
Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Kobe Japan

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - transportation
 - mechanical
Structural Types
 - bridge

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Roof975 ftjb-honshi.co.jp/bridgeworld/img/bridge01_en.png
Top deck point319 ft-"-
Deck at pylons266 ftUnconfirmed
Clearance216 ftwikipedia article
Deck at anchors174 ftjb-honshi.co.jp/bridgeworld/img/bridge01_en.png
Caisson top33 ft-"-
Water0 ftUnconfirmed
Caisson base-197 ft-"-
Kobe side
Switch heights to

• Design: Satoshi Kashima
• Spans length: 960 + 1991 + 960
• Longest suspension bridge in the world
• World's tallest bridge till 2004
• Main span was planned as 1990 m long, but earthquake in 1995 moved one pylon and increased the distance between pylons

Wikipedia Entry

Structurae Entry

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