
Shangri-La Hotel & Residences

1128 West Georgia Street
Vancouver BC Canada

Construction Dates
Floor Count60
Basement Floors6
Units / Rooms419
Building Uses
 - mixed use
 - hotel
 - residential
 - retail
Structural Types
 - highrise
 - lowrise

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Structure659 ftUnconfirmed
Window washing crane
Roof646 ftArchitect's plans
Mechanical Penthouse
Lower roof629 ftArchitect's plans
Excluding fins and Mech. Penthouse
Sky garden449 ftArchitect's plans
Bottom floor of the three sky gardens. 450 feet, the previous height limit in the city, the same height as the top of the glass of 1 Wall Centre
Sea level-105 ftArchitect's plans
Switch heights to

Architect: James K.M. Cheng Architects Inc. - jamescheng.com

Developer: Westbank Projects Corp. - westbankcorp.com

• 119 room Shangri-La Hotel at 1128 West Georgia Street
• 300 apartment Shangri-La Residences at 1111 Alberni Street
• Project publicly anounced May 2003.
• Includes Vancouver's first public sculpture garden.
• This building has a triangular floorplate, due to a view cone restriction that cuts right through the middle of the site, leaving only a triangle where a 183m (600ft) building is permissible.

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