
Grand Hotel

1 Chung Shan North Road Section 4 中山北
Taipei Taiwan

Construction Dates
Floor Count12
Units / Rooms500
Building Uses
 - hotel
 - conference
 - restaurant
Structural Types
 - highrise

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Roof285 ft
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Located on a hill overlooking Taipei, this hotel, built by the government as a place for foriegn dignitaries to stay. It is currently under private management but is still government owned. Although still Taiwan's most prestigious hotel, its remote location away from the business area and transportation facilities have made it uncompetitive with newer downtown hotels.

The inside of the building is equally ornately decoratd, however there is no central atrium inside and some of the interior guest rooms lack windows. These rooms, by the way, due to their lack of windows are very reasonably priced for a five-star hotel.

There is also a large addition behind the main building that contains more rooms as well as conference and recreational facilities. This addition is in the same style.

A fire broke out in the upper floors during a construction accident in 1995. The hotel reopened 1998.

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