
Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo

Praça da Sé s/n
Sao Paulo SP Brazil

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - religious
Structural Types
 - church

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire318 ftWikipedia
Tops of Crosses
Roof302 ft''
Tops of the Roofs
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• Architect: Maximiliano Hehl.

• Site Area: 5300 m².

• German Architect projected it in 1912. Not all structures were finished and concluded in 1954, such towers and spires. Most of them in the renovation in 2002 was reviewed and finally done.

• Length × Width: 111 meters × 46 meters

• The magistral dome is 30m high. The Nelson column is 56m high and Liberdade Statue 93m high.

• The construction of the cathedral began on 1913, and was finished in the IV Centenary of São Paulo foundation at 25 January 1954.

• The cathedral is the largest in São Paulo city, and one of the largest gothic-styled cathedrals in the world,
with a capacity of 8000 worshipers.

• 800 tons of marble was used in the construction of the cathedral, and it contains one of the largest organs in Latin America imported from Milan Italy. The interior is elegant with drawings in vitral of José Wasth Rodrigues executed from Casa Conrado. The wood doors of jacarandá-da-baía were made in 'Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo'. Behind the main altar dedicated to Nossa Senhora da Assunção is the organ. The lateral altars of São Paulo and Santa Ana were composed in mosaics.

• The crypt is death home to many famous persons including Cacique Tibiriçá Indian and the Padre Diogo Antônio Feijó among other bishops.

• In 1999 the building was closed due to a brick fall near the nave inside the church for small repairs. The cathedral underwent a complete and extensive renovation that began in 2000 and completed in 2002 at a cost of R$ 19.5 million. The renovation was necessary due to deterioration of fisical stability, movement of structure, fissures, water infiltration, insect attacks in wood parts and vitral poor conditions in addition to completation the original project and area review for other functions not only religious.

• Some spires of original project would be in deep tranlucid blue glas with inside lights for more outside contrast.

• The imense artistic objects like sculptures, mosaics, furniture among many diverse stones work in religious sense required an inventary and catalogue collection of all instruments. Also some visit groups inclusive in dome for tourists is in project of renovation thought. In the site had an old very smaller church destroyed to give place this one. Inspired from European capitals, mayors like Antônio Prado and Raymundo Duprat promoted modifications in centre area. The french urbanist Bouvard replanned the centre, destroying a lot of old colonial houses and giving place to square and imponent public buildings.

• 92 bells sound again after renovation.

• The church is Mark '0' in city which all streets in city has a reference to it, beginning all count numbers to the nearest point to this square and increasing to farest outside point.

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Wikipedia Entry (Portuguese)

Structurae Entry

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