

1100 East Capitol Drive
Shorewood WI United States

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - communication
Structural Types
 - truss tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Antenna1081 ftFCC (Federal Communications Commission)
Roof988 ftN. P. Melnikov. Antenna structures. Moscow, 1969
p. 16
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- At the time of its completion, this was one of the tallest, freestanding lattice towers in the world.

- To make the tower a landmark, 2000, 25 watt lights were installed on the tower in October of 1963, and was coined the "Milwaukee's Tower of Light."

- The lights were used until the energy crisis of the 1973-74, when the viwers suggested that they be turned off.

- The lights were finally removed in 2003.

- Photo: http://gallery.bostonradio.org/2004-07/mke/100-02077-lrg.jpg

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