efgfort into it. The only problem was that floors are 3.3m - I think you know what that means :(

Sep 21, 2003, 11:21 PM
Yes that seems to be complex. But from my own experience I can say that the most difficult drawings don't always turn out to be the best ones...

Sep 22, 2003, 12:00 AM
Really nice!

I particularly like the satellite dish & PromInvest Bank

Sep 22, 2003, 12:46 AM
Yeah, Tony - The satellite dish is KEWEL, I like it too.

And, Jai-C, I guess you're right - complicated buildings don't usually turn out good... That's the sad truth :)

Sep 22, 2003, 2:44 AM
those are some nice drawings vlad!

Sep 23, 2003, 6:14 AM
Thanks Jared! Do you really mean it ;) He-He

12) Here's a very small new one in Kharkiv, Ukraine:


Sep 23, 2003, 6:31 AM
Those are great, Vlad. Keep up the good work! 8)

Sep 23, 2003, 8:29 PM
To Tze, Sherman :)

Sep 23, 2003, 9:26 PM

I like 2, 4, 6, 8,

Those look like vector art to me. Are they? Illustrator, Freehand etc.

Sep 24, 2003, 2:00 AM
Thanks realcity.

Actually I draw only in Photoshop 5.0 :)
No vector art - except sometimes I use something like vector drawing for some parts of the buildings - but actually it's all "paint-like" drawing...

Why did you think it was vector art anyways?

Sep 25, 2003, 7:56 AM
Allright, here are 2 new ones:

13) Hotel "Druzhba" (Friendship :) ) in Lugansk, Ukraine:


14) Kharkov National University in the name of N.V.Karazin :)


Whew - the University was hard...

Sep 25, 2003, 8:37 AM
Whew - the University was hard...

But the drawing is execellent - very good shading... :)

Sep 25, 2003, 7:14 PM
Hey - Thanks Jai-C.
somehow I'm inclined to believe that I'm better at stone buildings than I'll ever be at glass ones.
You, on the other hand are, what I call "GlassMaster" :)
BTW - 90% of my rawings are done at 1:1 - so in some cases hat makes it harder - but at least I have full controll over final outcome.

Sep 26, 2003, 1:43 AM
Okay 'StoneMaster' :D

I did my drawings mostly in 1:1 scale - much fewer pixels to paint ;)

Sep 26, 2003, 6:08 PM
LOL, Jai-C :)

OK here's new one (I'm not sure if it turned out well or not - I drew it at night in the dark...

15) Apartment complex on 3, Gali Tymofeevoji St. in Kyiv, Ukraine


Sep 26, 2003, 6:37 PM
To Tze, Sherman :)

:D haha........ng si
Vlad, are you learning mandarin as well? :)

Sep 26, 2003, 6:48 PM
Nice drawings Vlad.

Sep 26, 2003, 7:11 PM
To Tze, Sherman :)

:D haha........ng si
Vlad, are you learning mandarin as well? :)

Toi Le :)
It's easier tone-wise - "ONLY" 4 instead of 6-9 in Cantonese :)
surprisingly I can perfectly hear and reproduce with 80-90% accuracy the tones - so I guess I'm and unusual NON-tone-deaf "Transparent(white) Ghost" :) HEHE

Oh, and thanks Caw ! I'm trying really hard - I treat drawing lately almost like work - since I'm leaving pretty soon - I'm trying to get as much of them as possible - so I come from work, eat and start drawing/etc untill like 3am and in the morning the cycle repeats...