
Banyan in Chimney

Baihu Village, Xiaolou Town, Zencheng District
Guangzhou GD China

Floor Count1
Building Uses
 - unused
Structural Types
 - lowrise
 - chimney

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Roof52 ftwww.ycwb.com
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In 1982, careful villagers found a plant grown on the top of the useless chimney, thought at that time it was the grass, later, the `grass` grew biger and biger, villagers found that it was the little banyan, they estimated bird took the seed to the chimney top, the seed took root and grew up slowly unexpectedly.

Now, the very large branches and leaves cover the chimney top entirely, it seems one enormous `chimney umbrella`, local villagers hope to develop the `Banyan in Chimney` into a scenic spot, attract visitors.

This house and chimney originally was a starch mill, after the mill went bankrupt and stopped production in 1980, only the brick house and chimney stay.

Info from: Yangcheng Evening News, June 20,2004

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