
Astro Hill Complex

Iqaluit NU Canada

Floor Count7
Building Uses
 - mixed use
 - government
 - office
 - restaurant
 - retail
 - theatre
 - fitness center
Structural Types
 - lowrise

• This is the tallest building in Nunavut.

• The complex contains varies, such like:
- Frobisher Inn.
- Gallery Restaurant and Conference Centre.
- Carabew Café.
- Valuepharm Phamacy.
- Iqaluit Swimming Pool.
- Maries Movie Rental.
- Nunavut Sports Clothing.
- Astro Theater.
- Store House Bar & Grill.
- Quick Stop Convenience.

• It is home to several departments of the Nunavut governments which contains: Liquor Licenses, Income Support, Informatics Planning & Service, Capital Planning,
Procurements & Contract Service & Legal Registries.

• Locally known as "the 8 Storey Highrise" to distinguish it from the next 6-storey building, just now beginning to establish streets and addresses such as 'mail address to a person living at "the 8 storey highrise, Iqaluit, NWT' could arrive at this building.

• Maybe the most remote new stablishment highrise over the world.

• Wikimapia: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&ie=UTF8&q=Gallery+Restaurant+and+Conference+Centre+Iqaluit&ll=63.75631,-68.511257&spn=0.033627,0.083942&t=h&z=13&iwloc=A

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