View Full Version : Please Critique My Disaster Drawings! (WARNING: Buildings die!)

Mar 8, 2007, 1:36 AM

Well, I have three big passions: Airplanes, Buildings, and Movies. Going to the 3rd, one of my favorite genres of movies is disaster movies, and for some reason, I love seeing buildings being constructed, I love watching airplanes being made, but I also love watching buildings, cities, planes, and other manmade objects being blown to pieces, as morbid as that sounds as long as it's fiction, meaning that I do NOT love September 11th. I've been called a future terrorist for these drawings, but I've also been called a true artist for creating these drawings that are so different, and so detailed. My inspiration comes from the 4 Air Disaster book's illustrations. Please critique on which you think is the best one! I'd greatly appreciate it. Like I say, I've gotten a lot of good critique, but I've also gotten a lot of name calling, so I'm pretty much prepared to handle anything you throw at me. Remember, I'm only 15, and I haven't had much experience with drawing, so be kind!


Tidal Wave:


Plane Crash (Collision):

Meteor Shower:

I think I may deserve a lot of crap for Meteor Shower, as it highly resembles 9/11, and I definately see it.


Mar 8, 2007, 1:39 AM
Seek help.:)

Mar 8, 2007, 1:43 AM
I like them.

Have you seen "The Science of Sleep"? Maybe you could sell them to a calender company. :haha:

Urban Sky
Mar 8, 2007, 1:44 AM
HOLY SHIT. Those are pretty fucked up. I like the "Absurdity" the best, if I had to pick one....only because it's like the sampler platter at Denny's. A little bit of everything.

Mar 8, 2007, 1:45 AM
Yeah, i picked "Absurdity", too. I especially like the smiling pincer monster.

Mar 8, 2007, 1:52 AM
Absurdity and the plane crash.

Very warm imagery.

Mar 8, 2007, 1:54 AM
I also like Absurdity. My advice: just draw what you want. Remember,there's no such thing as tasteless art.

btw like I said months earlier, your avatar is awesome :tup:

Urban Sky
Mar 8, 2007, 1:54 AM
makes me want to curl up next to the fire place with a hot cup of coco.

ah yes, the apocalypse is near.

Urban Sky
Mar 8, 2007, 1:57 AM
I also like Absurdity. My advice: just draw what you want. Remember,there's no such thing as tasteless art.

i bet if you posted a thread daring people to find some tasteless art, it could be done.

Mar 8, 2007, 1:58 AM
only because it's like the sampler platter at Denny's. A little bit of everything.

A Denny's Grand Slam is not what first came to mind when I saw "Absurdity".

You should find a nice head doctor Boise and ask for their opinion on your drawings.:koko:

Mar 8, 2007, 2:03 AM
They almost have a touch of humor. I love them.

Urban Sky
Mar 8, 2007, 2:35 AM
A Denny's Grand Slam is not what first came to mind when I saw "Absurdity".

You should find a nice head doctor Boise and ask for their opinion on your drawings.:koko:

WOAH WOAH WOAH. The Sampler is WAYYYY different than the Grand Slam.

Mar 8, 2007, 2:47 AM
pretty good. but i dont like this one, i live in edson

Mar 8, 2007, 2:50 AM
They're not entirely morbid, and the irony is in how you drew them, very soft, and cute. I have morbid drawings, if you ever want to see those.

volguus zildrohar
Mar 8, 2007, 2:50 AM
A 15 year-old can be forgiven for drawing pretty much anything. I once drew a picture of a TWA plane crashing in flames - a couple of months before TWA Flight 800 crashed after leaving JFK (upon which were a teacher from my high school and his wife).

You can always say you're going to major in computer animation or such. Then some day you'll be paid to scare people.

Absurdity is the least bothersome viscerally although I'd have added a giant Pac-Man or other out-of-context image in the background.

Mar 8, 2007, 2:54 AM

i saw some posters at a university bookstore about 10 years ago, a series called "New York disasters" or something...they were all surreal, and not really too grim or serious looking (besides the massive doom.) "manhattan tidle wave" and "manhattan twister" were the two i remember; of course, this was pre 9-11, but i'd still like to find some and put on the wall.


Mar 8, 2007, 3:00 AM
Yeah... Absurdity for sure.

Mar 8, 2007, 3:07 AM
i like movies too especialy total destruction of citites or buildings
awsome, I always used to play with blocks and have all these pennies as people and destroy the blocks and pretend the people are running. i have the same thoughts that people might think i enjoyed Sep 11 noooooooooooooooo
cool drawings i picked the plane crash

Mar 8, 2007, 3:37 AM
I also draw pictures of total chaos, it's completely normal. ;) I'll agree with everyone here, Absurdity is best. The red pencil really brings out the madness of the drawing.

Mar 8, 2007, 3:50 AM
nice drawing, just hope you school isnt a bitch about them I am fairly sure some of them would be enough to get you tossed out of some schools.

I really like Tidal Wave I think it looks cool, and I like how the fargo building from Boise is in there ;)

Mar 8, 2007, 3:53 AM
You know what would really be morbid... wait, nevermind.

Mar 8, 2007, 4:09 AM
You are one of the best drawers ive ever seen but my vote gos to the first one as is more realistic

Mar 8, 2007, 4:11 AM
very neat drawings, a little disturbing, but neat;)

Mar 8, 2007, 4:54 AM
I voted for everything, just because I can.

You should look ino Sandow Birk, you'd enjoy his work.

Mar 8, 2007, 4:54 AM
Wow!! Thank you so much for the postive feedback everyone! :)

nice drawing, just hope you school isnt a bitch about them I am fairly sure some of them would be enough to get you tossed out of some schools.

I really like Tidal Wave I think it looks cool, and I like how the fargo building from Boise is in there ;)

Wow! That was purely coincedental, but now that you say it, it does quite highly resemble. That's too funny. :haha: The teachers sometimes give me sketchy looks when I show them, but the students thing that they are really cool. I actually get a few request for people to draw a disaster for them, lol.

very neat drawings, a little disturbing, but neat;)

Thanks! I get that a lot, hahaha.

You are one of the best drawers ive ever seen but my vote gos to the first one as is more realistic

Wow! I've actually never thought of myself as an outstanding artist. I mean, I never took any classes or anything, just learned from experience, but thank you!

I also draw pictures of total chaos, it's completely normal. ;) I'll agree with everyone here, Absurdity is best. The red pencil really brings out the madness of the drawing.

If you have drawings like those, post them! I'd love to see what others have done!

i like movies too especialy total destruction of citites or buildings
awsome, I always used to play with blocks and have all these pennies as people and destroy the blocks and pretend the people are running. i have the same thoughts that people might think i enjoyed Sep 11 noooooooooooooooo
cool drawings i picked the plane crash

Cool! Yeah, I used to be the same way as well. My JROTC instructor jokingly calls me next year's "terrorist".

A 15 year-old can be forgiven for drawing pretty much anything. I once drew a picture of a TWA plane crashing in flames - a couple of months before TWA Flight 800 crashed after leaving JFK (upon which were a teacher from my high school and his wife).

You can always say you're going to major in computer animation or such. Then some day you'll be paid to scare people.

Absurdity is the least bothersome viscerally although I'd have added a giant Pac-Man or other out-of-context image in the background.

I think your case is more understandable, because now knew of the 800 tragedy yet. I love your Pac-Man idea! In my next Absurdity, I'll include that :jester:

pretty good. but i dont like this one, i live in edson

Actually, if you look closely (understandable, as it's hard to see), it was supposed to be "Edison Hotel" and the "i" was breaking off into pieces. :D

They're not entirely morbid, and the irony is in how you drew them, very soft, and cute. I have morbid drawings, if you ever want to see those.

Definately post them in this thread, like I say to foxmtbr, I'd love to see other's drawings

makes me want to curl up next to the fire place with a hot cup of coco.

ah yes, the apocalypse is near.

Hahahahaha! Hilarious response! :haha:

I also like Absurdity. My advice: just draw what you want. Remember,there's no such thing as tasteless art.

btw like I said months earlier, your avatar is awesome :tup:

Thank you! I love my avatar too :D, it took me about a total of 30-40 hours to properly analyze and design. :jester:


Mar 8, 2007, 7:02 AM
Alright, I'll try to find some of my drawings and post them. :) (It may take a few days to find them, so don't hold your breath.)

Mar 14, 2007, 2:57 AM
I honestly had to vote for all of them. They have alot of zany Japanese flair. Maybe you have a little Japanese man inside you.

...Anyway, my real favorite was Absurdity, but Meteor Shower took a very close second only because a plane travelling at hundreds of miles an hour above a city was hit by a tiny rock. I love perfect timing.

Mar 14, 2007, 4:14 AM
I honestly had to vote for all of them. They have alot of zany Japanese flair. Maybe you have a little Japanese man inside you.

...Anyway, my real favorite was Absurdity, but Meteor Shower took a very close second only because a plane travelling at hundreds of miles an hour above a city was hit by a tiny rock. I love perfect timing.

Hahahaha, funny you should mention that...I'm taking Japanese in High School right now, although I have almost zero interest in anime if that's what you're talking about, haha.
