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Jan 14, 2007, 12:52 AM
I heard that David Asper will be making his presentation tommorow for a new stadium at the Polo Park Location. It is to include various commercial and retail concepts.

Knowing the Aspers, this project proposal will be very special. This new stadium centre may extend to the new Polo Park expansion. Then again I may have misheard .... we will have to wait and see. The complexities of this deal are still on going.

Greco Roman
Jan 14, 2007, 12:54 AM
I heard that David Asper will be making his presentation tommorow for a new stadium at the Polo Park Location. It is to include various commercial and retail concepts.

Knowing the Aspers, this project proposal will be very special. This new stadium centre may extend to the new Polo Park expansion. Then again I may have misheard .... we will have to wait and see. The complexities of this deal are still on going.

Would this mean then that it may be built on the same site as CanadInn Stadium; meaning tearing down the old one and starting from scratch?

Jan 14, 2007, 12:58 AM
It sounds that way.

Greco Roman
Jan 14, 2007, 1:09 AM
I'm also praying that there will be an increase in seating capacity :notacrook:

Jan 14, 2007, 1:23 AM
I'm also praying that there will be an increase in seating capacity :notacrook:

I heard it will have a capacity between 28000 and 30000 fixed seats, but will have a large number of private and corporate boxes.... but anyways I shouldn't be disclosing too much yet.

Tommorow gents!!

Jan 14, 2007, 3:21 AM

Jan 14, 2007, 4:11 AM
does anyone really think the aspers are going to drop a nickel to build a football stadium?....they had to cancel their 40 million dollar head office for their billion dollar company....now they are going to invest 200 million in what is basically charity?

my prediction is DA will buy, or simply take over the bombers for a song and then complain to the government for the next 15 years to build him a stadium...he might pay for another feasibility study and ask ray wan to get his offshore rent-a-rendering service to ship over a few glossy images from india.

the aspers are a lot of talk, but not much action.
well why don't the aspers just put up the rest of the money for the meuseam.......

Jan 14, 2007, 4:42 AM
does Winnipeg getting the posibility of a new stadium have anything to do with Canada's bid for the 2018 FIFA World Cup?? I know Vancouver's new soccer stadium does.

just some food for thought.

Jan 14, 2007, 5:30 AM
does Winnipeg getting the posibility of a new stadium have anything to do with Canada's bid for the 2018 FIFA World Cup?? I know Vancouver's new soccer stadium does.

just some food for thought.

aww that would be sweet :slob:

Jan 14, 2007, 1:57 PM
looks sweeeet to me
read my posts from today fp on winnipeg thread.


Jan 14, 2007, 3:49 PM


Jan 14, 2007, 3:53 PM
So who is the architect that came up with the design?

It doesn't looked sized for a soccer pitch, but who knows as this early stage. Winnipeg should be careful not to miss an opportunity, either with MLS, which seems on the upswing lately, or as part of Canada's bid for the World Cup in 2018.

Only The Lonely..
Jan 14, 2007, 4:59 PM
Breaking News

Free Press Exclusive: A new Blue super structure
Asper prepared to contribute $40 million toward $120-M stadium

Sun Jan 14 2007

By Ed Tait | Winnipeg Free Press

BUSINESS mogul David Asper will huddle up with the Winnipeg Blue Bomber board of directors Sunday afternoon to pitch his plan to take the club private and help fund a new stadium.
The Free Press has obtained a copy of Asper's confidential proposal, including the architectural drawings and a 2 1/2-minute promotional DVD that will be shown to the Bomber board.

And while all the details will be released later Sunday after his meeting with the club's executives, The Free Press has also learned the plan calls for an injection of $40 million of Asper's money toward a new $120-million facility.

It would also include $40 million from both the federal and provincial governments and the donation of the land from the city -- Asper is said to have had informal discussions with all three political representatives from all three levels -- and would be built on the current site at Polo Park.

If his proposal is agreed on by the Bomber directors, construction on the facility would begin this fall, replace the existing 54-year-old Canad Inns Stadium and be completed in time for the 2008 Canadian Football League season.

A private corporation would then run the football club and the on-site retail/commercial aspect of the plan, scheduled to begin in 2008. It would also mean the end of the Bombers' 76-plus years of community ownership. The team has been run by a non-profit organization managed by a board of directors since its inception in 1930.


* Local business mogul David Asper would gain complete control of the football club in exchange for his $40 million contribution toward a new $120-million facility and on-site retail/commercial component which would begin development in 2008.


* Details of how the public can view the plan will be released Sunday. But Asper's proposal would also call for the Bomber board to reach a decision in an expedited manner rather than have the process dragged out by weeks or months of public consultation so the team can be playing in the new facility by 2008. If accepted, construction on the new facility would begin immediately afterward.


* Asper's proposal would bring to an end 76 years of community ownership and the Bombers -- in addition to the retail/commercial operation -- would then be run by a private corporation.

Currently the Bombers are run by a nine-person board of volunteer directors, which oversees the day-to-day operations handled by president and CEO Lyle Bauer.


New digs

* Football fans would watch Bomber games in a state-of-the-art facility with many of the bells and whistles baseball and hockey supporters already enjoy with CanWest Global Park and MTS Centre.

Canad Inns Stadium, the current home of the team, was built 54 years ago and needs millions of dollars in infrastructure upgrades. Many fans also complain of the cramped spaces between seats in the East and West grandstands.

Financial stability

* The Bombers posted an operating loss of $480,094 in 2005 -- their first loss in five years. The club entered the 2006 season with an accumulated debt of $697,882, down significantly from the $5.4 million in 2000 that drove the franchise to the brink of bankruptcy. The debt is expected to be wiped clean when the team completes its '06 financial statement, including a $2 million to $3 million windfall from playing host to the 2006 Grey Cup.

The retail and commercial development would help provide the team with the outside revenue sources it has been seeking for years and make it less gate-dependent.

Community benefits

* Details are scarce here, but it's believed the plan would see the establishment of a 'Touchdown Foundation' to benefit amateur football in Manitoba as well as a permanent Blue Bomber hall of fame.


* Private ownership, as many CFL fans across the country are painfully aware, has hardly been a panacea for other franchises. Both Ottawa and Montreal have gone long stretches without CFL teams after private owners left those franchises bankrupt.

* The CFL has implemented a new salary management system for this season in a move to level the competitive playing field between private and publicly owned teams. All teams must now adhere to a $4.05 million salary cap or face fines. If it works, that would narrow the gap between public and private. Three of the eight CFL teams -- Winnipeg, Saskatchewan and Edmonton -- are community owned, the other five are private operations.

Winnipeg and Saskatchewan, it's worth noting, are also suffering through the longest championship droughts in the CFL. The Roughriders' last Grey Cup title came in 1989, the Bombers' last title came a year later.

-- Ed Tait

Asper would not comment on any aspect of his plan when reached at his Winnipeg home Saturday night, choosing instead "to respect the process.

"I'm disappointed that information continues to come out in bits and pieces," said Asper. "I look forward to presenting the entire proposal from top to bottom to the board (Sunday)."

The glitzy promotional DVD clearly outlines Asper's vision for the future of the football team, the centrepiece of which would be a "world-class stadium" that would serve as a "rallying point" a "sense of community spirit" and a "place of national pride."

While stressing the need for a new facility, the video also makes reference to the number of community benefits and the overwhelming success of the MTS Centre -- the home of the Manitoba Moose -- and how it was built through a private-public community partnership.

It also includes some of the new features of the stadium and how it could be constructed without interrupting use of the current facility through the 2007 season.

A key component of the Asper plan is the retail/commercial development that would spring up on-site along Empress Street. Revenue from those sources could be a lifeblood for the franchise, which has been seeking out new income streams for years to make it less dependent on ticket revenue from its 10 home dates per season.

Ironically, the Asper proposal comes at a time when the franchise is in its healthiest position in decades. As recently as 2000, the franchise was $5.4 million in debt and teetering on bankruptcy. But the Bombers expect to make roughly $2.5 million from playing host to the Grey Cup last November, a figure which would wipe out its debt -- $697,882 heading into the 2006 season.

The Bomber board is said to be ready to put out a call for proposals for commercial development and solicit interest from other potential private investors, but Asper is the only party to step forward to date.

Fans could stroll down a Blue Bomber Hall of Fame Walk.
The Asper plan does call for the Bomber board to make an expedited decision within the next few months so that, if accepted, the deal can be closed and construction on the new stadium can begin this year.

A source who will be involved in Sunday's meeting said the Bomber board will listen intently to the Asper plan. In fact, the source said it could be met positively by the Bomber board, some of whom are concerned that without a private partner stepping forward a new facility will never be built.

Asper's promotional DVD concludes with this message:

"It's all here and it's all doable -- together. The new Blue and a new state-of-the-art stadium fresh for kickoff in 2008. A chance to construct a landmark and grow a winning dynasty. It's time to show our true blue colours and make sure it happens today. A new stadium, retail development and a team, stronger than ever.

"It's the only way to ensure a stable future for the Bombers and a winning reputation for Winnipeg."


Grey Cup Championship first down markers would be on display.


The stadium

Location: Essentially the same as the current facility, Canad Inns Stadium, although the West side grandstand would now adjunct St. James Avenue with parking and the retail/commercial development on the East side, facing Empress Street.

Seating: 30,000-40,000; partially covered.

Amenities: 24 private suites; 13 concession areas; 'Bomber Fan Fare' transit terminal; main entrance would face north on St. Matthews Avenue; Blue Bomber Hall of Fame Walk to honour players and builders; Blue Bomber interactive sculptures to honour the franchise and its great players; 'True Blue' fan interactive sculptures celebrating the team's diehard supporters; virtual advertising ring outside the stadium; JumboTrons at both north and south ends.

Parking: Plans call for a 2,100-space, two-floor parkade on-site as well as ground-level spaces on the East side between the stadium and proposed retail development.

Traffic flow: The designs call for the construction of an overhead exit ramp that would take traffic over St. James Street west toward Ness Avenue via an extension of St. Matthews Avenue.

The timeline: Phase 1: Construction would begin on the new West side immediately, without interruption to the current facility during 2007 CFL season.

Phase 2: After the '07 season, the existing East side and playing surface would be demolished to make way for the new grandstand. Stadium would then be ready for the opening of the 2008 CFL season.

Phase 3: Commercial and retail development to begin on East side facing Empress Street in 2008.

-- Ed Tait




Background: The community-owned Winnipeg Football Club began operation in 1930 following the amalgamation of the teams in the Manitoba Rugby Union. It has been community-owned in the 76 years since.


In the team's last financial statement (for the year 2005), the Bombers spent $6.6 million on football operations (player/coach salaries, scouting etc.), $2.56 million on marketing and administration and $1.03 million on stadium occupancy.

Those expenses were offset by $3.7 million in ticket revenue; $1.1 million from the Canadian Football League; $4.23 million in revenue generated from corporate sponsorships and $385,436 from stadium management. The team also generated $290,312 from community support and fundraising.

Bottom line: a loss of $480,094.


The revenue from game-day would likely increase from the interest in a new facility; CFL revenues are to boost with increase corporate sponsorship and a new TV deal; other revenue -- corporate sponsorship, merchandising, etc. -- would expected to be at least the same.

The commercial/real estate component could be worth a ton given the traffic that flows through the Polo Park area, but is difficult to put a value on not knowing lease agreements and who the tenants are may be.

-Ed Tait.

Jan 14, 2007, 5:37 PM
"secular progressive agenda" that includes "legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage"

I like this stadium plan, but what I REALLY want to vote for is your sig. :tup:

Jan 14, 2007, 5:44 PM
This stadium would definately put Winnipeg at the top of the food chain as far as stadiums go in Canada. Its not the largest, but the quality of complex would surpass all the other CFL stadiums.

I am very impresses!!! It would be a great addition to Winnipeg's other top notch sporting facilities. Winnipeg is very fortunate to have the Aspers. :tup:

Jan 14, 2007, 5:47 PM
well why don't the aspers just put up the rest of the money for the meuseam.......

The Aspers are the largest private donar to this museum but they strongly believe it should be a community investment with a great deal of community support.. but they have taken the lead and have put up a large sum of there private money and effort to make it happen.

Jan 14, 2007, 5:58 PM
does anyone really think the aspers are going to drop a nickel to build a football stadium?....they had to cancel their 40 million dollar head office for their billion dollar company....now they are going to invest 200 million in what is basically charity?

my prediction is DA will buy, or simply take over the bombers for a song and then complain to the government for the next 15 years to build him a stadium...he might pay for another feasibility study and ask ray wan to get his offshore rent-a-rendering service to ship over a few glossy images from india.

the aspers are a lot of talk, but not much action.

The Aspers didn't cancel the 40 million dollar building.. the shareholders with the board of directors questioned the value to the company. It was a Canwest project.. spending Canwest money.

Both the museum and this proposed stadium are not Canwest investments. These projects are from the Aspers private money, which is considerable.

I would also not call the stadium a charity... with the retail componant it should be able to make a small profit. Of course this is more of a $40M investment in the city of Winnipeg. Just as there has been many other projects funded by the Aspers for the benefit of our city.

It is very irresponsible to sugest the Aspers are all talk and no action. Have you even read a newspaper over the last 10 years. They have commited funds to many Winnipeg organizations and institutions.

These "no action" people have put endless hours and millions of there own money to make the musuem, which is a pure charity, to add to Winnipeg's cultural attractiveness. It is there attempt to add some big city quality to this slow prarie city.

Your post is beyond ridiculous.

Jan 14, 2007, 6:05 PM
I think TV's firm may have backed the wrong horse this time, so he might be a little bitter...

big W
Jan 14, 2007, 6:14 PM
That looks great. Good on you Peg.

Jan 14, 2007, 6:20 PM
The stadium looks a little cheap in the renderings, but that may just be a preliminary thing. Either way, they better make this thing flexible for soccer as well...I'd rather not have Winnipeg with two new sports complexes that are too small for the big time.

Jan 14, 2007, 6:37 PM
Excuse my ignorance but what are the demensions of a soccer field?

itom 987
Jan 14, 2007, 6:44 PM
I notice there is very little surface parking compared to other stadiums.

Jan 14, 2007, 6:53 PM
Excuse my ignorance but what are the demensions of a soccer field?
FIFA requirements are 100-130 yards long by 50-100 yards wide, which is a big variation. Typical international size is 110 x 70 yards or 120 x 75.

Football fields in Canada are 110 x 65. It's an issue of widening an extra 10 yards and having room beyond that for the sidelines, and much easier done in Canada than the US, where the field is quite a bit narrower. Length isn't an issue due to the large size end zones.

Jan 14, 2007, 7:02 PM
FIFA requirements are 100-130 yards long by 50-100 yards wide, which is a big variation. Typical international size is 110 x 70 yards or 120 x 75.

Football fields in Canada are 110 x 65. It's an issue of widening an extra 10 yards and having room beyond that for the sidelines, and much easier done in Canada than the US, where the field is quite a bit narrower. Length isn't an issue due to the large size end zones.

It should be doable.

Jan 14, 2007, 7:09 PM
I was extremely happy when I got to read through the (early stages) of the proposal in today's Free Press. The Aspers are outstanding in this community.

As far as Winnipeg "missing out ont the big time"... We are not a "big time" city. I completely believe in dreaming big, and being the best we can be, but I don't think having a sporting franchise that competes with New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, etc. is the definition of "arriving as a city".

If we could get this stadium and the new museum built, it would be fantastic to the city. Two iconic structures (museum much more so then the stadium ...but as newflyer said, it would easily be best CFL complex out there) of this magnitude would look good in what I (maybe over-optimistically) would like to call a re-born Winnipeg.

...Of course, I'd support any new sporting franchise coming to Winnipeg ...but I just don't think Winnipeg could come close to giving anything near an adequate level of support for an MLS franchise.

Jan 14, 2007, 7:17 PM
Not to get too off-topic, but current fan support in the MLS is not that big - any city that could get 10,000 - 20,000 fans per game would be considered. Franchise fees are $15million I believe. With Beckham arriving, now is the time to think about this.

And even if the MLS is a bit of a dream (as in the Jets will return someday), we've already missed out as a city on the World Cup U-20 this year because there is no facility here. I just hope ANY design for a new stadium considers FIFA requirements, just in case.

Jan 14, 2007, 8:01 PM
This proposal looks amazing. I'm very happy that this happened and not the toilet bowl near the Ex. This is probably the best thing that could have happened, but I'm still going to be picky. I think they should add a mixed-use component to the nearby retail and they could do without that flyover.

As for MLS, this wouldn't be a soccer specific stadium, though the dimensions are close enough that they might accept it. It would also be one of the largest stadiums at around nearly 30,000, and if they would have to change the pitch everytime they switched to soccer (I don't want to see any football grid when I watch a soccer game!) That said there's also the concern that there is enough a fan base in Winnipeg - a lot people are involved in soccer, but would 20,000 pay to watch it? In a few years maybe

I think the next expansion franchises are going to be San Jose, Vancouver and Rochester.

Jan 14, 2007, 8:13 PM


Looks Awesome! Congratulations Winnipeg!

Jan 14, 2007, 8:31 PM
So who is the architect that came up with the design?

It doesn't looked sized for a soccer pitch, but who knows as this early stage. Winnipeg should be careful not to miss an opportunity, either with MLS, which seems on the upswing lately, or as part of Canada's bid for the World Cup in 2018.

Given that a CFL flield is essensially exactly the same size as a regulation soccer pitch, this could not possibly be a problem

Jan 14, 2007, 8:41 PM
newfie, youre right...i shouldnt have been so harsh...the aspers are great philanthropists...my comments were about their grand construction projects, which are 0 for 2 so far.

no bitterness here....if winnipeg gets a new stadium, i am happy...my boss may think otherwise....i dont like working on huge projects like that anyways...

i have to say that i am still skeptical about the motive....this is basically a 40 million dollar charitable donation....i am looking for the reasoning.

the only thing i can think of is that the retail component, which seems to be built with the $120m becomes part of the asper portfolio and he projects the revenue from that will pay back his money.

i wonder if the government will balk at paying to build a retail development for a private investor.

as a side note, that drawing is not of a $120m stadium, especially if you include the retail component.

this is what is being built in toronto for 70 million (20 000 seats)


that being said, the drawings are cool (are they ray wan rent-a-renderings?).....it sure would be great to have a new stadium....and that location is certainly a good one.

if it is just a donation to the city, i would rather he put that money into the museum to be honest, but hopefully they both work out....

Jan 14, 2007, 8:48 PM
The supporting structure for the roof panels makes a reference to the esplanade riel, which is a bit interesting. Maybe a coincidence. Esplanade was Gaboury, right?

And yes VOR, after researching a bit about international soccer pitches, I don't think that will be a concern. Missed the WC U-20s by one year if they actually get this built by 2008.

Jan 14, 2007, 8:54 PM
wtf are the priorities of the aspers? in refrince to the museam... and such

anyhow ours will pwn torontos :D

Jan 14, 2007, 9:52 PM
...Of course, I'd support any new sporting franchise coming to Winnipeg ...but I just don't think Winnipeg could come close to giving anything near an adequate level of support for an MLS franchise.

This stadium would be around for a good 30 years....a lot of things can happen in that time. Winnipeg needs to make sure that it doesn't make the same mistake as it did with MTS, and build a smaller rink beecause they assumed the NHL market would never change again to support Winnipeg (something that might still be a very hard sell, but today Winnipeg is a lot more viable than it was even 3 years ago).

If it can support MLS or a future international soccer game, great. Better safe than sorry.

Jan 14, 2007, 10:38 PM
I think this new stadium design is quite elegant. Any word on whether it will be artificial or real grass?

It will be interesting to see how the tensioned fabric roof behaves with snow/wind loads in -30C temps... I hope they get a beefy warranty on the fabric ;).

I really hope this project goes through, but it does seem a bit grandiose in places. That elevated exit ramp will NEVER happen, and I think it's odd they even bothered with it in the proposal. My money is on that being the first thing dropped when the design gets more finalized.

Jan 14, 2007, 10:55 PM
I certainly am not holding my breath in anticipation for this to be built, but I'm glad to hear that talk of a new stadium now calls for it to be built on its current site, which is Winnipeg's optimal location for a large football stadium.

Reed Solomon
Jan 14, 2007, 11:07 PM


My post in the regular Winnipeg construction thread didn't go into much detail other than the fact that I hate it and hope it's not the final design (and I think people are just excited about it just because we really need a new stadium and will take anything that might possibly get built at this point)

Now, they say it's partially covered, but if you look at it, it won't protect you from anything Winnipeg will throw at you. I think the blue arches look neat, but would rather have some sort of material between the arches acting as protection from the elements. And they could have two smaller gold arches on the other side, that'd look neat perhaps.

Another thing I don't like is that it doesn't look expandable or upgradable. If it's going to be built I'd like for such options to be left open.

I also feel that the ballpark and mts centre do a good job of integrating into their surroundings, offering excellent concessions and places to mingle with other fans. This stadium doesn't seem to let people explore, it just seems to be a bunch of seats, and stairs, like the current stadium, and in the same location while serviceable Doesn't offer much of a view.

Those are my impressions. I hope if Asper gets his way they at least work on the design to reflect the city more and also think more about why the current arena and ballpark are liked. (I think the people also got to give a lot of input into those facilities as well, poll the bomber fans in the city for a concensus. Don't just build the first thing you come up with)

Jan 15, 2007, 12:07 AM
theres a vidio of the stadium on http://www.blueandgold.ca

david asper is puting up 65million not 40 and the stadium will cost 140 million not 120

Jan 15, 2007, 12:43 AM
theres a vidio of the stadium on http://www.blueandgold.ca

david asper is puting up 65million not 40 and the stadium will cost 140 million not 120

The stadium portion is 120 the remiander covers the retail portion.. for a total cost of 145Mill.

The retail portion will be covered completely by Asper, including the parkade. The Stadium portion which will be intragated with the retail portion will be covered by Asper and the Gov't. From what I have heard the Feds and the province are supportive of the concept, but will wait until the Bombers deside what they want to annouce any support, as not to add any influence.

Jan 15, 2007, 12:55 AM
newfie, youre right...i shouldnt have been so harsh...the aspers are great philanthropists...my comments were about their grand construction projects, which are 0 for 2 so far.

no bitterness here....if winnipeg gets a new stadium, i am happy...my boss may think otherwise....i dont like working on huge projects like that anyways...

i have to say that i am still skeptical about the motive....this is basically a 40 million dollar charitable donation....i am looking for the reasoning.

the only thing i can think of is that the retail component, which seems to be built with the $120m becomes part of the asper portfolio and he projects the revenue from that will pay back his money.

i wonder if the government will balk at paying to build a retail development for a private investor.

as a side note, that drawing is not of a $120m stadium, especially if you include the retail component.

this is what is being built in toronto for 70 million (20 000 seats)


that being said, the drawings are cool (are they ray wan rent-a-renderings?).....it sure would be great to have a new stadium....and that location is certainly a good one.

if it is just a donation to the city, i would rather he put that money into the museum to be honest, but hopefully they both work out....

Asper has conducted feasabilty studies I can assure you. He has stated that he does expect this project to be profitable.

With that said it is also about a family who wants to invest there money into there home city. This is also the reason why the musuem is being funded by a large sum of there money. The musuem will never be profitable, but it is a big city attraction which the Aspers wanted Winnipeg to have. Its a gift.. pure and simple. They have a great deal of money and want to put it towards Winnipegs's benefit.

The same goes for the Asper medical reseach institute... the Asper School of business ... the Lyric Stage at Assinaboine park.... none of which will garner one single dollar of return to the Asper family. Its all to improve Winnipeg's quality of life. This also does not cover the significant support to a series of other organizations they support.. of which have no return beyond making the city a better place to live.

This stadium will make a minimal profit, most of which I'd expect to be funneled into other community projects.

Jan 15, 2007, 12:56 AM

Check out www.blueandgold.ca There's a video of the stadium design and more info.

Jan 15, 2007, 1:02 AM
Thats excellent, Id like to see a 50 thou stadium though:tup: Congrats to the Peg:notacrook:

Reed Solomon
Jan 15, 2007, 1:05 AM

It looks better from this vantage point (the one we all end up seing :) )

still, I just can't get over the minimal effort to protect the fans from the elements. This IS Winnipeg after all.

Jan 15, 2007, 1:13 AM

Jan 15, 2007, 1:38 AM
It looks better from this vantage point (the one we all end up seing :) )

still, I just can't get over the minimal effort to protect the fans from the elements. This IS Winnipeg after all.

As a season ticket holder, I can only remember a few games over the last few years where one even needed to be protected from the elements. Most games are in 25 degree weather, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 late season games. I would much rather watch a game in the sun, in the fresh summer air, than in a shaded, covered dome...

Jan 15, 2007, 3:31 AM
To be honest, I am not a football fan, but I am a believer of Winnipeg! Those pictures above look wicked better than the originals! I live less than 10 minutes from the current stadium and anything/any investment is welcomed by me. Traffic will have to be better managed though (especially during Saturdays and Sundays), perhaps a partnership between Asper/Blue Bombers, Polo Park and the City? I was a bit disappointed when the proposed stadium "OUTSIDE Winnipeg but for Winnipeg" was "left alone", but I'm all in ditching that plan in favour of this one. Sam Katz (Mayor) won't have an excuse this time to not "help", since this time it's "IN Winnipeg for Winnipeg"! I have yet to see the video, but I shall do that right after this.

Reed Solomon
Jan 15, 2007, 3:36 AM
As a season ticket holder, I can only remember a few games over the last few years where one even needed to be protected from the elements. Most games are in 25 degree weather, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 late season games. I would much rather watch a game in the sun, in the fresh summer air, than in a shaded, covered dome...

Yes, but you're already going even with the current stadium. However, most people are not so forgiving as you are of weather conditions for a variety of reasons. Especially out of towners attending grey cup games in -40 weather. I'm not saying it has to be a covered dome, but clearly something more than whats been presented needs to be done to protect from the elements.

Jan 15, 2007, 4:30 AM
i wouldnt hold my breath for natural grass...even our supposed national soccer specific stadium in toronto is plastic....the only one in the MLS.

winnipeg needs more billionairres.....keep going aspers...get that museum built too!

now we need to convince the richardsons to buy an NHL team to keep pace with their rivals.

Jay in Cowtown
Jan 15, 2007, 4:41 AM
Here's hoping you get it built, Winnipeg... and set a precedent for the rest of the league.

I'd have no problem buying Stamps season tickets if they'd build something worth sitting in... untill that day, I'll keep spending my money flying to Houston, Seattle and Denver to watch live football games!

Greco Roman
Jan 15, 2007, 4:49 AM
Perhaps the whole lack of parking concept is meant to encourage people to use transit, but then again...................................maybe just bad planning for that aspect of the project is more likely.

Otherwise, kick-ass is what it is. You know it's of great quality when those from Canada's other large centres are praising Winnipeg lol

Jan 15, 2007, 4:51 AM
I like the location, the design is ok (what do i know about design), but am i looking at it right? Does that retail NOT have a huge parking lot in front of it? Good lord. Is that allowed in Polo Park-land?

Jan 15, 2007, 5:04 AM
From www.blueandgold.ca, there will be a two level, 2000 stall parkade and an integrated transit corridor and a bomber walk of fame, which are added bonuses. Hopefully the exit ramp will improve traffic flow in that area.

Jan 15, 2007, 5:12 AM
I think this new stadium design is quite elegant. Any word on whether it will be artificial or real grass?

It will be interesting to see how the tensioned fabric roof behaves with snow/wind loads in -30C temps... I hope they get a beefy warranty on the fabric ;).

I really hope this project goes through, but it does seem a bit grandiose in places. ] That elevated exit ramp will NEVER happen, and I think it's odd they even bothered with it in the proposal. My money is on that being the first thing dropped when the design gets more finalized[/COLOR].

That's what I was thinking too, wouldn't mind seeing it though.

Jan 15, 2007, 5:46 AM
That's what I was thinking too, wouldn't mind seeing it though.

it would be cool.

Jan 15, 2007, 7:37 AM
It looks better from this vantage point (the one we all end up seing :) )

still, I just can't get over the minimal effort to protect the fans from the elements. This IS Winnipeg after all.

I don't think that's a huge problem when it comes to climate. I think a bigger problem is where the stadium is accessed. I would like to see the built up area of the stadium extend further to the corners so that you don't get these wind-swept plazas. Maybe put some more retail, offices to make it more on a human scale

Jan 15, 2007, 3:30 PM
Congrats Winnipeg! looks first class!

Jan 15, 2007, 4:14 PM
As a season ticket holder, I can only remember a few games over the last few years where one even needed to be protected from the elements. Most games are in 25 degree weather, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 late season games. I would much rather watch a game in the sun, in the fresh summer air, than in a shaded, covered dome...


Only The Lonely..
Jan 15, 2007, 4:29 PM
*double post*

Only The Lonely..
Jan 15, 2007, 4:30 PM
i wouldnt hold my breath for natural grass...even our supposed national soccer specific stadium in toronto is plastic....the only one in the MLS.

winnipeg needs more billionairres.....keep going aspers...get that museum built too!

now we need to convince the richardsons to buy an NHL team to keep pace with their rivals.

That new Poly Turf that's making its way to professional sporting venues is something that leaves much to be desired. Apparently, it leaves the bottom of your shoes feeling sticky.

I follow horse racing quite closely, and for the last year and a half big American tracks with a turf course have switched over to this new type of racing surface.

Poly Turf has been known to cut up horses quite badly. What will happen is one horse will take the lead and kick up the artificial turf, throwing it in the eyes and ears of the horses behind the leader.

The other horses end up all cut and bloody.

In any case, I think Poly Turf is a fad.

Jan 15, 2007, 10:14 PM
This stadium would set the standard in Canada for CFL and soccer.

I bet Calgary would step up after jealousy sets in...:D

Jan 15, 2007, 10:21 PM
I love taylor field, but we badly need a new stadium :(

Jan 15, 2007, 10:28 PM
I also feel that the ballpark and mts centre do a good job of integrating into their surroundings, offering excellent concessions and places to mingle with other fans. This stadium doesn't seem to let people explore, it just seems to be a bunch of seats, and stairs, like the current stadium, and in the same location while serviceable Doesn't offer much of a view.

Granted, I have never been to Winnipeg, but isn't Polo Park a big-box shopping wasteland? I'm not really sure how or why you would want this stadium to "integrate" into that. Are you looking for a direct connection from your seat to Costco or Best Buy?

Greco Roman
Jan 15, 2007, 10:58 PM
It has come to my attention that the Bombers have also put out a proposal for a new stadium. Has anyone else hear about this?

Jan 15, 2007, 11:52 PM
It has come to my attention that the Bombers have also put out a proposal for a new stadium. Has anyone else hear about this?
um... this is the proposal for the bombers :P

Greco Roman
Jan 16, 2007, 12:11 AM
um... this is the proposal for the bombers :P

This is David Asper's proposal. The club itself has a seperate one on the table.

Jan 16, 2007, 12:23 AM
very nice...hope it comes through!

Greco Roman
Jan 16, 2007, 12:26 AM
Well, now the fed's are saying that there might not be enough $ for both the Human Rights Museum and the Stadium, so who knows. I'm sure if this were taking place in Alberta or Ontario, we would hear the conservatives singing a different tune.

Jan 16, 2007, 1:19 AM
it's an amazing looking stadium, but the architect must not be a football fan. It's much better to have upper decks on each side of the field than to have the seating equally spread around the whole bowl, which results in tons of crappy endzone seats

Jan 16, 2007, 1:28 AM
it's an amazing looking stadium, but the architect must not be a football fan. It's much better to have upper decks on each side of the field than to have the seating equally spread around the whole bowl, which results in tons of crappy endzone seats

I'm not sure if I agree with that. Having everybody so close to the field should result in a great atmosphere and a significant home field advantage.

Jan 16, 2007, 2:19 AM
Wow. Huge news for Winnipeg, I'm really looking forward to the development of this project. The planning and organization of the business proposal seems very sensible and well organized. The design proposal is another matter. I just can't believe that Ray Wan is the arch. of record....I have yet to see anything come out of his office that was even remotely good, in any sense of the word...The same applies for the images released on this project. The entire thing is ridiculous. Its my belief that this 'design' is merely a marketing image. I would be extremely surprised if the final design even remotely resembled this image. I'm holding out hope that HOK (the design architect contracted for the project) will commandeer the design and produce something of value.

An interesting facet of this project is the opportunity we now have to continue our development in the realm of 'environmental architecture'....As a provincially funded project, the new stadium will be required to achieve a LEEDs silver rating. No small feet for a project of this size and program.

Jan 16, 2007, 2:30 AM
This is David Asper's proposal. The club itself has a seperate one on the table.

I believe the Winnipeg Football Club/Red River Ex proposal was the one that Viking was working on. Being located outside the perimeter was a bit of a non starter.

Polo Park isn't the traditional big box wasteland. It's a transitioning industrial neighbourhood not far from the centre of the city - not a typical big box development on the periphery. There's hope for it.

Jan 16, 2007, 2:44 AM
I believe the Winnipeg Football Club/Red River Ex proposal was the one that Viking was working on. Being located outside the perimeter was a bit of a non starter.

Polo Park isn't the traditional big box wasteland. It's a transitioning industrial neighbourhood not far from the centre of the city - not a typical big box development on the periphery. There's hope for it.
yes i think that was the one he was working on didn't viking go to europe to get some ideas for the roof... if i recall corectly he was talking about wood beams :cool:

Jan 16, 2007, 2:51 AM
Polo Park isn't the traditional big box wasteland. It's a transitioning industrial neighbourhood not far from the centre of the city - not a typical big box development on the periphery. There's hope for it.

That's one way of looking at it. Another is how Prof. Christopher Leo did in his essay "The twiglight zone of city zoning regulations":
The Polo Park area illustrates the traffic nightmare that can result from a massive lack of infrastructure upgrades. Much of the area is zoned for industrial uses, though over time the general area has shifted from one of industrial concentration to one of commercial concentration. Given that the City is unable to levy development charges on projects that do not go through rezoning, the permissiveness of industrial zoning districts in the zoning code has meant that most of the redevelopment to commercial use around Polo Park has gone ahead without developers covering the cost of needed infrastructure upgrades. An area that once had infrastructure adequate for industrial operations now must deal with high-volume traffic generated by a strong commercial presence with roughly the same facilities. This congestion is hurting the industrial operations that remain, and also creates an unsafe environment for motorists.

In otherwords, it's a dangerous and costly clusterfuck of big box retail, light industry, and bad Winnipeg drivers that is to be avoided at all costs.

Jan 16, 2007, 3:00 AM
That's one way of looking at it. Another is how Prof. Christopher Leo did in his essay "The twiglight zone of city zoning regulations":

In otherwords, it's a dangerous and costly clusterfuck of big box retail, light industry, and bad Winnipeg drivers that is to be avoided at all costs.

lol i go near that area alot its crazy how heavy the traffic is needs some one ways in there.......

Greco Roman
Jan 16, 2007, 3:26 AM
I believe the Winnipeg Football Club/Red River Ex proposal was the one that Viking was working on. Being located outside the perimeter was a bit of a non starter.

Polo Park isn't the traditional big box wasteland. It's a transitioning industrial neighbourhood not far from the centre of the city - not a typical big box development on the periphery. There's hope for it.

The club actually put forth a proposal to be built on the same site as CanadInns stadium, differing from the ex-grounds. It's posted on New Winnipeg under the new stadium thread.

Jasper and one o nin
Jan 16, 2007, 4:57 AM
That is great.. good on Winnipeg.
Why dont you give the Canadinns stadium to halifax so they can get a CFL team

Jan 16, 2007, 5:16 AM
That's one way of looking at it. Another is how Prof. Christopher Leo did in his essay "The twiglight zone of city zoning regulations":

In otherwords, it's a dangerous and costly clusterfuck of big box retail, light industry, and bad Winnipeg drivers that is to be avoided at all costs.

Sheesh. So what if traffic is a little slower and lanes a little narrower. Generally I think that is a desirable thing. Are you suggesting we need to make this neighbourhood more car friendly? There are actually sidewalks and bus service in this part of town. Lots of big box clusters can't say the same thing. Industry was leaving this part of town for many reasons. We should be happy we were able to attract an alternative.

Jan 16, 2007, 5:31 AM
This one seems abit interesting.

The Winnipeg Football Club for the past five to six years has taken steps to develop a long-term strategy to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of professional football in Winnipeg.

Inherent in those deliberations has been consideration of the need for either a new or upgraded facility and the creation of additional sources of revenue for the team.

The board of directors had previously made a decision to retain architectural consultants and financial consultants with a view to preparing and delivering to interested parties a request or expression of interest relating to the development or re-development of the current stadium site.

This process was initiated several months ago and we’re pleased to present this update on the status of the project.

With the recent success of the football club both on and off the field, the time is right to consider this initiative. The football club will soon issue a call for proposals to prospective partners regarding this proposed project.

The board and management of the Winnipeg Football Club believe it’s in the best interests of the organization and its fans to work towards providing a first class facility and thereby ensure the future of Winnipeg Blue Bombers football in the community for many years to come. Listed below are details of what the proposed redevelopment might look like.

Please bear in mind, this is just one of many possible designs for a redeveloped Canad Inns Stadium.

The Winnipeg Football Club

Retail / Commercial / Sports venue integration
The Stadium Site re-development initiative builds on the history of the original stadium with a novel concept for an integrated commercial/retail and sports venue.

Game day excitement
The excitement of game day will build around the highly accessible and visible commercial/retail shops and the newly landscaped Stadium Plaza.

Pre-game atmosphere
Imagine walking down St. James before the big game while the teams’ warm-up exercises are projected onto giant screens mounted on surrounding buildings, or the excited crowds of early-bird fans in the many bars and restaurants flanking the new ‘Bomber Mile’ plaza.

New Luxury boxes
For those who enjoy the social atmosphere of a private box, the new development is crowned by a new commercial/retail complex and potential hotel, which will house 20 new luxury boxes.

Approach and entrance to Stadium
Approaching the stadium will be an exciting new experience. To the south, the Stadium Plaza will welcome fans with a vibrant atmosphere enhanced by the Jumbotron screen and ticket kiosks. The fans excitement will build as they ascend to the elevated secondary entrances, which present a breathtaking view of the playing field below.

Winter activities
In the winter, the playing field will be transformed into a large-scale skating rink of unequalled grandeur in Winnipeg. This location will be a beloved community meeting place during the cold months and will attract an eager crowd of shoppers and diners to the adjacent commercial venues and restaurants.

Activities during no-game days
The hotel and retail/commercial areas will be lively all-year round. Attractive shops and a wide variety of restaurants will draw visitors of all ages. Conferences, fairs, and exhibitions at the hotel may expand into the various plazas, providing for a more lively meeting experience.

Relationship of stadium and surrounding area
The stadium is integrated into the scale of the surrounding area, creating a welcoming atmosphere for potential visitors and tourists in the street.

Spectacular NEW glass roof
The beautiful new glass roof over the bleachers, extending north to south beyond the seating area, provides shelter for the plazas. Visitors will marvel at the bright, light glass and metal structure that shows off our prairie sky to its best.

Upgraded seats
The upgraded and expanded seating area will welcome up to 30,000 visitors, providing them with a comfortable and modern vista from which they can take in the game. The washroom facilities will be upgraded in a similarly modern, clean style.

Upgraded concessions
Fans will appreciate the delicious new offerings and traditional favourites at the new concession areas.

Club seating
VIP guests will gather in the expanded club-seating area, which will seat 3,000 special visitors.

State-of-the-art Video and Sound System
The avid sports fan will be greeted at the entrances by the high-quality new audio and visual systems, which are also spread throughout the stadium, ensuring the ultimate in sports excitement.

Surface parking and underground parking
Hotel, commercial/retail and stadium parking will accommodate 1,000 guests in surface and underground parking, allowing for easy arrival and departure.





Jan 16, 2007, 5:33 AM
Sheesh. So what if traffic is a little slower and lanes a little narrower. Generally I think that is a desirable thing. Are you suggesting we need to make this neighbourhood more car friendly? There are actually sidewalks and bus service in this part of town. Lots of big box clusters can't say the same thing. Industry was leaving this part of town for many reasons. We should be happy we were able to attract an alternative.

Wow, remind me never to diss suburban big-box wastelands on the Winnipeg threads again...

Jan 16, 2007, 5:37 AM
That is great.. good on Winnipeg.
Why dont you give the Canadinns stadium to halifax so they can get a CFL team

the bisions get first dibs

Jan 16, 2007, 5:37 AM
berzerkled, I had just noticed those drawing from the Bomber home page.
I guess they must represent the Bomber vision.
So I guess the question now will be which design to people prefer?

Jan 16, 2007, 5:48 AM
This one seems abit interesting.

The Winnipeg Football Club for the past five to six years has taken steps to develop a long-term strategy to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of professional football in Winnipeg.

Inherent in those deliberations has been consideration of the need for either a new or upgraded facility and the creation of additional sources of revenue for the team.

The board of directors had previously made a decision to retain architectural consultants and financial consultants with a view to preparing and delivering to interested parties a request or expression of interest relating to the development or re-development of the current stadium site.

This process was initiated several months ago and we’re pleased to present this update on the status of the project.

With the recent success of the football club both on and off the field, the time is right to consider this initiative. The football club will soon issue a call for proposals to prospective partners regarding this proposed project.

The board and management of the Winnipeg Football Club believe it’s in the best interests of the organization and its fans to work towards providing a first class facility and thereby ensure the future of Winnipeg Blue Bombers football in the community for many years to come. Listed below are details of what the proposed redevelopment might look like.

Please bear in mind, this is just one of many possible designs for a redeveloped Canad Inns Stadium.

The Winnipeg Football Club

Retail / Commercial / Sports venue integration
The Stadium Site re-development initiative builds on the history of the original stadium with a novel concept for an integrated commercial/retail and sports venue.

Game day excitement
The excitement of game day will build around the highly accessible and visible commercial/retail shops and the newly landscaped Stadium Plaza.

Pre-game atmosphere
Imagine walking down St. James before the big game while the teams’ warm-up exercises are projected onto giant screens mounted on surrounding buildings, or the excited crowds of early-bird fans in the many bars and restaurants flanking the new ‘Bomber Mile’ plaza.

New Luxury boxes
For those who enjoy the social atmosphere of a private box, the new development is crowned by a new commercial/retail complex and potential hotel, which will house 20 new luxury boxes.

Approach and entrance to Stadium
Approaching the stadium will be an exciting new experience. To the south, the Stadium Plaza will welcome fans with a vibrant atmosphere enhanced by the Jumbotron screen and ticket kiosks. The fans excitement will build as they ascend to the elevated secondary entrances, which present a breathtaking view of the playing field below.

Winter activities
In the winter, the playing field will be transformed into a large-scale skating rink of unequalled grandeur in Winnipeg. This location will be a beloved community meeting place during the cold months and will attract an eager crowd of shoppers and diners to the adjacent commercial venues and restaurants.

Activities during no-game days
The hotel and retail/commercial areas will be lively all-year round. Attractive shops and a wide variety of restaurants will draw visitors of all ages. Conferences, fairs, and exhibitions at the hotel may expand into the various plazas, providing for a more lively meeting experience.

Relationship of stadium and surrounding area
The stadium is integrated into the scale of the surrounding area, creating a welcoming atmosphere for potential visitors and tourists in the street.

Spectacular NEW glass roof
The beautiful new glass roof over the bleachers, extending north to south beyond the seating area, provides shelter for the plazas. Visitors will marvel at the bright, light glass and metal structure that shows off our prairie sky to its best.

Upgraded seats
The upgraded and expanded seating area will welcome up to 30,000 visitors, providing them with a comfortable and modern vista from which they can take in the game. The washroom facilities will be upgraded in a similarly modern, clean style.

Upgraded concessions
Fans will appreciate the delicious new offerings and traditional favourites at the new concession areas.

Club seating
VIP guests will gather in the expanded club-seating area, which will seat 3,000 special visitors.

State-of-the-art Video and Sound System
The avid sports fan will be greeted at the entrances by the high-quality new audio and visual systems, which are also spread throughout the stadium, ensuring the ultimate in sports excitement.

Surface parking and underground parking
Hotel, commercial/retail and stadium parking will accommodate 1,000 guests in surface and underground parking, allowing for easy arrival and departure.





holy shit!

Jan 16, 2007, 5:49 AM
I'll vote for the one that can actually get built.

Somehow I doubt it will be the one with the glass atrium covering the stands...

Jan 16, 2007, 6:22 AM
Regardless of which one gets built, it will probably go through numerous design changes, much like the MTS Centre did. The key is that something gets built that will be a significant improvement over the existing one.

Reed Solomon
Jan 16, 2007, 7:03 AM


Weird, but neat. I'd assume the glass roof's would be plexiglass, but an interesting contrast to the Asper proposal. I think if they combined some of the ideas they'd get the ideal stadium.

Plus it'd be nice if it were possible to design it so that adding a roof some time in the distant future would be relatively simple.

Jan 16, 2007, 7:10 AM
Regardless of which one gets built, it will probably go through numerous design changes, much like the MTS Centre did. The key is that something gets built that will be a significant improvement over the existing one.

probly :P

man i loved drafting class at tec voc we got to see some sweet stuff... g 3d model for mts center:tup: and later drawings.......... tour of number 10 and smith carter:cool: curious does viking have a cubical in the midle or an office to himself?

Jan 16, 2007, 7:19 AM
Home news CJOB News
Governments Non-Committal So Far on Stadium
JAN 15 2007 02:20 PM
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Premier Gary Doer is not making any commitments towards business mogul David Asper's proposal to build a new football stadium in Winnipeg.

Asper is offering to build a new 145 million dollar facility with 80 million of the bill being paid for, by the Province and Ottawa.

Premier Gary Doer is taking a cautious approach towards the proposal.

(play audio)

Treasury Board President and Manitoba MP Vic Toews says his government has yet to receive a formal funding request.

CJOB's Jeff Keele reporting.

now if some one would dam well releas the feazibility study the bombers had done............

Greco Roman
Jan 16, 2007, 2:53 PM
Home news CJOB News
Governments Non-Committal So Far on Stadium
JAN 15 2007 02:20 PM
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Premier Gary Doer is not making any commitments towards business mogul David Asper's proposal to build a new football stadium in Winnipeg.

Asper is offering to build a new 145 million dollar facility with 80 million of the bill being paid for, by the Province and Ottawa.

Premier Gary Doer is taking a cautious approach towards the proposal.

(play audio)

Treasury Board President and Manitoba MP Vic Toews says his government has yet to receive a formal funding request.

CJOB's Jeff Keele reporting.

now if some one would dam well releas the feazibility study the bombers had done............

Again, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. That is why I have my doubts that this thing may get built in the near futur, if at all.

Jan 16, 2007, 3:23 PM
there will be no formal funding requests until the bombers okay the "takeover"

Jan 16, 2007, 3:41 PM
Asper - 30 000 - 40 000 seats
Bomber - 30 000 seats

Source of Financial Stability for the Bombers
Asper - Retail development along Empress
Bomber - Retail development within and a Hotel (20 Storeys)

Total On-site Parking
Asper - 2000 Stall Parking (2 level Parkade)
Bomber - Can Accomodate up to 1000 guests (Surface and Underground)

Interuptions to Football Seasons
Asper - No
Bomber - ???

Asper - Right up against St. James
Bomber - From renderings, the stadium looks like it will be built in the existing position

Non-Game Day Activities
Asper - Retail/Commercial
Bomber - Retail/Commercial, Hotel functions, and Skating Rink (Winter)

Roof (Though both stadiums are only partially covered)
Asper - Looks like some kind of fabric (Not transparent) --- perhaps taken from the BC Lions' stadium
Bomber - Glass (of amazing strength) - Can view the "prairie sky" as Bomber Board of Directors say

Anticipated "First Kick-off"
Asper - Fall 2008
Bomber - ???

Asper - From Public into "his"
Bomber - ??? (Most likely to remain public)

Cost and Funding
Asper - 120 million (40 Feds, 40 Province, 65 Asper)
Bomber - ??? (I would expect it to include public-tax money since the bombers have just recovered from millions of dollars in debt)

Asper - Bomber "Walk of Fame", overpass to Ness Avenue, Integrated Transit Corridor
Bomber - Giant Television Screens along St. James showing how the teams are warming up for the game

Some Numbers and Figures
Asper - 217 000 sq. ft. retail space (2 floors), 23 000 sq. ft restaurant pad, 13 concession stands, 24 private suites
Bomber - 429 815 sq. ft. retail/office space (4 floors), 594 400 sq. ft. hotel (20 storeys), 40 304 sq. ft. "boxes" (2 storeys)

My Opinion
Mr. Asper has put a lot of work into his proposal, not to mention the cash and his plan has fewer ??? in comparision to the Bomber Board of Directors' Plan. The BBOD don't really have not released any dates or sources of funding/ cost figures. However, both plans have cool ideas. I really like the "walk of fame" and the winter ice rink. I'm not really in favour of a 20 storey hotel at the stadium, but apprecitate the commercial development. Seems as though the BBOD traded on site parking for that hotel and larger commercial/retail spaces. Both materials in the roof have pros and cons. The glass gives the stadium openness but not shade and vice versa for the Asper's roof. As for overall design/appeal....I'd say I would have to go with Asper's, it looks more modern. If I missed any important comparision, feel free to add on.

Information taken from www.blueandgold.ca and http://www.bluebombers.com/

Jan 16, 2007, 4:10 PM
.......... tour of number 10 and smith carter:cool: curious does viking have a cubical in the midle or an office to himself?

Hey viking, how much do you pay this guy?

Jan 16, 2007, 4:22 PM
I would take the bomber proposal hands down over the asper proposal. No comparison.
Glass roofs aren't actually all that uncommon, but likely in the end a polycarbonate panel would be chosen, which is cheaper, lighter, more durable, but slightly less transparent. (similar to what was done for the Athens Olympic stadium)

Jan 16, 2007, 6:11 PM
*sniff sniff* yep. smells like a bid to help bring the 2018 FIFA World Cup to Canada and have games in Winnipeg. (or maybe thats just cause i'm soccer mad right now).

i prefer the Asper's design to the Bombers design, but either one would be amazing.

Jan 17, 2007, 5:33 AM
i applaud asper for his proposal the retail componant is awesome and the manitoba and blue bomber hall of fame is a nice touch and a Permanent “be a player” fan-interactive exhibition.

though I think there will be cost overruns. And his projected construction date seems odd. The site proposed is obviouisly doable.

I would of liked of seen the endzones covered as well not just the east and west side grandstands and have a hotel and waterpark tied to it

However as a downtown booster I wish it would be more downtown like by waterfont off higgins. Or better yet make it skydome by having the convention centre and true north have a partnership in it and built it close to convention centre to stage more exhibitons and what not. A parternship means more money off tax payers hands. Heck add VLTS to it to strenghthen the deal. Maybe the city can trade the polopark site or strike a deal to build it downtown.

Heck if hells freezes over we can have the jets play in front of 30-40,000 fans cheer for the hockey team come playoff time.

Actualy with the dome they could probably make an olympic ice oval in the in the winter and golf dome (for drives), and track and field, tennis courts and a soccer field.

Jan 17, 2007, 5:47 AM
Hey viking, how much do you pay this guy?


Jan 17, 2007, 5:08 PM
I sure hope one or the other gets built. I think they should go for 40,000 seats or more, with a design which would allow for temporary seats to incerase seating. I wish they would enclose it but I guess that would be too much for construction and ongoing operation.

Well done Winnipeg, now go for it!

Jan 17, 2007, 5:58 PM
I think both designs are great, but I like the bomber one more.

More seating on the sidelines and less in the endzone = better football experience.

Also, I don't think having 40,000 perminent seats is a good idea. If they go with the larger capacity, then the Bombers had better be able to fill all 40,000 seats every game, because there's nothing worse than going to a football game in a huge stadium that's half empty *cough cough* Toronto. Absolutely no atmosphere

The bomber proposal is better because it has less seating, but can be expanded if the demand is there

Only The Lonely..
Jan 17, 2007, 8:31 PM
I think both designs are great, but I like the bomber one more.

More seating on the sidelines and less in the endzone = better football experience.

Also, I don't think having 40,000 perminent seats is a good idea. If they go with the larger capacity, then the Bombers had better be able to fill all 40,000 seats every game, because there's nothing worse than going to a football game in a huge stadium that's half empty *cough cough* Toronto. Absolutely no atmosphere

The bomber proposal is better because it has less seating, but can be expanded if the demand is there

We get a new Quarterback, and we could fill 40,000 seats easy.

Reed Solomon
Jan 17, 2007, 11:30 PM
We get a new Quarterback, and we could fill 40,000 seats easy.

I agree. 40,000 is easy to fill especially with it being a new stadium. There are a LOT of bomber fans not going to games now just because they hate the current stadium. Some who wouldn't mind a domed stadium.

Personally I think if they don't build a dome, the final design they choose should make some sort of dome/roof addition far off in the future do-able without rebuilding from scratch again.

Jan 17, 2007, 11:38 PM
I agree. 40,000 is easy to fill especially with it being a new stadium. There are a LOT of bomber fans not going to games now just because they hate the current stadium. Some who wouldn't mind a domed stadium.

Personally I think if they don't build a dome, the final design they choose should make some sort of dome/roof addition far off in the future do-able without rebuilding from scratch again.

somehow that makes alot of sense are u from winnipeg:tup: lol

Jan 17, 2007, 11:49 PM
I agree. 40,000 is easy to fill especially with it being a new stadium. There are a LOT of bomber fans not going to games now just because they hate the current stadium. Some who wouldn't mind a domed stadium.

Personally I think if they don't build a dome, the final design they choose should make some sort of dome/roof addition far off in the future do-able without rebuilding from scratch again.

fans that refuse to go to the game because they don't like the stadium? Sounds like bandwagon fans to me :jester: